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Pssst, don't say it to Covems, but someone is working on his personal Eva….
It's fine by me… I've been working on a robot also. This is some pictures of Prototype II
She's coming along nicely, don't you think?
But then again, your first love always occupies a special place in your heart.
*sigh* The times we had together…
Oh… RUKYA… I love the way you serve beer. I'll take one please.
Covems, that Prototype II is turning out nice!
But let me say, someone is working on the fifth generation!
aaand it can be a nice idea for creat a cyber skin…..don't know how many of us are into cyber themed movie or similar……me, yes!
HB that twilight joke was good. my sides hurt.
I'm also liking those sexy Robo girls. let me know when your finish for testing lol.
Will do… just remember…
Robot Girl ALWAYS answers youRobot Girl is NEVER too busy for youRobot Girl doesn't DISAPPEAR into a room during the middle of a conversationRobot Girl ALWAYS wants to room with you
And this was next generation
Not really a find because I made it (im not good with photoshop, someone else do it better) But let's play FIND THE SEX TOY!
weeeelll…….thee is only one toy there, but if in need, each one of them can be used….
Oh Andrea… what kind of toys you have…
Nice collection Andrea I think the 2nd must sting a little 😮
well from experience they all can be use as sex toys. lol
I think its the second row and sixith one myself but the third one might work too.
This is?
I know that pic….i had post it somewhere several moths ago! and let me say, it's incredible!
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