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Fucked senseless?

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    Forgive the wording but I couldn't think of any smooth way to word this… it's that kind of topic after all. :

    Anyway have anyone else ever been fucked senseless… or fucked someone senseless? And do you like it?

    I know I do, sometimes I'm just a smiling shivering heap after sex and it takes some time before I have control over my body and rational thoughts comes back to me.

    I've yet to manage that to a guy, they do get physically exhausted but they always seem to have their wits about them. *pout*


    Hi  We have a slang word for it  …    “Sally Sandbagged”  for a girl    ” Sammy Sandbagged”  for a boy …  basically you are so knackered you cant move off the bed or floor or wherever your sexploits were carried out … just like a heavy weight Sandbag

    So apt  & describes it so well 

    And yes to both  and yesssssssssss to liking it   


    Yes to Both with a Yes as icing for the other answer.

    Most of the time though I seem to exhaust men. Teehee (Mainly because they don't have the stamina) Mind you my current bf is keeping up more and more.


    hmmm i dont understand what you mean by senseless


    Rukya, Adera means you are exausted till the point you can't move even a finger, so you are out of your strenght…..and the image of a sandbag used by Stone is perfect….eh eh! A sandbag is just a dead weight, so it resemple really well the image of a person without strenght!

    Is now clear for you, Rukya!?


    Yes to both best feeling in the world knowing you have taken the lady your with to heaven and back and then there again

    And having been take to the same point by a great lover is the second best feeling.
    Laying there so happy and unable to move and the biggest smile on your face.


    It's been so long since I had any “real” sex, that it is difficult to recall what it is like… but I do remember…
    There were some times when we were both so frazzled and spent we were speaking in “tongues”… sort of babbling… that is when we could find the energy to speak.

    One thing though… no matter how exhausted or “sandbagged” we were, we always had enough energy to kiss.  What is it about kissing that makes that possible?


    Rukya, Adera means you are exausted till the point you can't move even a finger, so you are out of your strenght…..and the image of a sandbag used by Stone is perfect….eh eh! A sandbag is just a dead weight, so it resemple really well the image of a person without strenght!

    Is now clear for you, Rukya!?

    oh ok , i will get the details for myself , but it happenedc 1 or 2 times to me 


    tsk tsk! you can't tease us and then not explain…… 


    yes i can , i'm the paddle queen lol 


    HB, that's physical exhaustion, what I mean is when you've lost mental comprehension and such as well.

    Stone, I had no idea about that slang for it, seems like a good one though.

    Kitten, ahaha good things you're giving him practice, it's more fun when guys have some stamina.


    I wonder if Santa knows what Sally Sandbagged is if I put it on my list 


    I think Santa knows your Naughty mind very well by now, lol


    Santa waits in the bar if you care to test that Brandy'


    ”  Cumming”   

    Grabbing Adera, come on girl …  think we need to see Santa's Grotto  😮

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