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Game resolution / width. Games does not display the full width of screen.

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Home Forums Got any problems running AChat? Game resolution / width. Games does not display the full width of screen.

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  • #5820

    Since the last update my game does not display the full width of the screen, anyone else with the same problem ?

    I do have the latest graphic card drivers and also tried reinstalling achat before anyone asks.

    startlog info if needed …

    Assuming high detail textures…
    Keyboard conversion table loaded…
    Building tables…
    Reading from file: prog_dataanim_locks.list …
    … file processed
    Number of read animation lock files: 1
    ANIM_LOCKS::CheckConsistency() – ok
    Reading from file: prog_datasceneinfo.list …
    … file processed
    Number of read scene infos: 317
    Reading from file: prog_dataanim_assignments.list …
    … file processed
    Number of animation-scene assignments: 11569
    Reading from file: prog_dataaniminfo.list …
    … file processed
    Number of read animinfos: 6387
    Number of read anim rotations: 44
    Loading texture properties…
    Reading from file: prog_datatexture_properties.list …
    Reading from file: prog_datatexture_properties_user.list …
    Loading texture sizes…
    Reading from file: prog_datatexture_sizes_orig.list …
    Client version: 317
    Command line: UPGRADE_OK
    Command line parameters:
    End of command line parameters…
    Loading room placer data from file: prog_dataroom_desc.bin …
    … file processed
    Direct3DCreate9() passed…
    display adapter: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series
    Selecting graphics properties…
    Hardware T&L detected…
    W buffer is NOT supported
    DEPTHBIAS is supported
    Stencil operations are supported…
    Vertex shader version: fffe0300
    Pixel shader version: ffff0300
    Vertex and pixel shader will be used…
    GetAdapterDisplayMode() passed…
    current horizontal resolution: 1920
    current vertical resolution : 1200
    Resolution set according to the current display mode: 1920×1200
    Client RECT: 100, 100, 1123 867
    Window dimensions: 1030×796
    Selected BackBuffer format: D3DFMT_D24S8
    Fullscreen presentation interval: D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE
    Selected display format: 1920x1200x32
    Fullscreen mode…
    CreateDevice() passed…
    Size of available texture memory: 727 MB
    SetViewport() passed…
    Using Z buffer…
    EMBM supported…
    Effect file loaded…
    Creating vertex shaders…
    Creating pixel shaders…
    Creating sprite vertex buffer for SCREENSPRITES passed…
    Creating billboard vertex buffer for SCREENSPRITES passed…
    Creating lightmap vertex buffer for SCREENSPRITES passed…
    Creating screenfix vertex buffer for SCREENSPRITES passed…
    Font loaded from file: prog_datafontp.txt …
    Font loaded from file: prog_datafont_taho.txt …
    Font loaded from file: prog_datafont_taho2.txt …
    ********** Begin of Direct Sound Init **********
    Reading from file: soundssoundssoundsources.list
    Sound file loaded: soundssoundsslap.wav
    Sound file loaded: soundssoundsvolume.wav
    Sound file loaded: soundssoundskiss1.wav
    … file processed
    Reading ogg list file: soundsmusicogg_playlist.txt … file processed
    Ogg thread created…
    ********** End of Direct Sound Init **********
    Cannot open scene sound info file: prog_datascenesounds.list !!!
    ***** DirectSound init passed…
    Mouse wheel available: YES
    Initializing editor windows…
    Initializing character editor windows…

    Begin message loop…
    Reading from file: prog_dataaxobj_full.list …
    … file processed
    Number of read AXOBJECTs: 2643
    Size of available texture memory: 717 MB
    Size of loaded textures: 9.109899 MB
    Device lost !!!!!!!!
    Display: All not auto managed vertex and index buffers released…
    Device was reset with success…
    Exit pressed…
    Exit without comm logout…
    **************** STARTING SHUT DOWN ****************
    Deleting device objects…
    TEXTUREMANAGER::ReleaseAllTextures() passed…
    DeleteDeviceObjects() passed…
    DISPLAY::CleanUp() passed…
    Releasing direct input objects…
    Releasing TEXTUREMANAGER varaibles…
    All TEXTUREMANAGER variables were deleted…
    OGG thread is being terminated…
    OGG thread was terminated…


    Yes for me too the sides of my screen are black too and i cant run the arrow to the bottom of the screen


    Same for me though i usualyy dont use the full screen.


    personnaly i didnt use it too . Now using it make the avatars not deforfed and they are bigger


    yep…..that is the solution Dev-team had find out to avoid the deform of the icon. An italian friend had mention it few days ago, cause seems there is a new client version with this featur improved.

    Sorry, i had forget to post it in advice!


    Everything seem out of proportion now, hope they fix this soon.


    hehe jacquesza , youre wrong , now its well proportionned . Before when you used the full screen in a 16/9 screen the avatars were stretched to the sides , now its good .

    But i hope that in a 4/3 screen there is not the black stripes to the sides


    Only the avatars seem fine the rest are out of proportion … the profile pics,  body / clothing options ect. I am not wrong 


    hmmm for me they are well proportionned


    same here! no deformation in full screen now!

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