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Fantasy OR Fetish: ONLINE, IT IS ONLY a ” ROLE PLAY” !!

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    I read more of the fetish of Master/Slaves(Subs) plays
    Special to the old books from John Norman, what was the run in the 60s and 70s.

    Now these days we got 50 shades of grey

    I like to give my thoughts  and copy of good sources free to enjoy to read.

    The danger I see in a online world is, when some players ACTING in there choosen roles and some player take it to serious into real life.
    That dont mix well.

    Real life and online roleplay are 2 very diffrent things.

    Dont hold it against someone who “play” a role. Let them have there fetish ( fun)
    The REAL person might be a very “normal” human with a boring life , running to make the living and paying the bills like everybody else in the real world


    NOT in here, its ACHAT a pixel world.
    So now a few things about the GOR WORLD you might have read some lately

    my source are homepages of other players of other games ( wont put the name in but I let you know its not MINE )
    //source knowen 
    Judicial Magistrate of Gor.//

    Gor is not what many people think it is. That's because many people learn about Gor from websites, and do not realize that what they are seeing is in most cases misleading, or outright lies about the way things were on Gor in the books.

    One thing people do to mislead others is to use incomplete quotes, or even fake ones that infer that things were done in a way they want it to be done, and not as it was in the books.

    Even some of the very few decent looking sites online have problems with them.

    For example the ever popular Gorean Reference site. If you go by what they say, you will believe that all free Goreans dressed the same, as there is no mention of what is worn other than the styles of dress common to the central regions of Gor. The site has a limited focus on a specific region of Gor, and that makes it useless for any other regions. People learning about Gor from that site, would have no idea that they were learning about a limited region and would see it as all of Gor. They would be wrong…

    To give the sites creator credit, what they do have is accurate for that region of Gor, but with the introduction of 3D worlds such as XXX, and XXX, it is no longer enough to cover a specific region, because these 3D sites allow people to recreate entire worlds, and all of their peoples with all of the diversity that comes with them.
    Most of the sites online were created to support a specific groups html Gor. If you are not familiar with html Gor, it is typically focused in one location (city or people) with little to no contact with other places or people on Gor.

    Gor is a planet of massive diversity in that it contains people whose roots not only come from all over Earth, but also from various times in Earths past.
    These people brought with them not just their languages, but the beliefs and ideas of their people and times.
    As pointed out above, 3D site formats for Gor allow various groups to interact with each other in ways that html Gor would not, and that means that with the virtual worlds created by these 3D clients there will be a diversity in the cultures, and that is great for the RP.

    The downside of this though is that it leaves an opening for another huge problem that plagues online Gor and that is people who say it is not important to learn about the way Gor was in the books, or that you can do it however you please.

    The problem with that is that other people in the same community, may be trying to do things right, and the make it up as they go along attitude causes drama and chaos in everyone else's RP.
    Not to mention the fact that many of these make it up as you go along people try to force their rules of RP on others in the other groups homes.

    It's ignorant, and extremely selfish to take that attitude as it accomplishes nothing but create drama for everyone..

    They have a reason for doing this though, besides just being lazy.
    It gives them more power and makes them invulnerable to attack.
    Unfortunately, it creates nothing but drama for everyone else…

    Gor was a world of great diversity, but it also had strict rules set down by the worlds creators. Some people RPing Gor often forget or choose to ignore the concept of rules that all Goreans had to live by.
    I remember a pirate once that ran around for a year with flint lock pistols who knew about the ban on fire arms, but chose to ignore it. He threatened others with them because he knew that there was nothing the others could do. He role played the way he wanted to, and screw everyone else.

    Now, you might be wondering why people don't just ignore the people that are causing the drama.
    Simple, it's very hard to ignore a three year old when they are screaming at the top of their lungs to anyone that will listen. That is essentially what happens when people doing things their way don't get what they want.

    Here's an example of something that happened a while back.
    A free woman, we'll call her Lucy, and lets say that she was from Corycus, was visiting another cities room when she noticed a free women in the room acting what she considered slavishly.

    In the books the woman would have turned her nose up at the slavish woman, and the gossip to follow would have ruined the slavish woman, that is if the act were not brought to the attention of the courts, where she could have been sentenced to slavery for the act.

    Now back to our example.
    Lucy as stated saw this act happening in a city that was not her city, so what does she do?
    Why she does what any proper woman would do in her version of Gor, she leaps to her feet and kills the woman. That's right, she commits murder in a city not her own, and sees nothing wrong with that.

