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I Snorted in the maid because i do what i want
I did pee in my dog because it was hot and I was nervous
Oh god…lol
I punched thethe banana because I do what I want
I stuck my finger in the maid because it was hot and I was nervous ohhh at least it was not the banana or a beggar ! now I know why I had a free drink
hmmm i understand nothing at this game
I don't believe you Rukya… but I'll explain
Not it's 1.15 am in Germany… so I use this time and I'm wearing a blue shirt.1pm/am -> I ran my hand in15 or 46 min —> my socksBlue
I ran my hand in my socks because I do what I want
oh ok so it do :
I made an appointment with a coca because i was drunk
ps i dont know what is called a coca
I cut an onion because the voices told me to
I cut my dog because the voices told me to
I stuck my finger in my neighbor because the voices told me to
I punched my dog because I do what I want!
I made an appoitnemnt with the girlfriend of my best friend because I was drunk.
I embraced a Mexican because I wanted
I ate a cockroach because I do what I want…..
I embraced a cucumber because the voices told me to
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