Well, this can be the small one she have……. [img]http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZyY4D3cdgthG2US_4_E9GsCakpMbaCM5lo_a14irOjGeRn1GYqRVZJALf[/img]
the answer to that question is obvious unless you are a creationist. since all birds are descendants of the dinosaurs or other birds, the first chicken came from the egg of its predecessor. therefore, the egg came first, unless you mean a chicken egg. then the chicken came first.not funny enough? lol
LOVE THE SIGNS! i just saw this the other day while out driving. in real estate the three most important things are supposed to be “location, location and location. i saw a veterinary hospital right next door to a thai restaurant. maybe you need my bent sense of humor for this one…
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