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Halloween Party 2011… the lair of Ursa

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    The invitations are simple, and precise in instruction… “You are invited to the AChat 2011 Halloween party…Doors open at 10:00 p.m. to close precisely at 10:15, late comers will not gain admittance.”

    For any who chose to attend the instructions were concise leading the prospective party goers to the doorsteps of an ancient stone keep high on the flanks of a hill outside of town. As seen afar in the daylight it had an unremarkable appearance,  but close up, beneath the night sky the structure  it carried a forbearing presence.

    Under a full moon which hangs in the night sky uncharacteristically close, an aura shines about the stones.  Weather worn stone and beams hint of uncharacteristic age,…yet the heavy oak double doors show nothing of fragility. Like the landscape, it is a structure that  stands  as if it had grown and died. For some, as they take it in, an uneasy sense crosses them, as if as they studied the tower, …it appraised them.

    With each heartbeat as the time grows nearer, there is an uneasy sense of the moon creeping closer  …, it burns this night with a brilliance that obscure the stars. A brilliant  beacon illuminating the patient crowd mingling under an unseasonably  warmth of the still night air, until exactly at 10 o’clock… the calm of the night is broken by chime of a bell erupting from a heights of the keep.

    With that deep bellowing gong the massive doors shudder and creak open, spilling forth the darkness the lies within… From the curtain of blackness steps a man, tall, ancient in appearance, carrying himself with the pride in his stately well tailored tux. Standing with a regal pride, he waits patiently for the last chime of the hour,… raises a white gloved hand beckoning.

    “Come,…we have not much time!… Come!… Come!”

    The closest to the door stand hesitate to enter the void, then summoning courage they step forward swallowed by the veil of darkness. Once inside they are greeted by a hovering  simple candelabras floating lackadaisical into view as moves slowly away leading deeper into the void. For each that enter such gain a personal, escort a small light against the suffocating darkness. They lead the guests deeper, …halting …hovering as if in wait for the others to filter in. As they do dark music begins to flow….Labyrinth of Dreams,… Castle of Nightmares…Hall of the Witch Queen….Lost in the Darkness… (Nox Arcana) …hollowed darks notes… smooth… disturbing tunes which creep into the soul when confronted with the wall of the void before them.… Few immediately noticed the gloss of the black floor beneath them nor the scatters twinkle of soft  sparkles. that lie deep within. Most hold their eyes to the candle flames which bend back and forth… and to the sense of the flow of air… a slow draft which pulls and ebbs across the skin, as if the darkness breathed upon them.

    Outside the  stately man pulls out his pocket watch, notes the time then impatiently warns the stragglers lingering outside.

    “”Now or never.”

    Then again with a stern tone of Authority

    “NOW OR NEVER”… He calls…a single gong  from the tower rings ominously to echo his deadline.

    As he steps back into the shadows… his stern voice rises ominous,…”NOW,… OR NEVER.

    The massive doors shudder once more, closing slowly as the final costumed participants scramble to slip in before they slam shut with a loud  finality jarring the nervous restless laughter of the guests within. The void of darkness surrounds them but for the thin barrier of the lights of the candelabras .


    For the briefest moment a silence fell,  then a low whisper rises from the darkness floating on the silence…and  the music flows again. “Nox Arcana…Night of the wolf…”

    The heavy deep beat smothers the crowd…a deep pulse vibrating on the nerves of the body,. the hush confident voice that rises on the string of the melody strokes smoldering anticipation… The chant fades into blackness, but the rhythm presses on, its ominous touch stirs the thickness of primal pool. …a subtle motion coxed by the firm beat of the music until the flow of the chant returns with renewed purpose,…the rippling darkness pressed by its urgance…gaining motion… strength building as the voices rise, stirring at it along the  flow of music. Pressed again the dark primal pool begins  to swirl about the crowd as they respond shifting instinctively closer together. The hairs on the nape rise with the rumbling lull in the chant, magic builds with a pressure that collapses on the core of their beings It strokes there, a dark caress urging a yielding, seductive in pull,…relax… surrender,… echoed by a feminine voice,…seductive and sinister . All about them  tempest of motion claws in the air,  Emptiness has  grown into a vortex of action riding the new wave of the chants that rise in a crescendo pitching with  burst of magic that washes the crowd. A sharp crack explodes, green lightning erupts it’s jagged path sweeping around the crowd,. crackling as it streaks to the edge. of the darkness along the floor. Verdant flames flash alive.,…growing as it spread… burning brighter, rising higher  as it dances on the melody…the crowd circled by its life, darkness is consumed. Substance replaces void,…a glossy black floor, imbued with the sparkle of faint light. To look close, one can feel depth there…and as the flames race in creation leaving in its wake a black floor is, with the sparkling diamonds of stars burning beneath its surface… A crash of vertigo sweeps some as it is like walking on the face of the cosmos,

