Here is a group obedience pose I have been thinking about please send me your thoughts to add more moves
FMM Female in charge MFF Male in charge SMM Shemale in charge FFF and MMM AND ALL MIXES
Person in charge is in the middle there Orders
Start Pose Both right and left are on there knees in front of the person in charge
Bow heads (both obey)
Kiss my foot right (one obeys)
Kiss my foot left (one obeys)
Kiss pussy right (suck cock) (one obeys)
Kiss pussy left (suck cock) (one obeys)
Kiss me right (one obeys)
Kiss me left (one obeys)
Kiss each other (both obey)
Both Masturbate (both obey)
Masturbate each (both obey)
Hold heads
Left’s Actions Right’s Actions
Bow Head Bow Head
Cuddle right thigh Cuddle left thigh
Kiss right Kiss left
Lick Clit (kiss side of cock) Lick Clit
Slap face left Slap face right
Slap lefts ASS Slap rights ASS
Kiss middle Kiss middle
Need some more actions for the two Obedient Pets
Please feel free to post your Ideas so I can add them
Thanks Tango