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GutZ. Hi There

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Home Forums Introduce yourself GutZ. Hi There

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  • #8370

    Hi There….

    I am not exactly sure what I am suppose to say. I guess I have an atypical personality, a bit strange. O_o What can ya do though besides being yourself? No choice. I enjoy conversing and learning about people. Everyone has their own perspective & experiences. I got this game for reasons anyone can guess, but I am also interested in meeting interesting people, and understand the inter-workings of their psyche, but everyone want to have sex in this game. *shakes head* I guess the forum would be a good starting point.     

    Nick name is based on fictional character, not the literal thing.

    I say silly things all the time. It's best not to take anything say completely seriously.

    Are we allowed to swear?  I hope so.

    *dances*… I don't know.

    Word. Deuces. (Is that still cool to say? Whatever doesn't matter…I am doing it anyways, and I sticking with it)


    Hi ya Gutz, *hugs* Welcome to THE FORUM.

    Here….. you can say whatever happens to be floating around in your head, as long as it is not at the expense of another member. I tend to be “unfiltered”, I just open my mouth and ramble so I feel quite at home here in the Forum.

    There are all sorts of flavors here so don't fret, don't try to “fit in” just be yourself. Your NUTS will find the perfect CHOCOLATE or COCONUT to create the DESSERT you are looking for.  The Meeting places are also great for those that like to chat….. like me. And NOT everyone is in a hurry to jump in the sac here, many like to chat, socialize and get to know you before they take you between their sheets. Move at your own pace, engage others in conversation, be respectful and patient…… and you will have FUN here. What ever kind of FUN that might be,

    YES, you can “SWEAR” here.  😮  and sooooooo much more. You are only limited by your imagination as long as you do not use the forum to exploit or defame other members. That is a NO NO and one of our hard working MODS will come along to edited your post and give you a slap on your tushy. 

    The Forum also has lots to offer….. Contests, Erotic stories, pics n gifs, both naughty n nice. Plus lots of helpful hints to make your visit here as FUN as possible. If you can't find what you are looking for just ask and someone here will come to your rescue.

    Most of all ….. HAVE FUN, explore your kinks, explore yourself that's the magic of this place.

    Kaitlyn aka Peaches



    Hello GutZ,

    welcome to AChat and the Forum.

    if you going to //understand the inter-workings of their psyche// I don't know, but for sure the Forum is a nice and entertaining place to hang around.

    I'd like to pass on a few links you might take a look and maybe you going to post more.

    In the ARTIST ALLEY,28.0.html you find some cool threads about art.

    At the Forum News department,30.0.html  you should find the lastest News

    Pointing out to the TATTLER,4580.0.html  ((we still lokking for ambitious reporters who like to support the magazin – if you think about that send me a PM ))

    Check out the Contest threads  always cool action there,26.0.html

    Great fun and even A$ winning you find here,25.0.html

    If you have any problems never hesitate to ask  Everybody in here will help you.

    From the Mods, Moderators: Lover, Brandybee, jayc, Nat33

    to the Members.

    Have fun and enjoy your time in Forum and in AChat Game

    GsCougar ( Editor of the Tattler )


    Greetings GutZ,

    Welcome to the crazy Village we call the forum. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas. ;D


    A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games we offer here. We are a friendly bunch and hope you become a regular visitor.

    Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

    In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute…

    1.  If you are interesting in writing or reading erotica, please have a look at our current story contest to see if it whets your appetite to put fingers to keyboard  in future contests.  Here's the link to read & vote for your favourite.

    Here's the link to Erotic Story Contest 13 – Group Sex THE STORIES.

    Achat Forum > Organizations & Events > Contests > “Group Sex” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 13,4692.0.html

    In addition to this. If you do like reading erotica…

    2.   Achat Hall of Fame –  Some of Achat writers who have published their work in Forum have gone on to have their stories published on the erotic literary site – Literotica. They always let our Forum village have first and exclusive publication though to enjoy.  Thank you to all for the privilege
    Here is the Achat Hall of Fame and how you can get access to each of the author’s stories.

