The forums › Polls › Female Impostors. Male Imposters. Gender Fluid Avatars
- This topic has 109 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by medjai.
February 8, 2012 at 6:18 pm #42839
I am not offended what so ever, NG. In fact, I applaud you for speaking your mind!
AZRIELLEFebruary 8, 2012 at 6:20 pm #42840Bonnie, you remind me to a girl i know in Florence……..a really good friend i miss so much (i don't see her from summer of 2010). eh eh he! we call her “truker” usually cause she is direct and sometimes a bit rude, but she is really pretty!
btw, Bonnie this is your personal point of view on achat and i like it! but at the same time, i can understand peoples like Rukya and Janine (both lesbian) don't wanna have in her bed a guys. same thing for hetero guys…….what happend if you feel something for someone and then u discover she is a man!? first of all, he betray your feeilng, then dunno what can happend.
bonnie, be proud of your self and u don't have nothing to regret.
February 8, 2012 at 6:44 pm #42841It was honest and direct and I appreciate it so thank you Bonnie for speaking your mind
February 8, 2012 at 7:36 pm #42842Umm Hentai, you might want to look back. I was the first to REALLY start saying “Who cares?”
For me the avatar has to be female because sexually I am attracted to the female form. Sorry, how I'm wired.
As far as the person operating that form, I don't WANT to know them in real life… that's not to say I can't care about them, but I think you already get what I am trying to say.
I want AChat to have that level of separation, but to use it you have to at least accept it's there.
To try to pierce it is to rob yourself of much of the point of being on here, and to possibly steal from wonderful souls like New like that first time she described someone calling her a guy.
February 8, 2012 at 9:15 pm #42843My apologize, Janine,….i was using you and Rukya like example just cause all we kmow your sexual orientation…..i can us Inazuma, it's the same.
wasn't in my mind hurting or joking whit you.February 8, 2012 at 11:40 pm #42844It's not an actual problem HB.
February 9, 2012 at 3:30 am #42845hehe its not a problem for me to be an exemple
February 9, 2012 at 8:38 am #42846Thanks, girls! you two are allways nice!
February 15, 2012 at 8:44 am #42847Janine said it first AND best. If you can't tell, what does it matter? Actually, her thought was more why waste time even worrying about it. relax and enjoy the experience! You're here for fun and action. have both! in real life, you don't like every man/woman you meet. treat it the same here. if you feel uneasy about someone, don't 'room' with them.
February 17, 2012 at 6:39 am #42848Janine said it first AND best. If you can't tell, what does it matter? Actually, her thought was more why waste time even worrying about it. relax and enjoy the experience! You're here for fun and action. have both! in real life, you don't like every man/woman you meet. treat it the same here. if you feel uneasy about someone, don't 'room' with them.
Agreed! The minute one discovers deception in any relationship, trust is destroyed, and attraction with it. On a fantasy experience why actively seek out this potential disappointment? :
And one more personal observation: “attitude” supersedes “gender” for me. For example, the other day I was trying to politely initiate a conversation (perhaps clumsily?), and the woman replied, ” I am on here to chat. Just not with you.” 😮 Regardless of gender or physical attributes, that person makes my “ignore” list. In summary, if you are “faking being a girl or shemale”, don't tell me. Just be polite and sensitive, and I will do my best to respond. :-*
February 17, 2012 at 8:25 am #42849A bit rude……just to be polite! what had she eat fo breakfast!? bread and insanity!?
February 26, 2012 at 11:55 pm #42850I have to line up behind Janine. I think she has the right idea. When I was more available back in the fall, I noticed a similar thread to this… or maybe it was the same, I don't know. And sorry if I am kicking at the dead horse since this topic has quieted down, but I find this idea kind of curious.
Curious mainly because it's a game, and the avatars on the screen are only idealized representations of ourselves. I am not a sleek, 20-something, dark-haired beauty.
I'm sorry, Tight, I hope I didn't break your heart
. This doesn't mean I don't want to be, but I am in entering my 40's, married with a darling little one, and perhaps not as trim as I could be. Being promiscuous and sleeping with various men and shes is not something that's available to me, and won't be. I wouldn't do it even if I could. Does that mean I shouldn't fantasize about being a sleek professional that is able to woo men with a flick of her eyelashes – because that isn't really who I am IRL?
Maybe I can separate myself from the avatar because I am a writer, and what is often called a “gamer girl.” I play MMOs, and I role-play characters in those MMOs. The characters aren't me. I am not a dark elf necromancer that kills halflings for sport. When I personally walk down the street, I step around the ants on the sidewalk. But halflings are just so irritating!
Does this mean men shouldn't be allowed to see what it's like to be on the receiving end of sex? Or vice versa with women experiencing what it would be like to be on the giving end? It sounds like the idea is being made to seem the gender-benders are up to some insidious plot, like they are dirt bags for lying and cheating, when we ourselves stay behind computerized representations of our own idealized image.
I list myself as bi. I am not interested in women, but I will certainly group with them if a he or she is involved. It is a curious fantasy. And maybe I will try a scene with a girl. Am I bad for saying I am bi when I am really not IRL? Should we all, therefore, undergo a strict entry evaluation just to access AChat to ensure we are exactly what we project in the computer world? Up top it says “AChat: Virtual Sex and 3D Sex Game.” It says nothing about a real world dating site.
Yes, you can often tell if a guy is playing a girl. It is just the way some things are portrayed. I don't care. If I can connect with the female avatar, and the male on the other end, so be it. If a girl is playing a guy, oh well. If they connect with me, I will room with them. It doesn't bother me to think that a girl might be pleasuring herself on the other end. What pleasure I get is the interaction of my character with their character, not me with them. I am not going to date them. I am not going to have a relationship with them outside of AChat.
What strikes me as kind of ironic is that a great deal of hentai comics and animations are done by males. It is so plainly obvious. And yet men will happily masturbate to them, even though they were written, animated and drawn by men, for men. Yet there is no demand that they be done solely by women.
But really, if it is so worrisome, there are other options… like e Harmony, and other actual dating sites.
February 27, 2012 at 1:31 am #42851Welcome back Avalucia.
February 27, 2012 at 7:24 am #42852hmmm hello Avalucia . I dont see why you talk of hentais , i dont see what they have to do here 😮 . with a hentai (writen by a man or a woman is not important) the reader is alone he can do what he want . Here he or she is not alone , so he she abuse the partner
February 27, 2012 at 8:42 am #42853hmmm hello Avalucia . I dont see why you talk of hentais , i dont see what they have to do here 😮 . with a hentai (writen by a man or a woman is not important) the reader is alone he can do what he want . Here he or she is not alone , so he she abuse the partner
are you talking about your self, paddle queen!? ih ih ih!
btw….no, hentai are not only draw by man…..i'll remember (years ago, maybe more then ten) a japanese femela artist who draw hentai was kidnapped and raped! don't remember who she was
ooops, i forget….wellcome back, Avalucia!
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The forums › Polls › Female Impostors. Male Imposters. Gender Fluid Avatars