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    I think that if you fight against violence with more violence, youre not so different that the barbarians.

    if we dont sell weapons to those countries, the will not use this weapons against us. If we help muslims – and not kick them- that are running right now from the barbarians, we will build something good for the future. 

    Look like easy, is not… but thats the way. Stop people like donald trumph, who will be the next???

    Naaaaahhh i am kidding…. hes so strait man to be here. (ironic, hes just a poor stupid and frustrated man, sure he was in love with a mexican woman, and she refuse him)

    Next one is Nat


    Yes it's me 
    The next prefer like me… talking about sex


    Well… i like talking about sex…  : but not always

    Next one will be Jinger Red Hair bird


    nope, just a newbie here, Kaitlyn, playing along and wishing all a happy Friday, hottie hooooo

    I too would like to pass along my thoughts as well to those in a city I once called home as a child, Brussles.
    So sad, my poor little brain can not comprehend all this hate. why?????

    sry for the downer ….

    Next one to post WILL be HAPPY and might just be ” Honeybatcher “. if not, hope you are smiling Justin, *giggles*


    True, it's me. Next one is our new member Gigi


    I'm looking, I'm looking… No Gigi.

    Just me, filled with Easter ham and diet cherry pepsi.

    Next will be Woody cause it's been a while

    A bike roars into the meeting place

    winter is coming

    The ranks are thinner every day

    Choose your allies well  the night is long


    The next one posting is  …………….  a true survivor


    First I was afraid, I was petrified
    Kept thinkin' I could never live without you by my side
    But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong,
    and I grew strong, I learned how to get along.

    Oh no not I! I will survive!
    Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive.
    I've got all my life to live,
    And I've got all my love to give,

    I'll survive, I will survive!
    Hey hey..

    Gloria Gaynor – I Will Survive

    Now I let you out of my life
    I'm so much better
    You thought that I'd be weak without you
    But I'm stronger
    You thought that I'd be broke without you
    But I'm richer
    You thought that I'd be sad without you
    I laugh harder
    You thought I wouldn't grow without you
    Now I'm wiser
    Though that I'd be helpless without you
    But I'm smarter
    You thought that I'd be stressed without you
    But I'm chillin'
    You thought I wouldn't sell without you
    Sold 9 million

    I'm a survivor
    I'm not gon give up
    I'm not gon stop
    I'm gon work harder
    I'm a survivor
    I'm gonna make it
    I will survive
    Keep on survivin'

    Destiny's Child – Survivor

    Is that enough surviving for now ?

    Next is gonna be a winner


    The next ate too many chocolate eggs 


    Never … lol  Its chocolate

    Next  will help me lick up the mess!


    Its Foxy  i am in to healthy eating now  so I might take just one lick 

    and next one  be Woody to take the other licks 


    No, it's me. Next one is Woody


    Yes, it's me, Woody…

    Next will be someone new


    I hate that damn gif
    New  well i guess i newer than some

    next one posting …………… Is a F1 Fan


    Nope, just me Woody, a SNOWBOARD Fan ….. next one to post is Cassianna , maybe she is an F1 fan, have a great day all.

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