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Tagged: Forum Game: OR
Humble Victor.
One True Love? or many One Time Loves…
One true love after many……….
Rule 63 or Rule 34
lol…Martin. I say rule 34, because I have yet to find something that hasn't been twisted and warped to be pornographic. Nothing is immune to Rule 34.
Dinosaurs or Aliens?
Aliens… are so sweet…
Alien or Predator?
Alien, I wanna be Sigourney Weaver driving the fork-lift!
Clue or Monopoly?
Now… Axis and Allies, or RISK!
Risk i guess
Battleship or Stratego
Don't know what Stratego is and battleships I think is a young boys game? Maybe I shouldn't answer this one, but Battleships. I'll get my own back…..
bodyform or Always radiant?
Wow, Blue…
You would ask a question that no guy could answer…
Wow, Blue… You would ask a question that no guy could answer…
why not Jensen???
I am always Radiant Blue…. i dont live in CA but i do sea sports too
Read a book before or after see a movie about a book?
In public, I'll say I read the book in order to appear superior and intelligent over others. In private, I watch the movie first.
80's Action Star or 70's Porn star?
Waow… dificult choice…
i stay in 70… i born in this decade.
Halle Berry or Anne Hattheway as Catwoman.
Halle Berry
Stallone or Swarzenegger
Buf… is complicated… i hate both… lol
Spok or Han Solo?
Mmmmmm……. Han Solo no. Mr. Spock, he is much more dominant!
Golden Gate Bridge or Manhattan Bridge?
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