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Tagged: Game: The next one posting…
Yes and next is Tomi…
yep its me ( but not on the pic ) maron will be next
the pic could have fooled me for a minute tomi
next will be ………. BB if she´s not too busy at walmarts
Seems she still is at Walmart but im here now
Next one is Roxxy
Nope, foxy is waiting for BB outside walmart, she didn't make it to the entry
next one is BB coming out of walmart
Nop not Brandy but me,
She is getting close though, i just seen her at the check-out at wallmarts
nope it me
next is mrsexlover for a morning kiss :-*
Next will be Sexi, now wanting more then a kiss
Nope, it's me. Still a little sleepy.
Next to post is Maron.
Booooooooo, wake up, its me chasing you round the village lol
Next is Maron
next is tango
nope, ta daaaaaaaaa
It's me –
Next is mmmm Tangoracer
No its FoxyRoxxy waiting on Lover .
next one is Tomi if he is not in jail
No it's me, good thing i found you that bathing suit Roxy, otherwise you would be in jail with Tomi
Next is going to Roxy again, as she changed clothes
I found this one and no tomi is going alone there
maron is here maybe she will come with her bikini
10 pints for you
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