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Did you notice on sexi's pic – fake orgasms burn more calories than real…. 😮
so guess I need to learn to fake them lol but if i take one real orgasm times by 3 it beats one false so guess i'll keep having my multi orgasms hehe cause don't think i could fake too many lol
Peter pan spanks tinkerbell
This made me laugh
amazing what they teach kids in the cartoons and movies we grew up watching hehe
[img][/img] DONUTSIs there anything they can't do. Now I know why I don't eat ring donoouts !!!
Now I know why I don't eat ring donoouts !!!
Not alll fairy tales end happily ….
isn't better to spank this Tinkerbell!?
lol James maybe it is a baby that needs pulled out. i'm sure that person would love a bath after being inside there
Here's one for sexi's Zoo to
And i thought penguins could swim
hehe tango that penguin is being lazy
lol James sure hope i don't need CPR with him then
I like diving ……..
One love bite and she fucked off out the window ……
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