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Tagged: Forum Game: Yes or No
No sharks in the swimming pool but me, so I'll choose the pool thank you.
Okay wait.
If bread always lands butter side down, and a cat always lands on it's feet?
What happens if you strap buttered bread to the back of a cat and toss it?
Does it hover?
NO!Hover? of course not it falls butter side down Schrodingers cat is in a closed box!
is it dead or alive?
Dead I think its dead for some time now
yes or no do you spend all the time masterbating
( I know the answer but want to hear it )
Yes, all day and I think even when I'm sleeping my hands are doing it.
Did you think about having sex with your teacher when you were young?
Sure do miss those college days
Do you have some wild and crazy memories of high school or college?
The golden years Yes I do and some great memories they where what was in past stays in past ….
yes if some one told you a Secret would you keep it a Secret yes or no ?
Hi Foxy,Yes because I have no memory so you could tell me anything :
ah … I forgot what I wanted to ask!… Wait I thoughtful………Are you anxious for the new update of our game?
No not anxious …excited maybe …
Are you a secret cake eating fiend ?
NO I make no secret about eating CAKE
Are you someone that will go back for seconds for cake???
course i don't care what people think about me
would you share the cake with me
I will take some of the frosting I have a sweet teeth for sweet
next one wants to jump in a freezing cold lake and take a night swim !
Next one starts a fire, so we can have a little party
PS: Welcome back sexi, nice to see you again
Thinks this could be evil ….
Yes I like starting fires …
Next one …… Do you feel the force ?
Absolutely yes
The next feels the fire rising …
*fans myself a little bit*
Does anybody else feel warm in here
Next wants to remove some clothes to cool down.
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