The forums › Erotic Stories › Guide to descriptive roleplaying sex
- This topic has 147 replies, 33 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 7 months ago by Zuzannah.
May 30, 2010 at 3:25 pm #15157
Practice, practice, practice
Seriously though, some things like typing just have to be sacrificed. I know for me the more into it I get the less I worry about spelling… as long as the word looks like what I wanted to say I'm okay with it.
The “tip” would be to let yourself get lost in the moment. I've had amazing encounters that had my avatar standing there looking at hers and we purely typed to each other. While just the other day in a play session we used positions, with text modifiers for how were “really” were in comparison to what the avatars were doing.
Tune into your partner(s), express what you want, and find that mix… it doesn't even require “practice” just taking a little extra time to get in tune with each other.
May 30, 2010 at 8:45 pm #15158Welcome to the board Carli,…
Janine point is right on…don't worry about grammar, spelling when at those critical points,…relax enjoy, immerse yourself into the image of the words or action. It's not like the Grammar police are going to bust into the room and handcuff you,…unless that is part of the fantasy. (actually…the more the spelling deteriorates…I can sense a need for myself to assume more of a role in the story…hopefully leading the degradation of the spelling which becomes reciprocal )
As far as the poses go,…well that necessity depends on the partner and their imagination,…I know I can get wrapped up in the words and find myself not worried about the poses, however some partners just can't fly on without it. Familiarity with a partner will eventually settle that issue and the balance will eventually find itself.
Here's to the hope you have many happy hours of practice though.
May 30, 2010 at 9:27 pm #15159As a long time resident in SecondLife, I agree fully with the original post. Detailed and descriptive RP is what makes these encounters worth the monthly fee.
Now having said that.. There IS a slightly different way of approach. Instead of indicating your actions, describe them. For example:
As I step from the shadows, the bright glow of the ember of my cigarette lights my face. Slowly drawing on the smoke, then staring hard into your soft eyes, I whisper deeply, “Imagine seeing someone as sexy as you here.”
Slowly I exhale as my hand drops from my pocket, a length of rope unfurls in it and dangles down. “You shouldn't have came this far into the city, princess. It's not healthy”The dark shape takes a step towards you as the smoke circles your head.
Hello all. My name's Ogart. And if are a like minded RPer.. give me a shout..
May 30, 2010 at 9:48 pm #15160I guess that means I have to be on the lookout for people that don't depend too much on poses
And I sure hope to get lots of practice indeed, but so far that hasn't been a problem
May 31, 2010 at 12:01 am #15161AnonymousI haven't had much success role-playing. Mainly because I lack the imagination of those such as Ogart and their use of descriptive text. I am trying to improve and this guide is a big step in the right direction. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, Kaileen. A truly excellent read.
May 31, 2010 at 7:22 am #15162Actually, another reason to decline Cold Invites is that those who don't have the imagination to talk to you before entering the room aren't likely to develop much of one once inside.
Many times that chatting will give you a good idea of how it will be in room, and I don't mean flirting (though that certainly is possible).The ones I remember, the ones I look for when I log on are the ones I connected with, most often before ever entering the room.
A personal favorite (I won't name in case she doesn't want to be) caught my eye, but had a pizza she needed to go pick up. So we had a little bit of chat, but then didn't talk for like two weeks, BUT when I saw her again I HAD to talk to her. Ever since then we pounce on each other every time we are both on and *purrrrrrrrrrrs* well she caught me with her personality while I was still fully dressed.
Another I had just thought looked adorable each time I saw her on list, each time she never failed to catch my eye… then one night I finally said hello, and she was yet another lovely to reach right through that computer and touch me.
There is no formula, just trust your instincts.
The key to rp is just filling in detail. The more elaborate, more fantastic stuff will come with practice. Start small, I mean getting the avatars naked is done in a blink… in RP did you let her undress herself? Or do it for her? Start with things like that and stuff like settings or costumes will develop naturally.May 31, 2010 at 12:23 pm #15163Janine, you touch me already
Couldn't agree with you more on the talking-before-the-room thing. Sometimes I feel like a little girl again, because every day I learn of new wonderful things, and wonderful people here.
Speaking of favorites, I had an encounter this morning… mmm…
May 31, 2010 at 4:12 pm #15164@Elijah
A good practice suggestion I might make is to work offline, aka Janine's suggestion, think about, …visualize it set it to words in a setting where there is no immediate pressure to react. A few attempts at this and you may unlock that imaginative power or the muse to flow in a real time setting. (Undressing your partner, holding her in your arms…think what you might be doing and set it to words)
As to creative setups,…, here again imagination does help, but it need not be as elaborate to start with as Ogart's wonderful introduction. One of the most erotic intense experiences happened on a spontaneous whim while sitting in my home office chatting on-line, I suddenly flashed on office sex on my desk, threw the idea out there (in a way, an off hand remark of the idea) suddenly found myself in an erotic, vivid encounter,…, nothing fancy…no elaborate lead ins…
Don't make it complicated, work simple and it will follow.
May 31, 2010 at 4:25 pm #15165AnonymousThank you for your inspirational post, Bear.
Sometimes I do have an imaginative moment but then struggle to put them on paper without sounding too ordinary and boring. I don't really have a great vocabulary at my disposal.
June 9, 2010 at 11:08 pm #15166Nice post. This should be a sticky! No… that kind,, I mean the kind that stays at the top of the board for people to refer to.
June 9, 2010 at 11:26 pm #15167If only AZN, but some just aren't interested. They just want to pleasure themselves while watching the avatars grins and have a person on the other end who will change positions with them, and sometimes suggest different ones.
Still, I'm glad you consider this important… the more RPers on AChat the better.
June 10, 2010 at 2:42 am #15168Or if you have a friend on achat, maybe you can ask them to help you practice RP. RP to RP, LOL.
June 10, 2010 at 2:45 am #15169Or if you have a friend on achat, maybe you can ask them to help you practice RP. RP to RP, LOL.
OR maybe there should be an RP virtual room. I discussed the virtual area idea in one of my other posts in response to another person's idea. I think that way you know the people who are IN the RP room are actually interested in RP.
June 10, 2010 at 10:38 am #15170Actually… yes that is a really good idea. By allowing people to go into a rp chat section they are making it clear they are there to rp… would streamline things tremendously. It would save those wanting to rp from wasting a lot of time and effort while allowing those who just want a have the avatars grind away from having to deal with tons of rp text.
June 11, 2010 at 8:55 pm #15171I don't think there must be an extra room for RP. You wanna make sure that your partner really does RP? I think someone who is interested in RP can tell you what he/she likes. Or begin during the chat, not just in the room. Sure, there may be (cold) invites in this time, but you can ignore them.
What could be interesting is the idea of a Masked ball. I imagine, you really can't see who is under this mask. Maybe you just know the sex. I'm sure this will be funny… -
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