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    Oh the Twilight books were good.  Just the movies sucked rotten eggs. :-X ???

    Janine Dee

    I'll have to take your word for it. For me a several century old vampire choosing to be in high school is too stretched a premise. At least Buffy had Angel stalking the high school girl rather then a classmate. 

    I may get some (justified) flame for this, but I heard enough when the movie was first coming out I haven't watched it or read the books.


    Might not be your kinda of romance as its only about male female relationships with lots of hot guys in the movie… some topless… yummy.

    I find Titanic better though… I kinda end up crying each time I see that movie. :-[


    Sorry cried 1st time saw titanic then afterwards I had to start laughing.

    Janine Dee

    Oh Honey, I'm not talking about the Male/Female thing (which admittedly I don't get  ), but I'm talking about a being that has walked the Earth for centuries sitting through a high school geometry class.


    Well they do tend to find new ways to solve stuff.(LOL).  Education is freedom.  (LOL)  But what I don't get if we want to go all RL on it.  Is a 90yr vamp finding a 17yr interesting.  Really there is nothing for them to really discuss.  But then again she was his soul mate(or whatever they call it-I forgot) so maybe with that age doesn't really matter.


    Hmm even if the romance is abit naive and so I still found the books good. I must say Ashley Greenes pixey haistyle is really cute, I think I'll have to try a style like that sometime.

    Not going to comment on 90yr guy with 17yr girl thing… kinda pedo when its put like that.


    Must be pretty good at geometry at this point,…see it creepy though too,…definite feel of bubble gum appeal to romanticize something in my mind,…which is dark and foreboding. Perhaps the books dwell on the darker issues of inner struggle of controlling the blood need. I just do not see it, feel it in the movie.

    Janine Dee

    That gets to the heart of how I feel about Twilight.

    Vampires can be good, they have human minds. I've never liked the Medieval Church version that simply has them demons in human flesh.

    Even Joss Whedon who used that in this day and age so Buffy could kill and kill and kill and not be bad strayed pretty early with the whole soul curse idea.

    BUT they are still predators. Angel, Nick Knight, they had to fight their blood thirst.

    Edward Cullen is like Spike once put it “A big cuddly puppy with bad teeth.” Except he doesn't even have the bad teeth really.


    Lol, I liked the comment about the medieval church. Ofcourse they thought vampires are demons… kinda what they thought about science aswell.

    Janine Dee

    Point being Sweetie does Eddie ever have a hungry tummy? 


    In modern literature yes,…the human side, a premise that such a creature had the capacity,. to recognize rationalize right , wrong,…a lingering thread of humanity. The chaos of medieval times,..constant warfare,…nomadic invasions which continual crashed over society stripping it of any semblance of culture and development,…it was called the dark ages for a reason.

    Vampires of myth were unholy resurrections,…predators on the faithful, and the church the frail thread of holding the seams of society together.  It did not disapprove of science,..surprisingly,…but it did assess whether discoveries were in accordance with the faith. Even now,…evidence is surfacing that Galileo's condemnation by the church was was possibly a result of a snafu on his part of not following proper church protocol in the hearings.


    Meant to add though,…the development in literature of such a creature with the capacity to feel remorse,…is interesting.

    Been dealing with that premise myself on a story I have tried hammering together through the summer,…only the subject werewolves,…


    He sure does, but he drinks the blood from animals… though doing that is not possible for all kinds of vampires I've read about and its just a last resort for some kinds. I personally like the vampires in The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice.

    Janine Dee

    Bear… to be praising the Church as a social institution of the Dark Ages is like praising medicine of the Civil War. Yes it may have kept them going, but anything beyond that seems to split the hair rather thin. To say that Galileo's condemnation was any better because of a snafu… I'm sorry, but that almost seems worse. A misguided act of faith seems better to me then condemning someone for not following procedure.

    And that's not even touching on how they handled women of learning… two steps away from the Taliban most of the time.

    As far as the feelings of such creatures… look at THE vampire story Dracula… remorse may be stretching it, but Drac DID feel love. He was more then a simple predator.

    But if I'm remembering my literature right the vampire as a creature of story, rather then folklore, came into being with the Victorian, where they were actually meant as more facets of humanity unrestrained.

    So we have to first draw a line between folklore and fiction.

    For my favorite vampiric fiction, Vampire the Masquerade the RPG by Mark Ryan Hagen or the tv show made from the same Kindred: The Embraced has yet to even be touched by any other.

    And people have a right to like Twilight, I would never deny them that. I will just never, ever, ever… ever be one of them. 

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