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      The same wishes to everyone from me as well. Fathers day is almost ending. Spent a great with my dad and my daughter. A child an amazing wonder…


        lol eyes wide open Bear skinny dipping  ;) giggling hiding in the bushes !

        No beer for me !Canadian beer is very stronge ,  I get drunk easy on beer ! ;D and get silly , and want to dance on the picnis table !

        Ill brin potatoe salade , pasta salade and the pies how sbout home made banana cream pie ! rich and moist .

        I hear Germany has big juicy sausages , I ll bring the buns ! ;D :D

        Happy Fathers Day ! too all those loving and caring Fathers !    xxx Sunny :-* And Canadian slurp`s to all !


          When are you going to stop peaking from the bushes and join me in the cool touch of the water?  ;) Hmm,…watching you peel those daisy dukes off…kick your cowgirl boots off and toss that hat off to the side…(mind wanders along that image) ::)

          You would have been dancing on the tables all day on the concert on the mountain I spoke of  8)…probably much to the delight of all the cowboys about…hmm… probably would have  had to walk up and throw you over my shoulder… take you into a teepee and found a way to settle u down :P


            Happy Fathers Day 2012

            Give him a big kiss…

            Today is father’s day in Italy, don’t know about other countries but I take this opportunity to wish Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and daddys out ther ;D

            And for everyone who’s reading this, if you haven’t done it yet call your father or pay him a visit, give him a big kiss and tell him you love him 😉



              Oh, i have done it….but give him two big kiss couse it's him name-day too!

              so…..if we have some Giuseppe here or similar, well……my best wishes, my friends!



                  Yes a big kiss to all the Fathers celebrating today.  I wish nothing but happiness for you all.

                Thanks for letting me share,


                  In Germany it's always in May, this year it's the 17th.


                    I live with and take care of my parents. i thank them every day for all they have done for me…


                      It's Fathersday in Holland as well. I'm going to see my dad and secretly hoping my little girl will vome to visit me for a kiss and a hug.

                      Being a dad myself has changed my view on my own dad. I feel more appreciation for the things he did for me and the things he couldn't do because of me. Trying to give my little girl everything she needs to be happy n life. That's the main task of a dad..

                      Happy Fatherday!


                        HAPPY FATHER’S DAY 2013

                        It’s Father’s Day today in the UK ;D

                        So for all you Dad’s out there, Thank you for giving us our children, Thank you for the guidance , the love & protection that you provide and Thank you for all the little things you do, to show us you care.

                        To my Dad, I think of you every day … Happy Father’s day . Look out for me tonight, I’ll be waving to the brightest star in the sky… God Bless you and keep you in his care. :-*


                          its Fathers day in the USA also, and will be thinking about my Dad also. He was a good man who loved his family and had a big impact on who i am today, my love of books, the outdoors and my sense of humor all come from my Dad.  :)


                            Thank you Miss Brandy…

                            I too have my Daddy in my thoughts today.  And like Jayc, I know that's where I got my love of life from, not to mention my sense of humor.  Dad was a prankster, and taught me how to whittle, play guitar, hunt, fish, ride, shoot, rope, and how to do Dad things.  Not a day goes by where I don't think of him.


                              Happy Fathers Day to all you dads out there.

                              Thank. You  Dad for helping  me  be the person I am,  the  love of  nature  and the wonder of life.  How  could you ever know how great I turned out  ;D ;D
                              Thinking of. You today of all days.    You turned out great  too.  Hugs and kiss sent your way.


                                In Germany we already had Father's Day but why not thanking him more often? We spent the afternoon together and had a nice bbq. Thanks Dad for always being a wonderful father. Also for being so patient when your little son had another one of his crazy ideas ;)

                                Best wishes to all wonderful Dads out there.

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