    Adult Game AChat > Announcements > Forum News > Achat's Hall of Fame,3649.0.html 

    If you visit, please take your time and show support by giving our writers a star rating shown at the end of each story.   Thank you in advance.

    3. Erotic Story Contests past and present …. If you enjoy reading and / or writing erotic stories, as well as the Erotic Story Contests,  there is a link to past story contests so you can enjoy and see what is expected if it is your first time at writing.

    Here are the list of past story contests and how to get access to them.

    Adult Game AChat > Discussions about sex > Erotic Stories > Directions to EROTIC STORY CONTEST Stories, past & present.,2730.0.html

    4.  We are also asking for ideas for the game in

    “Collecting Ideas A to I”,29.0.html 

    5. Achat are encouraging members with their own unique talent to design clothing and poses for them.
    To find out more, click on the “Jigsaw” icon when you load up the game, before logging on.

    Sometimes we want things improved and we have a fun way of campaigning and letting the Achat Gods know.

    6. Pantiless Friday Protest – More Poses for LBGT

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Pantless Fridays! Protest,1018.msg60248.html#msg60248

    7. A Fairer release of poses for out LBGT (Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay Transgender) Friends.

    Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls > Rotational MF & LBGT (Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender) Pose Releases.,2754.0.html

    8. Appeal for more poses for our LBGT friends…

    Forum Home Page > Discussions about AChat > Polls > Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians,3848.45/topicseen.html

    9.  Do you like Car racing?

    We have some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the whole of the F1 racing season. 

    It involves gifting our Forum bank account – Pythia – 50 Achat Dollars and the stake collected plus additional sponsorship to boost the prizes is shared out between winners.  Would you be interested in joining and enhancing our community spirit? It will be a bit of fun.

    Grand Prixs

    2017 Formula One Grand Prix Sweeps.
    AChat Forum > Organizations & Events > Events > 2017 Formula One Sweep,4582.0.html

    2017 Formula One Grand Prix Tipping Contest  See if you can predict the winners of races and earn points.
    Achat Forum > Organizations & Events > Events > 2017 Formula One Tipping Contest,4489.0.html

    10. This is useful for new joins  –  Need to know how to do a pic –   read the useful links below for tips –

    Forum Home Page > Off-Topic > Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books…> PC and Software Basics (PC101),3609.0.html

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Posting rules > New Members. Info and Tips on Forum.,2788.0.html  

    11.  We are also having a  fun meet & greet type date game. 

    Here’s  the link and for the previous one so you can see the fun date reports…  They are fun reading

    A   Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Winter Meeting place Date game 2017,4550.0.html

    The current date topic is currently open for volunteers id you are interested in 2 fun meet and greet dates : 

    B    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > City Meeting place Date game 2017,4690.0.html

    12.  As a bit of fun, there is a weekly  Topless Tuesday  and Nude Thursday in the Summer Meeting Place. All members are welcome. Its a bit of fun for chatting, frolicking and sometimes pics are taken for Forum posting    Come along & make new friends

    Here's more about it, if you are interested:

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Topless Tuesday and ThurNUDEsday,4178.0.html

    13.  And finally, we now have a Forum Village Newspaper –  The Achat Tattler  ( by the Tattler Team (TT) GsCougar, Jeanona31  and Lover )
    Here's the link to read & enjoy

    Forum Home Page > Off-Topic > Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books… > ♥ The A-Chat Tattler 2nd edition ♥ 2017,4580.0.html 

    Most of all, have fun and meet new friends.


    Thank-you so much Cassie. It's great!.

    I'll add it to my achat pic as soon paypal comes through (very soon)…didnt know you needed 99A$…


    Welcome Gutz,
    hope you're enjoying your time here and in game. Even if sometimes there is a question of sense coming up. Have fun!



    I am trying to get that in my signature, but doesn't seem to work.

    Does it have to be a specific size to work?

    Edit: never mind! figure out the problem 


    Welcome to our community

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