    Tables and chairs to manifest from the flow storm of  green flames. Heavy with detailed intricate patterns carved in the wood…. long tables set with trays sweet delicacies and drinks,  The flames continue their race, the edge of a wall…. grey stones rising… pitted with private alcoves, entrances draped with heavy velvet curtains… tapestries, dangling along the face of the rising wall… the void is exploding into a growing inferno of green flame…and there rising about the milling crowd… the great hall….towering stone walls, with heavy oaken beams…an arch  glass ceiling in the forming  heights as the flames leap above at a frantic pace…a burst of pale silver blue moonlight as the moon appears above affixed like a chandelier in the heavens above the glass roof…until all is complete and the fire dies in the high corners of the hall with a whimpering poof as the music stills.

    For some,… the seductive voice strokes their souls again…”surrender”….

    A single beam of moonlight falls from the height to illuminate the raised dais at the rooms end. At its center, a slumped figure in the cradle of a heavy oak throne….His head lifts slowly to the touch of the silver rays exposing a silver torque wrapped to his neck. It glows in a soft blue hue as the moonlight baths it. His face is showered under the lights caress, he slowly shifts, as if drawing life from the rays. Hands rising from the seat,  halting under the restraint of chains. He jerks at the chains once,… twice… shatters the links on the third attempt. His feet shift… and the silence of the room is broken with a sharp crack as metal shatters from the kick of his feet..

    The host rises, running his fingers through his disheveled hair…then lifting his arms high,… he reaches to the moonlight,… as he does the sleeves of the trench coat slip down, revealing  iron shackles cuffing his wrist with heavy broken chains dangling from it.

    The cone of moonlight begins to expand, sweeping across the room as it paints the  stone wall under a brilliance of soft grey blue hues.

    As  the light sweeps behind the throne a pair of St. Andrew crosses anchored to the wall behind focus into view. Manacled to each heavy beamed cross a raven haired beauty, adorned in clinging orange satin dresses with low cup bodices bracing their exposed firm breasts, … as the light spills over them they hiss and snarl, silencing as the runed silver collars about their neck flare.

    Ignoring their actions the man nods to the elderly man in waiting who has slipped quietly to the edge of the dais. The old man raises a gloved hand and with a subtle movement the shackles of his companion crack open,.. falling with the remnants of the chains to the floor. Pausing the man on the dais rubs life into his wrist,…his dark eyes roaming over the wide assortment of costumes…until he finally speaks, his voice deeply booming within the chamber.

    “Welcome, friends and guests. Tonight we party… eat, drink,…dance,.. celebrate this hollowed eve”. 

    “It is a night of adventure, and perhaps under Luna’s sublime nudge, with the touch of imagination you shall find her to illuminate the those secret desires you hold within. To unravel,…explore this place of mystery,…of magic… of sensuality… welcome…to the Lair of Ursa”

    “Take care not to dig too deep into the secrets of the keep,…you may awaken matters best kept in slumbered ignorance.”

    He steps forward to the edge of the dais,.. Nods again to the man in waiting who raises his gloved hands and claps once. From the walls of stone step forth misty forms which condense into human shapes… sharpening in detail as they slid into the touch of the moonlight. Ghostly apparitions of comely servants, men and women…scantily clothed under light veils which barely to obscure their shapely features. They sweep forward through the tables scooping up trays of drinks and appetizer and  slide forth to mingle into the crowd.

    With  another clap, the music erupts… a heavy techno beat filling the hall,…a spark of a strobe light and the party begins as Ursa turns to the restrained beauties who hungrily eye the guests..

    Enjoy all… post a pic of your costume and join the fun… latecomers too… we await your tales…


    (I present my chatacter for the party. I chose the costume of V, from the movie: “V for Vendetta”. Feeling that characteristics of the character suit me.. Can't wait to read the entries of the other guests…)


    With each step, the veil of darkness becomes thicker, almost taking away my breath, body trembling with anticipation. As the crowd starts to move forward, I feel the arm of my companion slip from mine and in the pitch black corridor, she moves out of arms reach. Used to the shadows, I move to the side of the slowly treading group, finding the edges of the dark void and carefully tread forwards.