    When people pointed out that her act was not just fucked up, but down right stupid, her defense was that it is her RP, and she will do things her way. The question for Lucy should be, what about their RP, doesn't it matter?
    What makes her so special that her actions can have no limits, and her rules can apply anywhere she chooses? That's not role play, that is someone living out a fantasy.

    Remember this, as it is very important.
    The laws of a city extend no further than its walls. Outlaw of Gor, Page 50
    That means the laws of one city, or even a people cannot be used in another city as a defense, or a means of punishing someone outside of that city. Gor did have rules that were a controling force though, the laws of the Priest-Kings and Merchant law, and both should be followed by everyone if they want an RP with less drama.

    As to the city laws, imagine what life would be like here on Earth, if police from other countries could arrest you in your home for violating laws of their country. While you were sitting at home in your country, where that alleged crime is not against the law..

    When in any other city, you are subject to the laws of that city, for good or bad, but if they try to use any law against you, it must in all fairness be published somewhere where it can be shown to you, and it above all must have a time and date stamp like those used in groups to prove that the law was not just created to trap the person. Whether that law is a quote from the books, or one made up to suit that groups needs does not matter.
    This has to be the case, for the simple reason that many people are capable of creating a law on the spot, and then claiming that it has always been there.
    Going some place and violating a law of that people is a crime, and if that crime is one quoted from the books, it does not matter whether the one who broke the law follows the books or not. It was their choice to visit that place in the first place, and if they cannot follow the rules of other cities, then no one has to obey that persons laws. In fact, that persons city should be ostrasized by others until they either banish the person, or turn them over for punishment to the city where the crime was committed..

    To have good role play, there has to be both uniformity and co-operation between cities and people to the extent that they all follow the basic laws of Gor, and agree to abide by the laws of any city that they may visit. My example is for people who break laws such as the above case, because she was there in that city at the time, and as everyone should know, Gor does not have teleportation for quick escapes.
    quote END//

    ANOTHER QUOTE I like to share


    ONLINE Gor and slavery — There are slave girls. Most of which (but not all) are either on some form of psychoactive medication or tip the scales somewhere between 250 and 400 lb.
    Of course, there are the girls that meet both of these criteria.
    These girls are not submitting to these men. They are not there out of some spirit of service, or because they have a slave's heart.
    They are there because they think allowing some schmuck to whip them, beat them, and call them “Dina” is the only way they can find love, or be accepted by what passes for a master online.

    Most of these masters are completely unable to handle a woman who is not either, so insecure she cannot believe anyone could want her, or actually mentally or physically broken. That is not mastery. That is pathetic.
    As to the male slaves I have had little experience with them on here, so I cannot say anything about them at this time.

    Is the Gorean lifestyle even possible online? – Unlikely.
    Most of the men I see drawn to it are either seriously afraid of women (and thus desire to hurt and subjugate the thing they fear) or men who like the kinky aspect of the spanky/slavery stuff, or even those who are just in it for an ego trip.

    However, many are at heart just nice guys who would like a girl to make their coffee and warm their bed.
    Alternatively, there are some who are just complete asses on an ego trip. (An example of which is any so called master who has more slaves than he could possibly have any use for.)

    I have heard “YOU CAN'T ROLE PLAY A GOD” (which if you have been reading my page you have seen where I have stated that it is not my intent with this account)

    This shows what the mindset of all too many people is on here, they are not thinking in terms of learning something new, but in terms of simply playing a game and nothing more. Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell them, that the “game” has 29 books worth of information that are the basis for the rules.

    As you can see, there is no philosophy required in such cases. This indicates just how far away from the books and the philosophies some of these people are.

    Turns out, in real life, you can't just go kidnap a woman, slap a brand and a collar on her and call her yours, nor can this really be accomplished online, though it seems that many self proclaimed Goreans try to ignore that fact.

    The women are little better.

    I have seen Free women of the red caste saying that they are warriors, and that is not possible,
    they would know this if they got off their fat asses, and took the time to read the books.

    Where with careful study they would see why there were no red caste female warriors, such a concept was completely outside of the philosophy of the books and would do the caste more harm than good in the end.

    Most people just call themselves Goreans and never bother to read the books. Instead they depend on online FAQs and online references for their information, which more often than not contain erroneous information about Gor, and the Gorean lifestyle.

    If people are actually too lazy to even READ a philosophical text for themselves, the philosophy has little hope of ever being practiced as it was written.
    Speaking of laziness, when people do role play Gor online they make up for the fact that they are not really there by being descriptive and online you see the opposite.
    I see and hear the free and slaves bitch and complain about long detailed and quite poetic entrances being performed by some of the extremely few kajirae worthy of the name online, and the really sad thing I see is the free allowing the slaves to get away with the half assed “HI I'm here” entrances you see on here.

