A tail wags, seeing the scent of a familiar welcome kittykait in the air SNIFFLES and SNUFFLES and does thinkings…about bumping humps…(sounds like a plan)
Tail a-waggle wiggle and snuffly snout searching, she drops an offering and prowls her prowly way ever on…but marks the spot in the mind map…to be returned to…
Next one up has to be a crayzee demon slayer witchypoo with a name that sounds like my tummy………
YES and YES… proving doubters wrong. It's a common misconception that Cat's don't come when called… we just come when it pleases us. And pleases ME it does…
This KAT is a fan of those playful, mischievous hounds and can track their feral scent riding any breeze. Especially when “kneading” some attention.
And who says cats are aloof? This one likes making new friends, and getting a free lift too. WE are a lazy bunch.
Next one to post… perhaps one of those eager Studs hoping for a chance at Stones stable.
Viewing 15 posts - 7,201 through 7,215 (of 7,232 total)