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Home Forums Contests EROTIC STORY CONTEST 6 – OT

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  • #101179

    COUNTDOWN IS ON …..  3  DAYS TO  GO   
              Hurry Hurry – Not much time left now to get your stories in  😮

    Deadline is 31 January 2014 Please PM your story to me –  Brandybee
    Do not publish yourself as it will disqualify your story.

    Check that the Medieval theme is covered ;  that an Achat component is included and  described in detail  and  you identify what prize you would like.

    Please also ensure your story is adequately spaced for easy reading / wanking     

    All those potential authors,  just go for it. A qualifying story  will earn you A$600

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 6 – MEDIEVAL.,2816.0.html        and

    Forum Home Page >  Organisations & Events >Contests > EROTIC  STORY CONTEST  RULES,2509.0.html

    Happy writing.


    Crap……someone know hot to stop time!? 


    *raises white flag*


    Sorry BB, but in the end looks like this medieval story competiton got the best of me! Didn't have the heart to re-start over and try to shorten my story (which isn't even complete). I wish everyone else good luck. And keep at it HB. Don't hang your head in defeat like me.  :'(


    Defeat –  I don't know the meaning of the word.   And neither do you.   

    HB, Hukk,  Go wash your faces, get your thinking caps on and those  typing fingers excercised.

    You still got 3 days, and not getting over that finishing line is NOT an option.

    Obstacles are things that a person sees, when he takes his eyes off his goal !
    Determination is a wake up call to the human will.

    Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz    😮 😮   


    Defeat –  I don't know the meaning of the word.

    cough cough!  someone need a little “refresh” about Football World Cup……

    byyyyyy the way…..still working on it right now, typing on my keyboard and it's coming out! so, stay tuned…….i think the beast is released!


    YEHAWWWWWWWWWWW  HB    I love you,  that's the hot attitude that will smoulder in your story.  :-* :-*

    The football is just practice  for the big win      Prepare to be annihilated in this summer    I still want my sword back LOL.


    in your dream, Brandy! 



    Tapping fingers 


    COUNTDOWN IS ON …..  2  DAYS TO  GO   
              Hurry Hurry – Not much time left now to get your stories in    😮

    Deadline is 31 January 2014 .  Please PM your story to me –  Brandybee
    Do not publish yourself as it will disqualify your story

    Check that the Medieval theme is covered ;  that an Achat component is included and  described in detail  and  you identify what prize you would like.

    Please also ensure your story is adequately spaced for easy reading / wanking    :   

    All those potential authors,  just go for it. A qualifying story  will earn you A$600

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 6 – MEDIEVAL.,2816.0.html         and

    Forum Home Page >  Organisations & Events >Contests > EROTIC  STORY CONTEST  RULES,2509.0.html

    Happy writing.


    COUNTDOWN IS ON …..  1  DAY TO  GO   
              Hurry Hurry – Not much time left now to get your stories in    😮

    Deadline is  today  31 January 2014 .  Please PM your story to me –  Brandybee
    Do not publish yourself as it will disqualify your story.

    Check that the Medieval theme is covered ;  that an Achat component is included and  described in detail  and  you identify what prize you would like.

    Please also ensure your story is adequately spaced for easy reading / wanking       

    All those potential authors,  just go for it. A qualifying story  will earn you A$600

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 6 – MEDIEVAL.,2816.0.html         and

    Forum Home Page >  Organisations & Events >Contests > EROTIC  STORY CONTEST  RULES,2509.0.html

    Happy writing.


    Last day for join the contest………jeez, can't believe i and Tango made it at last minute! but, hey, we did it! 

    But it's not over……i just want to remember you we gonna have the poll to vote the best one and, at the same time, to choose the theme for the next contest! so, my good friends, think about what you like to write….soon we are going to collect new ideas!


              Hurry Hurry – Not much time left now to get your stories in   

    Deadline is  today  31 January 2014 .  Please PM your story to me –  Brandybee
    Do not publish yourself as it will disqualify your story.

    Check that the Medieval theme is covered ;  that an Achat component is included and  described in detail  and  you identify what prize you would like.

    Please also ensure your story is adequately spaced for easy reading / wanking         

    All those potential authors,  just go for it. A qualifying story  will earn you A$600

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 6 – MEDIEVAL.,2816.0.html          and

    Forum Home Page >  Organisations & Events >Contests > EROTIC  STORY CONTEST  RULES,2509.0.html

    Happy writing.


    The Deadline has passed.  No other story submissions will be accepted.

    The Contest Stories will be published in due course  and voting opened for the Forum Village.


    Well,   the time is here once again for the launch of the voting for The Erotic Contest Story  –
    The stories for Erotic Contest 6 –  MEDIEVAL  have now been published.

    I have  11  stories that have been entered in the Erotic Story Contest. Thank you all so much for entering.

    May I personally thank each & every one of you for your help & support for making Erotic Story Contest 6 the success it is. Thank you to mrsexlover for the poster, he created to launch this contest. 

    Thank You to  ALL the authors who decided to compete, the ones who tried to beat the deadline but real life issues intervened- it happens ( BUT, I will get you next time    ) – and all of you who will take the time to read & vote for your favourite story, another Big Thank You.

    Every vote is important, it shows the authors you really do care for their efforts and that their stories are very much appreciated.

    All of the stories are unique and fantastic in their own right. Each is an achievement in their own right.  So Thank You on my behalf and that of Forum for entering the Erotic Story Contest 6.

    There are a mix of authors as usual,  but there are some who have overcome difficulties  to meet the contest dead line, that are never actually  publicised  and I feel should be recognised and commended , even if anonymously to protect confidentiality.

    There are our none native English speakers –  To write a story in a second language and to put it up for a contest  against Native English Speakers is an achievement in itself.  I know, I could never accomplish such a feat or even have the confidence to then put it up for a vote and critique.

    So, as Contest Manager – I would like to commend each and every one of you. You have my utmost respect and admiration.  Well Done You.

    There are also authors who have the disadvantage of suffering from conditions such as Dyslexia or Asperger’s Syndrome.  Again, to enter a story for the contest when words & concentration are not easy for you, is a FANTASTIC achievement.  You also have my utmost respect and admiration to overcome the difficulties you have & then to reach your goal of a published story entry is awesome.   Well Done You. 

    You all know who you are, and I extend a personal Thank you to you, for your support and courageous efforts.

    Also  my “anchor “  authors who always enter a story  to show support for me, for forum and  for unwavering support for the Erotic Story Contests … Thank you so much.

    And Thank You to new authors who decided to push themselves on this occasion & submit their very first story for the contest.   Well done and no matter what the outcome of the voting, you are now a published erotic author for Achats Forum…  Well done and I hope you enter future contests.

    No matter, how the voting falls, and there are always surprises in the Forum Village, as it should be, Please, do not ever be disheartened if your story only attracts a few votes – remember, only one story can be voted for by each Forum Member as a favourite,  Your goal has in fact, already been achieved – you HAVE reached your personal goal of your story being entered & published and you will receive a minimum of A$600, when the voting is concluded.  That makes you a winner already in my eyes.

    The top 3 prizes are always a bonus though and with that said,

    I proudly present the published stories –   “MEDIEVAL” – THE STORIES.  EROTIC CONTEST 6 open for voting….

    GOOD LUCK TO ONE AND ALL.     AND   HAPPY READING (and wanking     ).

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > ” MEDIEVAL ” THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 6.,3006.0/viewResults.html

    Voting Ends –  31 Mar 2014.


    Nice turn out  time for a shower then some reading before bed 

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