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Erotic Story Contest 1 ( New Year’s Resolution ) OT

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    Janine, wether we want to incorporate something from AChat design, wether it is a pose or an outfit/room/background, is something open to suggestion.

    A pose would have to be usuable for all orientations. Though with a bit of fantasie, any pose can be transferred to all orientations I think. Depenedig on what room the A-team is developing (more rooms are on the design list if I recall correct), we can maybe decide at a later point wether to incorporate it into the contest. Though I do like the idea.. The deck of a ship is a good idea for a new room… or maybe we should call them environments?

    Concluding, we have 3 options so far. 1 suggestionf ro a theme, one suggestion to use something that is developed by AChat, or a combination of the two.. Incoprporating a design by the a-team into the theme has my preference.. For me, it is easier to write a story based on an underlaying theme..


    One thought…. perhaps the A-Team wants to give a theme or the setting?


    good point Lover…..let's see if tom or susy have some theme for us too!


    lol, one thing I know for sure.. a log cabin on a snowy hill does not really match the timing of the contestn, not the first proposed theme…


    hehe tight it sure reminds me of a rp we did  which i think we are still stuck in that cabin never did get out of there or got rescued after that blizzard made us seek shelter lol


    as far as I remember, the helicopter with te rescue crew was just landing… but they haven't broken down the door yet and found us naked..


    lol… well one of the stories I had considered went along that similar theme…

    Still have a few pages of the winter horseman about…


    oh right my bad lol but tight maybe we can discover a secret passage and escape from them so we can stay in the cabin even longer hehe


    or get caught again next time we go on a hike…

    But to return to subject, I would too like to hear if the dev-team want a say in this, or want to make a suggestion. As fasr as they told me (thank you Suzy), they do not have any manpower available to organise the contest. I do hope they will share something with us, being the sponsor of the whole thing..


    i would love to go on another hike with you tight just better watch out for all the wild animals roaming the woods lol


    mmm.. Love Boat theme?

    You mean like a cruise near the Tuscan coast? : Maybe something with an underwater oral theme or “sex in a lifeboat”? 😮


    or get caught again next time we go on a hike…

    But to return to subject, I would too like to hear if the dev-team want a say in this, or want to make a suggestion. As fasr as they told me (thank you Suzy), they do not have any manpower available to organise the contest. I do hope they will share something with us, being the sponsor of the whole thing..

    I think the next contest's deadline should be somewhere in the summer. We would prefer it organized by core members, similar as the last one.
    Hopefully, in this longer timespan, many participants will have enough time to create the stories.


    mmm.. Love Boat theme?

    You mean like a cruise near the Tuscan coast? : Maybe something with an underwater oral theme or “sex in a lifeboat”? 😮

    well, west, this is a really bad story………as an italian citizen i'm not proud about what happend for the fault of the captain of the ship

    @Susy: thank for it. so, now we can start to organized it in detail!


    When I suggested the boat theme… it has been before the bad accident. Don't wanna laugh about such a bad story.

    @hb The captain is a criminal! I hope he gets the right punishment. BUT that doesn't mean all italian citizen are criminals. What I notice for now (in Germany) there is an unique separation and not a generalization.

    Ok, green light from the A-Team. Tight, do you wanna start to organize it?


    mmmh, from how i heard, he risk 15 years of jail. well, anyway his career is ended!

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