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  • #24929

    ehhhhh rtw still worth it tho….there are good peeps who like to teach game…and due to new packages being sold there is a fresh batch of new players now…..its still worth a look


    If you like racing try Blur, you can play on-line or game mode.  Its fun,  I just like wreaking other ppl cars than try to win.  LOL

    Janine Dee

    I went GTA 4, and sadly I'm not too happy yet. Admittedly this is with less then a day in, but I feel like “Go here, do this, go there do that.” Part of the what made GTA 3 the ground breaker it was, was the “Go here to do this, OR there to do that, there to do that, etc, etc, etc.” I know it's early, but with he 5 GTA's for PS2 I would get just ad far into the storyline as I needed to save and survive. (Like in San Andreas I needed to unlock the restaurants so I wouldn't starve.) Then I would do all the extra stuff, ambulance, firefighter, vigilante… I don't have that option here. I can't even run and pick up the free guns so I can stock up on ammo until the weapon itself is unlocked in the main storyline.

    I don't want to cheat, I'm not going to cheat, but I really liked being able to put in the work to make myself a bad ass before getting into the main story… not to mention just earning some extra cash so I wouldn't have to count every damn dollar bill.


    Ok. Now I will display my geekyness…

    Xbox360 – All I play. PS3 = Piece of Shit 3. Ha ha ha!
    Halo: CE
    Halo 2
    Halo 3
    Halo: ODST
    Halo Wars
    Halo Reach
    Modern warfare 2
    Mass Effect… (Gotta love the gal's outfits…)


    All of COD.  Finished playing Black OPs and LOVED it.


    If I've got some minutes I play FreeCell


    Now that's a subject stopper….



    and Bloodrayne (gamecube)…OMFG was it *hard* to beat that last boss!!!!!!! has anyone ever given the finger to the screen after beating a really tough boss? i was…DAMNIT that boss was tough   
    cuz you know what's hard about beating bosses in 3D games? you've got to run away from them, then turn around to shoot them…*without* getting killed too fast your self  :

    will name more later

    personally i like RPGs and action games. stealth games are cool but way too slow sometimes. i love a good challenge, but i prefer running around & blasting things 

    and the most *perfect* game for me…as far as difficulty level & learning curve…was Legendary Axe for the TG16. but…the last boss was *so* easy because i found the safe spot right away and used the turbo button to whack him to death really fast 


    OMG I remember Crystalis.  I loved that game so much.  They need to remake it so I can play it on the ps3.  I like going round talking to the animals, the swamp, man loved that game.

    Bloodrayne was good, but what was up with that damn stupid movie they made.


    i know you played crystalis because you mentioned it in an earlier post 

    Janine Dee

    I own both the Bloodrayne games, and I adore the character. In many ways it's the character that can either draw me into the game, or make it all but unplayable.

    That said, especially in the first one, I am not afraid to use the cheat codes.

    There's challenging, there's hard, and then there's why am I wasting my free time fighting the same boss AGAIN. There is no specific formula to it, because each game is different, but there is a definite point where it stops being fun, and if it's not fun logic says I should either stop, or just get the damn cheat code and get past the part troubling me.

    I have to figure they kinda knew that since they made the codes such a obvious part of the game menu.


    You know bobby, why can't you just be happy for me :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

    I rarely use the codes.  Its more of a challenge.  Now after I beat the game then I will use the codes just for the hell of it.

    Janine Dee

    Again Love, there's challenging and then there's “Why am I doing this again?”  Codes are for the second option. 


    what did i do now?  :


    ROTFL big hug Janine. :-* :-*

    Bobby lol

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