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Tagged: Forum Game: Yes or No
That will be me Bingo!
Next one is ready for the week with lots of positive energy
Yes, after a hard running workout I feel las if I'd be a fountain of endorphines
Next one prefers watching TV than doing sports
Well Lover that all depends on the sport you are doing and what your watching on TV
But yes watching TV is better then doing most sports now
Next to post has represented there county in a sporting way
Yes, I represented England in the footy in Forum, Unfortunately some certain Mods kicked my ass but I will be back
Next is looking forward to the big Daytona500 race…
not as much as some friends of mine who NEVER miss seeing. including coming by work to see me on that day
next is ready for spring
Oh yes, I love spring and fall and can't expect it's spring soon
Next one is planning a picnic asap
nope no1 to go with me and boring going alone
next is ready to see pics of baby sheep and goats
ah no thanks… not a fan
next is glad we are that much closer to the weekend
Extremely excited Saturday is the only day I sleep late and get to be a bum lazing around all day. and clean
next one wants to help me wash my dirty underwear rofl
UGGG I just threw up a lil in my mouth….with that being said ahh AHH I DEFINITELY WILL PASS Roxy.
Next is feeling like me wishing Spring would hurry up and bring its ass on lol
Yes want this winter to be over and the warm spring weather to come
Next to post is hoping the town square stays open
No! dont now it What is the town Square, I stay in the forum town.
Next one is getting ready to start the work week .
Yes yes I have and my Spouse to so we got 4 whats his is mine whats mine is mine
hehe sorry honey
Next one will be the winner of the Daytona 500 and buy the drink at the Bar on them :
no to both
next is ready for someone they love to be with them
yes but will have to wait until I get to the gym
Next is hoping that this week will be special
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