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Home Forums Share your creative ideas Forum Update

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    Forum HTML

    As happy as I am of Achat on the whole, I am constantly frustrated with the forum coding, it is to say the least its BASIC and well outdated!

    Is it possible to upgrade the coding to allow a lot more creativity and ease of use say html 5 compatible and if this forum package is not upgradeable is there a better one that can be used to replace it?



       I've been away for a while, only popping into the game occasionally, and not spending much time here in the Forum.  The whole reorganizing of the Forum is a great idea, but I would like to put in my 2 cents worth.


       We could use some more organization here.  This Category “Share your creative ideas” has become (in my opinion) a mess.  Would it be possible to give the Ideas and Voting polls their own space?  The pinned topics take up more than half the page, and a lot of the other topics have been buried.

       You would still have the “Share your creative ideas” section only include one and put the Ideas and Voting polls in another section.  That way we could have our debates and discussions here and take the suggestions to the other section to be included in the Voting poll.  Also… these should be located near the top of the “Home Page” of the Forum to make them easier to find.

       The Height Map Tutorial for Texture Editing and the Editing cloth textures should be moved to the Artist's Alley and pinned to the top.

       Another thing I see we could use is a spot to put Suggestions for the Forum.  If we had that, this post would have gone there, instead of taking up space here.  Maybe it could be moved to the Organizations & Events section or let the Forum have it's own space.

       This is by no means a criticism of the immense job of reorganizing the Forum, these are only suggestions.  I want to compliment everyone involved on a great idea and I realize how much work it is for such an endeavor.  Thank you all. 

    Thanks for letting me share,

    Edit:  Another thing I noticed while reading through the Forum and catching up.  I don't know if this is possible or not, but would it be possible to adjust the pages so the “MOVED” topics would be further down?  Or would we have to bump the other topics to make that happen?  If that is what it will take, I'll be willing to help with the bumping.


    welcome back pafe


    I must say that, now having spending some time on the DreamWorld's Forum I am a bit less lost than in my start.
    But It is true a new commer may be a bit … disoriented by the many entries in some place of the forum.

    I am not good at organizing things ( Lord … you may have a look at my room … ) But I think two things about it.

    First, that the efforts done by Moderators are very welcome by me . It help me a lot to find special topic more easely.

    Second , that some sections are also a bit a Mess … And that the kind efforts may continue, and Yes I can Imagine how hard it may be
    to tidy up all those topic that sometime cross each others. And really Miss Pafe have a nice view on the less confuse topics may be.

    So ” Gambatte ” Modérators ( as some of my japanese friends usualy said )
    And be sure that your effort are not worthless and are appreciated.

    Please accept my best humbly regards.


    been looking at the suggestion box idea… there is an issue with how many topic lines we can have… and I don't think we want a general thread on that… too easily missed imo.

    Cleanup will occur when Tight and myself get added to this section.

    I fully agree some shuffling still needs to be acheived here… we just haven't conluded where to all.

    But all sugestions will be noted! Thnaks for the input


    I can only speak for myself, but I value tthe input that is given here and in other posts.

    To answer a few questions: we are not able to move threads around or determine the order of a section. How they are organised, is based on the date of the last reply. All the 'moved topic' threads can be removed after a while. Unsure of the time thart should pass before we do. Bumping all other topics is a solution, but more time consuming as removing the threads.

    Some threads are not that easy to move, as they fall into several ideas. Adding more sections will make the homepage of the forum very long, the question is if we want that. The dev-team have announced to us they don't want too many sections. So within the sections that are there now, we will try to make a logical division.

    Thanks for the feedback


    pafe is right about the polls , they could be moved to the events section , like this they will save place in the first page of “share your creatives ideas” for more topics we can talk to .

    After all , voting is a little event 

    And the texture editing tutorial to the artist alley , as all the ones who will try to make clothes will post them there


    I agree.. and now that they have added Tight asnd I here… we can do some shifting.  I'll forward your suggestions to the other Mods, and see if they all feel in accordance about moving the polls to the contests aong with the other suggestions.

    There is another thread we have here looking for suggestions btw,1473.45/topicseen.html

    worth bumping up if you see something worthy to comment on


    concerning the moved topics post everywhere on forum, taking up a lot of space on the pages, merging them into one topic should solve that problem. I'll give it a go in the erotic stories section and you can tell me what you think



       More food for thought.

       I would keep the Polls with the Creative Ideas, keeping them under the “Discussions about AChat” category.  That way they would all be together.  What would be nice, but I don't know if you have the room for it, would be to have the Ideas compiled in a seperate topic, like it was before the poll began.

       We would have our “Share your creative ideas” for my boudoir shoes, and scarves, rooms, etc., then have the Ideas collected into their own topic, then that could be changed to the poll when it is time to vote.  Something like Keiko did earlier when we went from Ideas to Vote.  According to Covems's research (which I agree with) that is probably the only category the Dev-Team is interested in.

       If we're looking to conserve space (there is a limit that the Admins have set on the size of the Forum?), we could consolidate “Got any problems running AChat?” with “Slip of the pen (Report Bugs)”.  They're pretty much the same thing, only different.    I don't know if that's what they have in mind or not… just a suggestion.

       We could also move the entire “Off Topic” category, with the quizz and off topic discussions to the new “Organizations & Events” Category or vise versa.  That might save some space.

       Again, I want to than you moderators for undertaking this, and restructuring the Forum.  I love this place in the AChat world, and I love all you people that are here.

    Thanks for letting me share,

    Edit:  P.S.   @Tight… I just checked out what you did in the Erotic Stories with the moved topics.  Fantastic!  It brought all the other topics back up. 

       My only suggestion for it would be to pin the “Find all moved topics” to the top of the page for a month or so, until we get used to the new layout.  I know I used the “Moved” to find the NSPD thread, and there may be others like me out there who've take a bit of a hiatus from AChat.

    Thanks for letting me share,


    Movement notifications can be striped out at this point imo, we are pushing 3 weeks now and if someone isn't aware of the changes at this point, it is unlikely to matter further since they probably aren't posting anylonger.
    I had anticipated a month… myself before remocing… reviewing what I had they were “dead” topics for the most part.

    Right now I am of the opinion merging the personal ads and Introduce yourself into one catagory would save  additional space.

    DOing so would allow the polls to be added to this section.
    The  suggestion thread can be stickied onto this section without creating a new topic section.  They are creative ideas imo.


    I don't have more to add to what i had read here, just few words.

    All that is linked to the forum and in game life MUST be discussed in this section and we can check two different things:

    -Forum stuff:
    all about the organization of the forum and its section

    -Games suggestion and poll:
    i think the name will say all: collecting idea for the game experience and poll for new poses, dress, accessories and similar!

    Now, being a bit tired after a looong they of full vacancy on the mountain, i will stop here!

    And Pafe…..whit this topic, you are back like a bomb on us! nice, my dear! 


    welcome back hentai 


    Thanks to all  for their opinion. This is exactly what we need cause we want this a great place to be.
    The re-organizing has started and is not finished yet. But we need time and also some experiences with anything here to find the best solution.  And at least, as Tight and Bear mentioned, we're a bit limited in our own possibilities. We need the support of the A-Team and their ideas and ours must fit together.
    But every suggestion is one point on our “to-do-list” and will be discussed.


    maybe , as now its proved that dev team dont read some sections , maybe it will be better to erase the woman with woman section .

    1 – They never read it

    2 – they dont pay any attention to us

    I know its a bad idea , but frankly , it will change nothing if this section stay or not

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