Miss Bluedenim, please be careful with them. It seems that Photobucket has been going into the libraries. Even though they are “private”, those types of pictures violate their TOS. I noticed yesterday that the same thing happed to one of MoonCalf's pictures in the Selling my services post (she has since fixed it). They must be doing it randomly, because out of all the pictures she posted, the one that had the “violation” tag was the kiss, which has the least amount of nudity or xxx other than the dance.
I too have a lot of pics stored on Photobucket, and locked in private, but all that does is keep the viewing public out of those particular libraries to a certain extent.
Perhaps if you find another site, something like tumblr (which is what Moonie has done) to store your pics, you would rest easier. I am waiting for the day when they yank my whole account off their site.
All I'm saying here is weigh your options.