    I see the eruption of green flames, the Keep and Grand Hall appearing out of nothing, keeping myself hidden in the shadows, only a light glimmer of my white mask betraying my position. Silently I listen to the welcome of our host, both my face as my mask not showing any emotion as I watch the shackles fall from his wrists. Slowly I scan the surroundings, seeing the crowd relax, the first openings showing as they dispurse themselves through the room. Some people clinging together, some couples holding eachother, by hand or bodies touching, the first guests taking a drink from a tray, offered by the servants that just materialised in the Hall.

    In admiration I look around. The Hall fit for a grand party, the refreshments and food of exquisit quality and taste, the subtlety of them scenting the air, the arrangements making my mouth water. The heavy beat of the music fills my ears as I watch our host, trying to fit his demeanor into the Keep that will be our house for the night. The pale moonlight shining on the silver collars of the creatures in orange, sparkles in the corner of my eyes, attracting my attention to them. I glance at them briefly, wondering what role they will play during the party. The heavy beat of the music enticing their bodies to move. Bouncing breasts, swaying hips and glistening eyes accentuate their presence.

    My eyes wander over the crowd, trying to guess who is hiding underneath the wild array of costumes, guessing the pressence of some friends. At least, based on the way they move, their height or the subtle unique body language that characterises them, some seem to be here. I smile, the recognition of those I know, taking away the eerie feeling the enchanted surroundings have given me.

    From a little distance I see my companion look around, trying to find me. Her blue hair, bound together in 2 pony tails, her gorgeous body tightly wrapped in a girlish school uniform, her eyes sliding and wandering through the room, hoping to catch a glimpse as she unexpectedly lost her physical contact with me. I wrap my cloak around my body and appear from the shadows. Some guests look at me in wonder, guessing wether I am part of the entourage or a guest myself.

    Slowly I approach my companion from behind, my black leather boots not making a single noise on the black, bottomless floor. I grab two glasses of champagne from a tray as a servant passes by. Each carefully placed step brings me closer to her and just as I reach her, she turns and sees me. A big smile appears on her face as I take a deep bow and speak. “MyLady, in the darkness I lost my connection with you. I am glad you were not swallowed up by that void of nothingness. But now that we have reconnected, shall we drink and toast to a wonderful party?”


    ooc… oh you wonder of those two beauties do you  Tight? 

    ^cguckles^ even I wonder at this stage…though I know Camille and Rose have distinctive personalities .. as does Jaspar the butler…he too carries a story of his own…

    Should any desire to play with a preset character let me know…I'll be happy to turn lose their control as long as you understand their motivation and play within the constraints of their personalities…
    they do not have to be bound in play with Ursa…in fact perhaps more interesting if they follow their own paths this night.

    Janine Dee

    It is amazing what  people take for granted. How they are content to simply know that things work without knowing or caring how or why.

    Such was the case in the steam tunnels none had trespassed in nearly a century. Even the animals that normally sought out the dark places to dwell seemed to avoid entering.

    At the heart of those tunnels sat what to many observers would appear a coffin. Much taller then it was wide it was still larger then anything human would need. Made of metal with brass fittings, valves, and hoses  it sat a remnant of an earlier age heedless of the passing of time, but then it showed it was not as much heedless as infinitely patient.

    A click sounded, followed by a valve hissing, and then came the sounds of some sort of liquid draining away. Once that was finished the lid opened and a figure rose.

    It was the Witch Queen a figure said to be as old as time itself she was not so much immortal as she had discovered a way to conquer the passing of the years.

    As she felt them trying to catch up to her again she would retreat from the world to one lair or another and immerse herself in one of her alchemic baths where she would rest until her youth, beauty, and vigor were fully restored.

    Though capable of changing form at will she had always preferred the pale skinned, auburn haired form that she was in as she emerged skyclad from the alchemic vessel.

    Stepping in front of a dusty mirror she appraised her flesh. While she could feel her vitality renewed she possessed enough vanity to want to SEE the results, and they were as pleasing as always.

    Her hands gave her firm bosom a squeeze, and not only was she pleased at their appearance, but that they were as delightfully sensitive as always.

    Her stomach was flat and firm running to the swell of her hips, and even the little patch that she preferred to keep the hairs of her sex in was trimmed as she liked it.

    Legs long and firmly muscled, looking into her own face she could see that too was a picture of beauty.

    While her baths were as scientific as they were sorcerous it was as much her mind being given greater control over the processes of her flesh as it was any “regenerative” properties they liked to speak of when she last walked the Earth in the days of Queen Victoria.

    She had learned a great deal however and as she checked the clock that she had set to tell her how much time had passed she was pleased to see the improvements she had made to her baths had made it less then a century for them to finish restoring her.

    Smiling she filled her lungs deep with the air of this new age and turned to a regular bath to wash away the chemical remnants. There she found a small card, an invitation to a party on all Hallows Eve.

