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Tagged: Forum Game: OR
date tree
Chocolate or fruit after lunch?
Popcorn or peanuts?
Righ or left drive?
Right hand for on the road Left hand for on the track
Roundabouts or Traffic lights
A car or a truck?
A truck actually. Just so I can be a dick and toot the horn when driving.
The Dark Side of the Moon or the Red Sands of Mars?
Dark side of the Moon Best album EVER
Pink Floyd OR Guns & Roses
Tough. But, I gotta go with the dark ambiance of Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. Us and Them.
Spartans or Romans?
Spartans… of course
300 or spartacus?
lol, big picture. 300. Can't wait for the next one coming out.
Lois Lane or Mary Jane?
Louis Jane.
Batman or Joker
Batman please….. seriously ripped torso that guy mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
donuts or bagels?
Googled bagels and I think I'll go for that
blade or wax?
rock, paper or scissors?
Ron or Gin?
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