    “Role playing” is basic human nature and a certain amount of it is not only inevitable, but healthy for the psyche. Portraying a “role” in a game is a form of play, and it can be quite fun. In and of itself, playing is not harmful, even when it involves role playing.

    The harm comes when other people don't understand that it is just a game to them, and more importantly, when someone intentionally preys upon that lack of understanding and chooses to practice and maintain deception.
    There are also a large number of people who role play at being Gorean who don't know what it means to be Gorean.
    These people just make it up as they go along or use any of a large number of web resources that have incorrect information that was posted by others who knew nothing of what it means to be Gorean.
    Also there can be a lot of damage done when people role play and take it all as real, while the others in their group are just pretending to be Gorean.

    What I mean is don't say “I love you” to someone online, unless you really do, or talk about getting together in real life unless you know for a fact that both you are both being serious and not playing a part or unless the person knows that you are just playing a character..

    In certain cases online chat and avatar-based roleplaying can be harmful for the following reasons :
    People run around online and proclaim that they are something they are not.
    This can take many forms, but these are the most common I have seen
    (How many of you have chatted with girls that show you a pic of a porn star or model and they claim it is a real pic of them self? ) Or met someone online and later find out that the “girl” you were chatting with was really a guy, or the guy was really a girl?

    This is harmful, because many people become strongly attached to others online and this kind of deception can seriously harm them.

    Then you get into the more extreme situations I have heard of.
    I have heard stories of people packing up what they owned and moving cross country to be with the one they “loved” online, only to find out when they got there that they were lied to about a great many things.

    The same thing goes with the Gorean lifestyle online, we have all met people who say they are Gorean (Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, etc) when none of those creatures existed on Gor, and countless times I have heard girls say that they are real life kajira that are allowed to be kajira online, and considering how small the real Gorean community is, I find myself laughing at those that say it, because a vast majority of them are full of shit.

    (You're NOT a real life kajira if you are NOT really with your master, being a kajira online or over the phone does NOT count.)

    Why is this harmful you ask? I will tell you why.
    There are quite a few people proclaiming to be Gorean online, and quite a few of them are truly interested in learning the ways of Gor, but they get lost on their way to knowledge because of the massive amount of incorrect information and utter bullshit found online about Gorean culture and Philosophy.

    What is wrong with learning to do Gor the right way, the way it is in the books?
    Everything is in the books, in plain easy to understand English, and contrary to popular belief the books are quite clear on how things are done.

    Some claim that there is not enough to do other than sit around and chat and pretend, but that is very untrue, there are Gorean games that can be played in public or even private rooms that can be quite entertaining.

    I have recently seen a by the books and legal according to Gorean merchant law, slave raid to take a slave from a self proclaimed Gorean Master who had lied to the girl to get her into his collar, and then had refused to release her when she begged for release.
    ( YES, Slaves could beg for release in the books.)
    In fact they even have papers that were issued to slaves that were freed so that they would not be taken as a runaway.
    I hope I do not have to explain this, but a true Master never has to lie to get a girl to wear his collar.
    This is just a small example of what is possible
    Owners of public rooms can get together and arrange raids with the owners of other (participating) public rooms to spice things up and still follow the path that is shown in the books without having to use things such as fake languages, and other such garbage.

    Our original criticism of Gorean-themed role playing occurred simply because other people did it poorly and incorrectly, due to misinformation about Gorean customs, practices, places and languages as depicted in John Norman's Chronicles of Gor. To the more knowledgeable Gorean aficionado, the resulting mish-mash of pseudo-Gorean/bdsm/vampire/etc fantasy dreck was worthy of nothing other than contempt and ridicule.

    So take some time and read and if you need help finding the books or have questions, please leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

    The desire to help someone who truly wishes to learn is why I am still here.

    I do not come here to role play Gor, I come here to teach those who are interested in learning about Gor.
    I do not teach the Gorean words from the books, because we already have words that cover most of what is on the list of words from the books that are understood by all.
    What I teach are the customs and ways and help guide people to the mentality of Gor.

    I wish you well.

    ***the guy who wrote that article


    WELL much to read , wasnt it

    I just wanted to point out that diffrent between real and a role play figure.

