So sad, my dear laura tesoro ( Belgium ) didnt get the Cup.
But the most i m disappointed in Jamie lee’s last place! Jamie, you diserverd a better place.
Your style, your Performance, incredibale! Amazing! I m crying big tears.
This ugly 19th century church Music won the contest?? Whats going on europe??
Ugly Music, ugly Outfit, ugly Performance. The lyrics are great, i like Songs with political contents.
1944 happened big crime against humaity to the Tartar, no question. And especially as a german youngster with this sad history i cannot be quiet about any injustice against any people
But why this ugly Music????
Listen and wach to beyonce’s Formation for example. Great Music, great Performance, great singer.
Or Stevie wonder and Paul Mccartney’s ebony and ivory
And so on
Again: please dont get me wrong . I agree with the polical contens of the song i like . It is super that it took place, russia has to stand by his history even it is Not happened in paridise!