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    I've never seen the Emanuelle movies but I know her from her relationship with Hugo Claus.

    Only thing I know was that Claus was devastated from the break-up so she must have been one hell of a women.


    This was the song many american soldiers clung to and sang while being imprisoned in Hanoi.  Was there vision of returning home.  Many of them could only think of returning to San Francisco. Kept them alive.  Song had much more of a an appeal than most people realized.

    Thanks Scott McKenzie


    I may be to young or really out of loop as i don't know who this artist is. but out of respect I take my hat off for this man and  give him a  moment of silence.


    (put flower in hair)

    truly a lost to all who love this man and his art. may he live on with in his music.


    RIP Larry Hagman (J.R. Ewing)

    Today Larry Hagman died in Dallas. He was 81 years old. He was “bad guy” J. R. Ewing in “Dallas” but also Major TZony Nelson in “I dream of Jeannie”.

    Larry Martin Hagman (September 21, 1931 – November 23, 2012) was an American film and television actor best known for playing J. R. Ewing in the 1980s primetime television soap opera Dallas His supporting roles films include appearances in Fail-Safe, Superman, JFK, Nixon and Primary Colors. His television appearances continued in international soap operas and with guest roles on shows such as Desperate Housewives into the 21st century. In 2012, he reprised his role as J.R. Ewing in an updated version of Dallas. Earlier in his career, he played Major Anthony “Tony” Nelson in the 1960s sitcom I Dream of Jeannie. He also occasionally worked as a producer and director on television.

    Hagman was the son of the actress Mary Martin. A long-time drinker, he underwent a life-saving liver transplant in 1995, and although a member of a 12-step program, he publicly advocated marijuana as a better alternative to alcohol. He died on November 23, 2012, of complications from throat cancer.

    Good bye Larry


    I was never a “Dallas” fan but I watched “I dream of Jennie” re-runs all through my childhood.
    Jennie was the Original “Brat” slave and if her Master/Daddy  Tony would have just taken her over his Knee once or twice
    He would have had less problems.
    Anyway, sorry to hear a TV legend is gone.


    I remember JR EWING  with a fondness of his wicked & naughty antics in Dallas.  His 10 gallon stetson, wierd eyeborows  and the rich arrogant oilman will always be Larry Hagman in my eyes  in a nice way of course.

    Rest in piece JR, go cause havoc in heaven…  it would only be fitting of your stature …  kissing my red rose and throwing it in the meandering stream to the waiting spirits,  watching the water lap at it as it floats away …  Sleep Tight JR  xx


    He played some very interesting characters, and from what I've read was an interesting character in his own right.

    He will be missed by many.  May he rest in peace.


    P.S.  And… I envy any man who got to hold Barbara Eden in his arms.


    Larry was a fine actor.  The episode “Who shot JR”,,was the highlight on tv.  Watched by so many people.  The perfect con man and womanizer.


    The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

    A pray for 20 angels…

    20 angels are gone…

    Cherish your little monsters, some don’t have that chance anymore…



    hmmm what is it about ?


    Sadly a gunman in USA shot and killed 20 children in a primary school, I think teachers too. 
    The gun man I think shot his mom too. Its breaking news here. God Bless their little souls and let the Angels look after them in heaven and the ones they left behind.  A terrible tragedy, made worst so close to xmas.
    Prayers and thought to them and their loved ones.

    The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, United States, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people, including 20 children between six and seven years old, and six adult staff members. Earlier that day, before driving to the school, he shot and killed his mother at their Newtown home. As first responders arrived at the school, Lanza committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.


    Such sad news.

    Newtown, Conecticut  is a lovely little town just off  Hwy 84 and close to Long Island Sound. I stopped there once with my parents on our way to New York from Montreal, on back roads through lovely countryside. It is so alarming to hear of such terrible things happening but even worse when it is somewhere that you know.

    Hopefully something good will come out of this and there will be stricter gun control in a beautiful country that is self-destructing in a large part due to those who so forcefully assert their right to bear arms with no consideration for the evil that they breed.

    I fully expect the response from such people to be “if a teacher  had a gun they could have killed the person and reduced the carnage”. Lol, why not say “if one of the 5 yr olds had taken a gun to school they could have stopped the carnage”. Regardless of what they say, guns kill people and have no place in a good and decent society, which is what everyone should be working towards.


    It's not guns,… it is people. A similiar situation happen in China where a deranged individual took a knife to a school and stabbed 30 children.

    Sadly a deranged one took the innocence from a whole community, my prayers go out to them all and I hope they will find comfort and peace quickly.


    We , in the UK, have some of the strictest  Gun Laws around.  Even our Police are not routinely armed and I rue the day that should ever happen.

    We still have gun crime,  although not so many discharged shootings because of it and tragically we have had  a similar incident in Dunblane.

    The debate about guns will go on and no doubt this will re ignite it …   The individuals who tend to go on such a killing spree end up dead anyway and it is their suicide mission… 

    It is the indivuals who have access to such guns that is too blame …  but if a change in the law can save just one child,  then it should happen .. how can it not…  guns are to kill and to maim… 

    The xmas presents, lovingly brought, lovingly wrapped,  under the tree that will remain unopened….   tell that to the opposition to changes in your laws …

    Back to topic, I will light a candle this Christmas at our local church for the children & their families….  God rest their souls xxx


    There are two topics that do not get discussed by the politicians in this country, because we are a divided nation on them.  Abortion and gun control… and I don't know what the answer is to either of them.

    If a criminal or evil mind wants a gun, no gun control law will prevent them from getting one, or two.  I lived in that clandestine world for a while (back in my other life) dealings for outlawed things happen everyday. 

    This was a planned, meditated attack, not a random act of enraged violence.

    Now, the cable news organizations will spend the next week talking about this, and making the shooter a recognized name.  That, in my opinion, should not happen, I don't want him to become famous.

    Back on topic:

    I could not wait to hug my two kids yesterday.

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