    Role Play can be fun , if you like your role and the story.
    If you dont like STOP playing- dont think if you role play a slave bitch and be pushed around HE MIGHT LOVE YOU…pffff if thats the case
    he wont do that to you….:9
    So keep the ground under your feet

    Stay real if feelings real   play as long you like the play

    with that I hope I made a nice informative post



    not all Kajira are 300 lbs and on mind pills that can be your case but I love the beauty of it that you have seemed to lost


    not all Kajira are 300 lbs and on mind pills
    that can be your case I have to disapoint you it isnt
    but I love the beauty of it that you have seemed to lost
    If you read….it was not my comment.


    NO- the beauty of a role play  (descriptive  writing ) still is a interesting part ,

    its the THEME what gets bored do to the lack of other good players
    Lazy Girls who dont want to learn and rather just be a fuck

    ALL that has nothing to do with GOOD ROLE PLAY NO MORE


    Silks come in various colors and each color have a different meaning: White Silks:The White Silk slave is a virgin slave, who has never been touched by men. These slaves are generally permitted to serve drinks and food.  They are allowed to converse with any Free Person, but from their knees.  No laps and alcoves (Sexual use), are permitted to them.  Any Free Person insulted, may embarass, confine or display the slave, but may not strike, punish or abuse the slave in any way, nor permit another to do so. .Silks come in various colors and each color have a different meaning: White Silks:The White Silk slave is a virgin slave, who has never been touched by men. These slaves are generally permitted to serve drinks and food.  They are allowed to converse with any Free Person, but from their knees.  No laps and alcoves (Sexual use), are permitted to them.  Any Free Person insulted, may embarass, confine or display the slave, but may not strike, punish or abuse the slave in any way, nor permit another to do so. . Black Silks:Denotes the Uncollared slave. . Red Silks:The mark of the Pleasure Slave.  Red Silk slaves are considered to be well trained to please in all ways:  sexual, service wise and dancing. There are two types of Red Silk slaves:e should be prepared to be used as a Red Silk.. Yellow Silks:Denotes the Tavern owned slave.  Her use is rented and negotiated with the Tavern owner and may include sexual favors at the owner's discretion.. Gray:State owned slaves. .


    Slave Information: Serves
    Try not to have more than three or four lines a post, check and recheck for errors. You must appear sensual, but respectful, graceful and elegant. Below are the basics remember to make a serve your own and do NOT steal one from another slave.
    1. A short simple serve that has all the required elements in it is always better than a long detailed serve that is missing something. Start out with a basic serve, and then add a little something each time. Each serve should contain the following elements:
    -approach the Master and offer service
    -leave the Master and approach the servery
    -locate the appropriate serving vessel, clean it, and test it
    -get the drink
    -return to the Master
    -offer Him the drink
    -be sure to thank Him for allowing you to serve
    2. Be familiar with all of the Gorean foods and drinks, and how each one is served. Bear in mind, though, that the Master's wishes are foremost. If he wants His blackwine served in a bowl, then bring it to Him in a bowl.

    3. Also be familiar with the layout of each tavern. Each servery will be a little bit
    different. Some taverns do not have a servery, but have a kitchen instead. Some are not taverns but are camps, and may have a wagon where the serving implements are kept.

    4. Vary your serve according to a particular Master's wishes. this one keeps a little book where she writes down notes about how each Master likes to be served. Some prefer a shorter serve, some like it long and involved. Some like it sexy, some prefer it more  subdued. Some like the drink sweetened, some do not. this girl knows of one Free Woman who likes to have three ramberries placed in her ka-la-na. Knowing these things without being told will please the Master greatly.

    5. A serve is one way of showing yourself off to the Master. Describe what you look like, what you are feeling, what you are doing. Be sure to not just describe what you are doing; tell Him how you feel about serving Him, the sensations that you feel in your body as you go about the serve.

    6. Make the serve your own. Watch your sisters, learn from them, get ideas from them. But do not copy their serves and use them as your own. Not only is  that the sign of a lazy slave, it is outright stealing. That slave you might be tempted to copy from has worked very hard to make her serve an expression of her personality and her submission, and you should do the same.

    7. A slave should never use macros in her serve. This is just another sign of a lazy slave. This girl has a general outline that she uses when she serves, and she has certain phrases that are characteristic of each serve–her trademarks, so to speak. But each serve should


    “The intelligence and sensitivity of many women actually tends
    to blossom in bondage, finding within it the apt environment for
    its expression, for its flowering. This may have to do with such
    matters as the release of inhibitions, happiness, fulfillment,
    and such.”

