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Eurovision Song Contest 2015 Sweep.

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    Sweep – Eurovision Song Contest.     Director of Contest – Brandybee and Lover.

    It's that magic time of year again when the Eurovision Song Contest will grace our screens and pollute, oops, I mean enrich our ears.

    The 2015 Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Vienna, Austria on 19th  May (Semi Final 1 ), 21st May (Semi Final 2 ) and Grand Final on 23rd of May 2015.  21.00hrs CET each night.

    Did you know the first ever Eurovision Song Contest took place 1956 ? 

    The countries taking part this year are :-
    1. Albania
    2. Armenia
    3. Australia
    4. Austria
    5. Azerbaijan
    6. Belarus
    7. Belgium
    8. Cyprus
    9. Czech Republic
    10. Denmark
    11. Estonia
    12. F.Y.R. Macedonia
    13. Finland
    14. France
    15. Georgia
    16. Germany
    17. Greece
    18. Hungary
    19. Iceland
    20. Ireland
    21. Israel
    22. Italy
    23. Latvia
    24. Lithuania
    25. Malta
    26. Moldova
    27. Montenegro
    28. Norway
    29. Poland
    30. Portugal
    31. Romania
    32. Russia
    33. San Marino
    34. Serbia
    35. Slovenia
    36. Spain
    37. Sweden
    38. Switzerland
    39. The Netherlands
    40. United Kingdom

    I propose a little sweep stake here,   depending on how many are interested.   Sign up here…

    The countries are shared out between the volunteers, by random chance. A live draw will happen at

    date yet to be fixed.  Watch out for details here.

    The volunteers gift A$50  to play  to  Pythia,  our Forum bank account

    The first 3 winners takes all collected.
    1st place =  50%  of the takings
    2nd place = 30%
    3rd  place = 20%.

    Sign up to show your interest.  Once the players ( Sweepers ) are known, countries are shared equally. The Stake of  A$50 is paid to  Pythia. 

    When the Eurovision Song contest final is broadcast and winners decided. The players here holding the winning countries , wins the Stake , ie – all the A$ collected as indicated above.   If in the event the actual winners are not held by a Sweeper, then the sweeper holding the next highest rated country will win the Stake indicated.

    You only qualify as playing this sweepstake , when your donation is received by Pythia.  Please PM me when you have made your A$50 donation so I can confirm it has been received and also please post your interest to play in this topic.  Thank you.

    The winners receive the collected amount as soon as possible after the winning countries are announced in the media, and following a confirmation Post by a director of the winner. 
    This is a bit of fun and it’s always nice to receive a little windfall.  Hopefully there will be enough interest for the winner to buy a new pose or outfit.

    Good luck to all.   Tell you your friends…

    To find out more about the contest and listen to the songs   –   

    The 2015 Eurovision Song Contest


    Sweep Stake will be closed to new players once the 40 slots are taken or an hour before the contest begins in Vienna, Austria.


    im in for the eurovision song contest

    Pythia  gifted $50


    I'm in.

    I gifted pythia my 50


    Stone and Myself are in,  pythia gifted 


    Yessssssssss *sings rise like a phoenix very loud and off key*

    Tony and I are in too, Pythia gifted *High5s BB, good job xxx


    I am in, Pythia gifted already….


    I'm in and forcing Tango to play too

    Gifted Pythia A$ 100


    LOL  looks like I'm in too then

    Thanks my Love


    Eurovision Song Contest Sweepers Update

    1. AusWoody
    2. mrsexlover
    3. jayc
    4. Stone
    5. maron211177
    6. Tonyg
    7. Wetbone
    8. jingerbird
    9. tangoracer

    Stake Collected  450  Achat Dollars

    We want more to join in. Come join in the fun here and in  The Square.


    hey…looks like someone :-* signed me in too…ty sweetie

    go Greece…


    I'm obliged to play for France, what a disaster!!!
    I sent the “euro A$” to Pythia 


    i am in and donated to pythia


    @ Nat,  Thank you for joining in. I know how you feel,  you should hear the UK Entry LOL.  However, as its a sweep – the countries are dished out to players by random chance. We could get any country.  (Phewwww)

    Eurovision Song Contest Sweepers Update

    1. AusWoody
    2. mrsexlover
    3. jayc
    4. Stone
    5. maron211177
    6. Tonyg
    7. Wetbone
    8. jingerbird
    9. tangoracer
    10. Nat33
    11. jvhelvis1979
    12. Brandybee

    Stake Collected   600  Achat Dollars.   (All collected is used for prizes,  1st ; 2nd & 3rd places.)

    We want more to sign up. Come join in the fun here and in  The Square.


    Sent credits, I'm in.


    Eurovision Song Contest Sweepers Update    40 Slots to fill

    For Details See Post 1, Page 1.

    1. AusWoody
    2. mrsexlover
    3. jayc
    4. Stone
    5. maron211177
    6. Tonyg
    7. Wetbone
    8. jingerbird
    9. tangoracer
    10. Nat33
    11. jvhelvis1979
    12. Brandybee
    13.  Zer0g

    Stake Collected   650  Achat Dollars.     13  Slots used.  27  Left  (All collected is used for prizes,  1st ; 2nd & 3rd places.)

    We want more to sign up. Come join in the fun here and in  The Square.

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