MMmmmmm, strangest way to ask for a wish i ever seen during a birthday party………. [img];topic=401461.0;attach=440306;image[/img]
the nice thing is she can choose the one she enjoy more!
aaaand a different way to realize a pumpkin for halloween!
last one to celebrate the B&G! come on girl! take a ride!
MMmmmmm, strangest way to ask for a wish i ever seen during a birthday party………. [img];topic=401461.0;attach=440306;image[/img]
this two bell remind me on the two contrelled posted some times ago!
i dunno if she is smiling cause she like the surprise or she is thinking at the after party!
last but not less funny!
that remihnd me on the birthday party of a guy ihad know playing MMO…….it was two years ago, near Bologna…… we eat some good garlic bread (sausages, mushroom, tomato sauce and cheese), but the funny part was the final cake: light goes down, a waitress come with the cake and a recipe usually used for cool the wine but on it there was a real dildo! the waitress put it in front of the guy and put some cream on the tip! :
aaand the funny thing was the table near us… was the birthday of a girl…..she turned red on all her face!
Hm.. dunno if its funny in front of children… though the youngest one doesn't know what's going on ( I hope so…) she probably believes it's a lollipo… but the “older” girl