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Games in meeting place

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    I do not know if this is the right places for this but here goes

    anyone who  goes into winter room will at sometime see a line of girls and guys in there
    The other night I was in one (line) and a few people in line poof out of room.
    we all know that if you don't move or chat in room you will poof out..
    So this got me thinking what if will make a game out of this for A$
    The rules would be
    (1) 20A$  to get in line
    (2) no moving in line
    (3) no chat from line
    The last person standing  wins   


    Could be funny


    Could be funny

    And it would make a little money to AChat for MM or FF poses by examples!
    I'll not have the patience to win to stay so long but I would like to play !

    I also noticed that the “clans” take their respective corners in the “winter colds fucking arena place” 


    Sounds fun. But sorry to be a game breaker Lydia…
    I'm a gamer and like to think of the bugs or exploits of any game I play. And came to this conclusion :

    The one who will move at last when going in the row (even if all together at “same” time), will always win.
    And the one who will write-delete in chat (so not really chatting) will also always win.

    Yes sounds wicked and sad if one would do this for 80 A$, but… you'll never know if one is cheating or not. Some are greedy you know

    I'd rather bet on who gets colded first by a zombie, who first gets insulted for refusing a room, who first gets “hi, wanna fuck?”, or “hi, you are sexy”… or things like these



    Lets all welcome FrazerB to Achat.
    All he wanted was a dance with me and had to settle for Vaughan.


    Peeka you are right about the line and i have worked out a way that i can stand and not move or chat for hours with out going poof
    in meeting place.. I just get feb up standing in a line some times  and i would love to have some thing to do beside sex in there 


    hey Guys and Girls……i also have a few ideas but that's only by the experience i have in the Meeting place:)

    1) Can we please have one room for Prem Users and the other Room for Free User-
                *its nice to see so many users in the meeting place but seriously, when cold
                  invites start to happen and if you try to add a guy to group and mean while
                  he's a free user is not fun anymore.

    2) Block or Kick Users-
              *When cold invites start the it ruins the whole fun in the Meeting place. And 
                when the people start to talk about it all hell brakes loose:)

    3) If Achat needs A$ for poses-
              *I said it once, can't we buy drinks or even a leash in the public place? drinks
                you can buy for lady's or guys, a leash a master can leash his/her slave on and all
                can see who's the master and slave. we even can buy flowers…..just to start and
                treat or spoil some of the lady's

    4) Once a week or a month we hold a auction-
              * Like Lydia said we can get guys and lady's to stand in one line and the guys can
                bet on the girl he wants, so if i want girl x and another guy also want her the
                one with the most A$ can gift her and take her to room. I know some girls ain't
                stuff you can buy, but they can get out of the line then. or we pay for the girl/guy
                to strip he's/her's clothes. the one first in his underwear, loses. and then he buys
                everyone a round at the bar

    Sorry if it's stupid or not possible but i'm just thinking of why I left Red Light Center. everything is slowing down and the people's demands become more.

    have a wonderful AChat day

    Your Sincerely


    hey Guys and Girls……i also have a few ideas but that's only by the experience i have in the Meeting place:)

    1) Can we please have one room for Prem Users and the other Room for Free User-
                *its nice to see so many users in the meeting place but seriously, when cold
                  invites start to happen and if you try to add a guy to group and mean while
                  he's a free user is not fun anymore.

    2) Block or Kick Users-
               *When cold invites start the it ruins the whole fun in the Meeting place. And 
                 when the people start to talk about it all hell brakes loose:)

    3) If Achat needs A$ for poses-
               *I said it once, can't we buy drinks or even a leash in the public place? drinks
                 you can buy for lady's or guys, a leash a master can leash his/her slave on and all
                 can see who's the master and slave. we even can buy flowers…..just to start and
                 treat or spoil some of the lady's

    4) Once a week or a month we hold a auction-
              * Like Lydia said we can get guys and lady's to stand in one line and the guys can
                 bet on the girl he wants, so if i want girl x and another guy also want her the
                 one with the most A$ can gift her and take her to room. I know some girls ain't
                 stuff you can buy, but they can get out of the line then. or we pay for the girl/guy
                 to strip he's/her's clothes. the one first in his underwear, loses. and then he buys
                 everyone a round at the bar

    Sorry if it's stupid or not possible but i'm just thinking of why I left Red Light Center. everything is slowing down and the people's demands become more.

    have a wonderful AChat day

    Your Sincerely

    i agree with 1 and 2    3 and 4  i dont think have a place in our Achat


    1) I disagree, not only free members send cold invites.

    2) Agree

    3) Agree. I've said the same for the poker room and also as gift in general.

    4) Don't think it's a good idea. But if there is a group of people who want it, they always can start


    4) Once a week or a month we hold a auction-
              * Like Lydia said we can get guys and lady's to stand in one line and the guys can
                bet on the girl he wants, so if i want girl x and another guy also want her the
                one with the most A$ can gift her and take her to room. I know some girls ain't
                stuff you can buy, but they can get out of the line then. or we pay for the girl/guy
                to strip he's/her's clothes. the one first in his underwear, loses. and then he buys
                everyone a round at the bar Smiley

    On  4    you want to have a meat market  place  lol  sell others

    I call this human trafficking

    not every one is in to this lifestyle this should be in your private rooms


    1) I disagree, not only free members send cold invites.

    2) Agree

    3) Agree. I've said the same for the poker room and also as gift in general.

    4) Don't think it's a good idea. But if there is a group of people who want it, they always can start

    I have to agree with Lover on all points.

    expanding on #1  free users get a chance to see what the game is all about. And like in the case of many of us here it encouraged us to become  Paying members. segregation or exclusion is a bad business model from a marketing point of view.


    i agree with 1 and 2    3 and 4  i dont think have a place in our Achat

    Thanks Ausie,  it was just suggestions, at least i got 50% right. like for Nr 3, we could buy a girl a flower or a ring or anything to show her you like her. The only thing i'm saying is to make it more fun and to spend A$. And about Nr 4, we could not buy the girl but gift them for the one that have the nicest dress, or the best personality……All and All is to make the game more fun

    Thanks Jayc, i agree with that not only free users send cold invites but then at least i will be in a room where the girl can have orgasm and cum, and have clothes on their body glad you like the third one and yes nr 4 was just to have fun, doesn't really meant to auction off the girls it was just suggestion

    Thanks Roxy, well at least the meat will be fresh, but like i said i only made the comment to make the meeting place more fun, like when Lisa and Zoey held their wedding their it was fun:) but i get your point it was bad suggestion…..

    One more Suggestion: is it possible to add more info of a player then in the meeting place? My bad but the other day i chatted to girl and when we got to the room she/he was a shemale i know people can ask but sometimes its not the best of manners to ask a lady if she is F or S if you understand what i'm trying to say

    Have a Nice day

    Your Sincerely


      Hi Honeybatcher.

      You aren't the first guy to have this happen to you.  And you won't be the last either.   But, I kind of understand what you are saying about asking.

      I actually made a suggestion that the names above our heads be different colours for different Genders.  But, nothing has ever come of it.  It would sure be a lot easier and save a lot of embarrassment for some guys (well every gender really) wouldn't it ?  Actually, it would save a lot of wasted time on both sides, thinking about it.  If you were only looking to room that is.

      And if you aren't sure if they are a Gurl or not then ask them. I wouldn't be offended, if others were offended then, well…..  To be honest,  in my opinion, Shemales should tell people that they are one, before going into a room.  But, again that is only my opinion.  I'm too honest.  :.    Maybe other Shemales do it for fun.  You know,  want to make you uncomfortable and shocked about it.  Who knows.

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