Haven't seen 2012, but love John Cusack. Grosse Point Blank is a personal favorite. I THOUGHT he was resurrecting the character for War Inc. and he sorta did, but the movie was SO heavy handed in it's message I couldn't choke it down.
I wanted to marry Cussack. Loved him in Better off Dead, Sixteen Candles(he was so cute). 2012 was good. Had my boy Woody. I love him. Have you seen ZombieLand, funnnny.
ZombieLand was funny. First I thought, uh, once more a bad film with zombies ( I loved the original one), but I changed my mind. Grosse Point Black is a great movie!
If ZombieLand is the one I am thinking of I haven't, but want to.
And Lover, War Inc sort of has his Martin Blank character, but it's overpowered by the INTENSELY political message. I bought it for like two bucks at the closing of a video store… and wanted my money back. I would not recommend.
If we are talking about Grosse Point Black you may not forget I am no American. In some movies (and this is one of them) I do not look for a political message; for European people it's a funny comedy.
No, not in Grosse Point Blank… that movie War Inc that has a very similar character, and yes you might not feel it as heavy handed, but I do think you would notice.
I just was wondering, as you wrote Grosse Pointe Black is one of your favs. I never watched War Inc. – I even never heard of this one, probably I was little confused, as I never mentioned War Inc.
How bout Animal House, Porkys, What's up Doc and Carrie. Yeah I'm going old with this one. Arsenic and Old Lace old Cary Grant movie(1944). Cabin in the Sky. Funny Lady. Eddi and the Cruisers. The Warriors. Must not forget The Color Purple.