    Pleased to realize that she had awoken in time she slipped into the bath while reading the details.

    Her return to the surface world was over all pleasing. While many reveled in the day few cared to understand it, but that was unsurprising.

    For her that her Victorian clothing as well as her carrying of a broom simply received compliments on her costume. Smiling them away she found a secluded place where she could cloak herself in spells of invisibility and climb upon her broom.

    Which quickly bore her to  her destination at the affixed time.

    At her entry she was both impressed as well as amused with their hosts embellishments, and ultimately she was curious about one capable enough to get past the protections she put on her places of rest while respectful enough not to disturb her slumber.

    NAME: Miku (Pronounced “Me-koo”)

         A flickering flame dances atop a levitating pillar of wax in front of me. Surrounded by a sea of darkness, with only the sounds of our heels echoing through the empty void, my grip tightens with the gloved hand I was clinging to. The glow from our candles have become our only beacons of light to guide us deeper into the belly of Ursa's Lair. I began to stray out of thought, mesmerized by the performance of the candle's flame just before the massive doors behind us slammed shut causing a cold breeze to sweep through the hall, nearly snuffing the life from our candle light. The haunting, deep gong of the tower bell cuts through the dark and rumbles the floor beneath our feet.

         Panic gripped the group as people shuffled into a tight huddle, severing my connection to the gloved hand I was clutching. I was being pushed and shoved around, ultimately ending up outside the circle of guests. The light from the candles were dim, struggling to breathe as a veil of darkness was cast over us.

         Gazing out into the darkness, I spot a thread of emerald light glowing on the floor. Curiosity controls my movements as I approach it slowly, kneeling down and extending my index finger to touch it. An ember of the emerald glow ignites the tip of my finger like the wic of a candle, yet the flame that burns brightly in my hand does not scorch my flesh. A smile curls the corners of my lips, marveling at it's beauty as the fire quickly engulfs my entire hand with a soothing warmth.

         My amusement changes to fear as it begins to spread down my arm. Panicking, I flail my hand in the air to put it out but to no avail. With my other hand, I attempt to rub it off, however, the fire kindles my other hand and the flames grow larger. Lifting my head, I look over to the crowd of costumed guests, no one aware of my presence or what was happening to me. As I begin to accept the possibility that my soul was going to be consumed by these emerald flames, a single tear streams down my cheek and falls to the glowing crack of light on the floor.

         The flame reacts to the tear like gasoline to an open flame and my entire body erupts into a blazing inferno of emerald light while the trail of verdant lightning electrified through the rest if the hall. I cry out for help but my voice is kept silent by the roar of the flames. Closing my eyes and lifting my head, I am overcome with a sense of tranquility. My will to resist completely drained as I extend my arms from my sides and spreading my fingers.  The fire caresses over my skin like a warm ocean wave, so intense that a vortex of wind within the blaze lifts me to my toes, ripples over my clothes and through my long teal hair.

         Once the flame materializes everything within the great hall, it is quickly extinguished. After collapsing onto the floor, I look down at my hands, then around the room, puzzled about what just happened. Rising to my feet, I wander back into the crowd. Everything seemed normal. Perhaps it was all just my imagination. I got so nervous that I just fainted, right? Brushing a few rogue strands of my teal hair from my eyes and tucking them neatly behind one ear, I exhale a sigh of relief before jumping in surprise as V appears from behind, offering me a glass of champagne. A sweet smile builds over my lips, accepting it from him graciously.

         “Thank-you. Yes, it was a frightening moment when I lost you, But now that you're here again, everything is fine.”

         A soft chime resonates in the air as I tap the rim of my glass to yours before a small burst of giggles escapes my lips. As I raise my glass to take a drink, I notice my reflection on a nearby Victorian mirror. Although something appeared different. I blinked a few time before rubbing my eyes, hoping they weren't playing tricks on me. Taking one step closer to it, I tilt my head in confusion, causing long strands of my azure hair to spill over the front and back of my shoulder,

         “Strange… I've always had blue eyes… Why do they look green?”

         Shrugging a slender shoulder to my cheek, I dismiss the thought and turn back around to V,

         “This is going to be a very exciting evening, I can feel it.”


    I had been browsing the stores for a while now in search of a costume, in the end I came across this really small boutique selling halloween costumes wedged in between many others on a narrow street… don't think I've ever seen it before. Walking inside it I felt a little strange as if something was prickling my skin at first, behind the counter was a posh old lady smiling at me and it looked like she had been taken directly from some early 20th century movie… actually, the whole boutique seemed a bit left behind in time. Her gaze seemed to bore right through me and there was something odd with her cold yet still burning eyes and for some reason it eluded me completely as if there was nothing odd at all.

