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Forum Game. What Comes Next?

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    It could be the next line to a well known poem, passage from a book, a song lyric, a familiar saying…anything recognisable and well known.
    Provide the first line or two, or at least enough to provide a clue to what follows.
    Hell…if it's funny or fits in with the post, it doesn't even have to be the “official” next bit…this is all just for fun.

    As an example : “O Romeo, Romeo!” ; the answer would be : “wherefore art thou Romeo?” from Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'.
    It's not necessary to provide the source, just the missing part.

    Here's one to start things off : post the next part and then leave something for the next person to complete.     

    Mama, just killed a man
    Put a gun against his head….


    Pulled my trigger now he's dead.
    Mama, Life has just begun
    But now I've gone and  thrown it all AWAY

    My turn…

    To Dream the impossible dream
    To Fight the unbeatable foe…


    You had me stumped there for a while.
    I was thinking it was “My Way”, but even looking online I couldn't match the words…

    …To bear with unbearable sorrow
    To run where the brave dare not go

    “The Impossible Dream”  :  Frank Sinatra

    Next up…

    And I'm black rainbow
    And I'm an ape of god…


    And I'm black rainbow
    And I'm an ape of god…

    has to be    Marilyn Manson :  Disposable Teens

    So next up is ….

    She was common, flirty, she looked about thirty
    I would have run away but I was on my own



    So…….what song are these lyrics from and who was the band/artist?

    When you look in the mirror
    Do you see yourself
    Do you see yourself
    On the T.V. screen
    Do you see yourself in the magazine
    When you see yourself
    Does it make you scream

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