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Erotic Story Contest 1 ( New Year’s Resolution ) OT

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Home Forums Contests Erotic Story Contest 1 ( New Year’s Resolution ) OT

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    Janine Dee

    I study Latin, and one of the biggest things I learned was that translation was more then simply submitting a word in one language for a word in the other. Which would essentially be what a translator program does, BUT it should be able to get it to the point where a native speaker could smooth it out.


    I use a translator often to find words I can incorporate in my stories. I am not a native speaker, like you Hentai. I have studied english for a long time in school and talking online very often in english, does help a lot. Still, I am learning every day and I write down words that I come across, that have a certain… 'ring' to it. My last word was gyrating, gyroscope..

    Janine, I think your idea is wonderful. A connection between AChat and the contest could draw a bigger crowd to the stories, and could enhance the sales of the newly developed item/room. So it would depend on the a-team what the underlaying theme is. But I am open for any idea really that could give shape to a new contest.

    I would like some feedback from the a-team themselves. They are sponsoring the contest and I am curious if they consider this to be a succes and if they are open for a new contest in the (near) future. Suzy, maybe you can comment on that? I'd appreciate that very much.

    Janine Dee

    I think that the biggest difficulty of this Contest was that the forum is still under-promoted. I am going to open a thread on the Share board about ways to promote the forum more, though a story contest is a good one I think it's based on some interest already existing. I'm hoping we'll brainstorm ways we can get people here in the first place.


    Writing in English isn't much harder than Swedish for me, though I have to check the spelling at times and sometimes I have a word at the tip of my tongue but I can't remember it. What I find to be the biggest hurdle is what to write, once I got something to write it's easy. My lack of inspiration was one reason, why I didn't write a story of my own for the contest.

    Other than that I try to spend time making the story easier to read, formatting the text is important or it'll be hard on the reader.


    Bravo Janine!!!!!!

    It took me 3 weeks of being a member of AChat to find the forum and I did that by looking at everything on the page the shop is on. It should be promoted more so we can have more input from members. As stated befoe, we need a link in the AChat software to the forum. At least send messages to users of its existence.

    And yes I think future contests would promote the forum and increase users.


    I fully support you in your efforts Janine. I have always found that there should be more interaction between the developers and their customers. The webiste, including and foremost the forum a perfect way to establish that.



    I just received confirmation from Suzy, that the A-team will support a next erotic story contest, if we decide to organize one.
    I want to express my thanks one more time to the team. Thanks a lot for supporting our efforts!

    This also means that we can decide on a new contest, maybe somehwre near the summer?
    A contest with longer time to prepare stories and enter them, and maybe with a longer period of voting?
    All ideas are welcome…


    sounds interessing……a summer contest! at the moment i'm working on two different project: some pics based on two my old sketch and try to write a story my self, but if this gonna be a long term contest, it will be nice to give a try on it.

    Janine Dee

    Barring the unseen I'm in.


    Don't know if i can especially if it is summer since that is my busiest time of the year it seems.


    Chuckles.. maybe I'll hold off posting my long delayed entry…or there again ,maybe not…

    All I can say is maybe…though a summer contest would be nice. Discussing themes might be a good point right now….
    Vacation fantasy?


    You can write your story now and just wait til the conest is open. Then all you have to do is to count your votes

    @Bear: Hm, not sure if there has to be a special theme. Perhaps we get more storys if it's an open contest.

    I think summer is a good time. Some weeks to publish, e.g. at the end of spring and some weeks more open for voting, e.g. til end of summer.

    What about  a hint in our descriptions? This also would promote the forum at all.


    Lover, i agree whit you when you talk about not having a special theme to have more story. but this is a contest, so a common path to follow will be needed. IMO


    IMO… with enough lead time,… a theme should not be an issue.

    I do like your suggestion of promoting the contest on the banners,… once a direction and date is emplaced on this idea.

    So much writing… contest the fantasy… when will I have time to play? (though at the moment finding plenty of unoccupied time)


    You can write your story now and just wait til the conest is open. Then all you have to do is to count your votes

    @Bear: Hm, not sure if there has to be a special theme. Perhaps we get more storys if it's an open contest.

    I think summer is a good time. Some weeks to publish, e.g. at the end of spring and some weeks more open for voting, e.g. til end of summer.

    What about  a hint in our descriptions? This also would promote the forum at all.

    lol for me to write the story now i need to know the guidelines for this time around and from what i heard i had next to nothing in votes last time kinda hard to compete with those who have been doing it a lot longer than i have ( :-* @ tight ) although i'm sure since i've been around some who have done some rp with me it was better than if i never had done any of it at all lol

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