    –Tarl Cabot speaks on the Response of an Intelligent Slave to
    her Bondage
    (from Magicians of Gor by John Norman)

    ,Firstly, a kajira must know and understand that she does
    not have anything that her Master does not give her or permit
    her to have. A girl's entire being is owned, the property of her
    Master. She has no name unless her Master gives her one, she
    wears nothing on her flesh except that which her Master allows
    her to wear. If a girl speaks, it is because her Master permits
    her words to be spoken Every thought, feeling, emotion and
    opinion she has, is owned by her Master by virtue of his total
    ownership of her. Such a girl will be displayed at her Master's
    command. A girl breathes because her Master allows her to
    breathe, a girl lives because her Master wishes her to live, a
    girl speaks if her Master wishes to hear her voice, a girl asks
    a question only if it pleases her Master to answer her. She
    displays feelings, thoughts, emotions and opinions only because
    it pleases her Master to hear them. A girl does not suddenly
    acquire a Master or a collar, quite the opposite is true, it is
    the Master that acquires the kajira, it is he who owns the girl.

    ,A kajira is not a puppet without a mind or a brain and
    lacking intelligence, however. Quite the contrary is true. A
    kajira must be wise and intelligent, not intelligent by Earthly
    standards with a University education, intelligent in that she
    knows herself fully, maintaining control over herself, owning
    firstly herself, body, mind, heart and soul. For if she does not
    own herself totality in such a fashion, how can she give herself
    to another to be totally owned and controlled? The more a girl
    owns of herself, the more fully she can give of herself to her
    Master, the more fulfilling and all encompassing the ownership
    will be.

    ,A kajira strives and delights in being pleasing, therefore
    a girl must be continually aware of her Master's will, his
    wishes and needs. The more alert the girl is, the more energy,
    initiative and creativity the girl will sustain and use to serve
    her Master's pleasure. Any further intelligence, training,
    education, social skills, qualifications or personal knowledge
    will only enhance her service to her Master should he have use
    of her innate abilities.

    ,A girl must be wise and approach the act of giving of
    herself to be owned in a very serious way. A girl's last
    decision before she submits is her choice of the Master who will
    own her. She must seek out one who will own her wisely, not
    abuse her, accept and respect the gift of her life and her
    submission, one who knows the inner workings of the heart of a
    kajira and will guide her on her journey to the freedom of her
    fully experiencing her womanhood. It is essential that
    throughout her slavery, she maintains a keen sense of self-
    preservation. Slavery should never be entered into lightly. A
    girl must be fully aware of what she is giving and entrusting to
    her Master. She gives the most precious gift there is…her own

    Each Master is different, and different things will please him,
    but each require of a slave to be pleasing, obedient and to know
    her place. Her entire focus is on her Master and pleasing him.
    She denies herself, so the free expression of herself must be
    denied. Her thoughts, feelings, emotions and opinions are
    displayed to please her Master as he allows them to surface. In
    the giving over of her life and will to her Master to be
    controlled, she must exercise wisdom and self discipline over
    her will and her tongue. That is not to say that she cannot have
    an opinion that differs from that of her Master, but if a girl
    must disagree with him, she is to remain respectful, always
    keeping in mind who and what she is.

    ,Of course a kajira knows that she will have the last word
    on any subject with her Master, and that shall consist of the

    “Yes Master”. : )

    Incidentally, brilliant and imaginative women, particularly if beautiful and high-born,
    are avidly sought in Gorean slave markets. High intelligence, and imagination,
    perhaps interestingly from the point of view of a man of Earth, are highly prized
    in women by Gorean men. Indeed, a woman who is known to be intelligent and
    imaginative will bring a much higher price than some duller, but more beautiful,
    sister in bondage. Goreans, unlike many men of Earth, have very little interest in
    stupid women. The ideal candidate, for the Gorean slavers snare is a highly
    intelligent, beautiful, imaginative woman, one who is strong willed, proud and free.
    It is such women that Goreans enjoy making slaves.
    Hunters of Gor.. chapter 11


    ” The ideal candidate, for the Gorean slavers snare is a highly
    intelligent, beautiful, imaginative woman, one who is strong willed, proud and free.
    It is such women that Goreans enjoy making slaves.
    Hunters of Gor.. chapter 11


    and thats why a role playing is WORK

    there is no need for individuales who just horny and seak for a abusive dominating sex freak show.

    Do to the fact of limit actions in public rooms

    a play is not quiet well easy to maintain in ACHAT

    Hoax and Trolls or other ppl who dont know what kind of play you are into

    disturbing and make a good play not happend.

    ONLINE is a own world

    And few men like the obediant of a good Kajira

    BUT how many real read the books ?

    I dont have to tell you

    how many month yeah years it takes training to be a good role player

    And i give the highest credits to those who play in english what isnt there Mother language.!


    feel free to post more of the details of that special kind of play

    maybe some urge to learn


    far well


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