    “How can I help you young lady” she asked me, I answered her with a bright smile “I'm was searching for a halloween costume, but a scary one, my last costume have all been more on the cute side”. She looked me up and gave me a derisive snort “I don't know about scary” apparently my blonde wavy hair, bright blue eyes and nice smile didn't really cut it “but I will see what I can do”. She started rummaging around in her drawers finally pulling out a small vial with a clear fluid inside it “here we have it” I looked at it frowning slightly “um… I'm looking for a costume” she broke me off “but this is one, though admittedly a far more… sophisticated one” she told me turning her eyes at me that seemed to burn colder for a moment. Suddenly all my doubts vanished and I just agreed with her “yes, your right, that will be a perfect costume” she smiled at me again “I knew you would see it that way sweetie“.

    Paying her I left the boutique with light steps and humming to myself, good thing I finally had found an costume, the party was tomorrow. Once at home I went about the usual stuff and later went to sleep without a single worry on my mind.

    The next day I woke up and cleaned my apartment some before I went about preparing for the party, that is, downing the vial in one gulp and then it was like the spell had been broken… well it probably was. What the heck had I just taken, this was no costume, what had I been thinking? Slowly my skin started prickling all over and I got really scared. It didn't help that two small lumps was forming on my forehead, my feet contracting, my spine lengthening and my tongue splitting at the end. Oh shit, am I transforming? My body continued to change, I grit my teeth preparing for pain or something and was surprised as waves of pleasure started coursing through me. My dick started straining against my panties, my nipples feeling so sensitive even against the soft fabric of my bra and my butthole was screaming for attention.

    I fell down onto my knees overcome with lust, stripped as fast as I could, then wrapping a hand around my engorged shaft, stroking it while my other hand brushed over my nipples. I licked two fingers on my hand and then inserted them into my ass and it didn't take me long before I brought myself to a mind blowing orgasm under the effect of the vial.

    Coming to I slowly got up, my body feeling a little strange and it was hard to balance on my feet for some reason. I glanced down and couldn't see my feet sticking out but hooves with a pinkish tint to them. I quickly step in front of my mirror and gasped in surprise.

    I had pinkish horns coming out of my forehead, pointy ears, a tail at my back that seemed to move on its own and at the end of my legs the hooves arched me like really high heels. Moving my tongue around in my mouth it felt strange and when I stuck it out I could see it was forked. I slowly realized I must have been transformed by the contents of the vial into a demon or something… a succubus maybe.

    After calming down and accepting my new look… thinking it was only temporary I still felt deceived… I didn't look scary in the least and that had been the only thing I asked for too. Pink horns and hooves, my own blond wavy hair and for some reason I always seemed to settle into slightly provocative stances however I put myself. I had thought a succubus would look a bit intimidating… not like a bimbo.

    Well I thought to myself, at least I have a costume now… thought a bit more than expected. I went about putting on make up but it was apparent that not much was needed as my nails was already pink, pink eyeshadow, pink lips… I just needed to put on mascara and not much more. At least I got to put on jewelery, big silver hoop earrings, a silver necklace and a few silver rings.

    Realizing that I had better get going soon I almost stepped outside butt naked only just stopping myself at the door with frown and actually finding the prospect of wearing clothes like a tedious and unnecessary exercise. I realized that the transformation was probably messing with my head and had to concentrate when picking a dress and putting it on… that didn't stop me from squeezing myself into a really tight pink latex dress that wasn't really meant to be worn outside the bedroom but most of my other clothing now seemed far too conservative.

    I eyed myself in the mirror, I looked… shockingly pink and like a slut… well it halloween. I almost changed into another dress but it wouldn't work with my new tail so I went with the pink one. The dress was tight over my chest, pushing my breasts together but low cut enough to show off an ample cleavage, the back was only covered enough to hold the dress together and almost failing to cover my butt… as if that mattered when it looks like its painted on.

    I had a sad realization when I looked at my shoes… couldn't wear any of them tonight. Glancing at the clock I saw that I was running a little late so I picked up a handbag and hurried out without a second thought about my scantily clad body.

    It wasn't hard to hail a cab and get a ride to the party… what was hard on the other hand was the lust and desire burning inside me making me do slight subtle things in a far more provocative way than usual. The driver was ogling me openly during the whole drive which made me feel a little uneasy though excited at the same time.

    At the end of the trip I paid and thanked him for the ride, he told me outright that it was for free if I gave him a bj and I noticed the prominent hard on straining against his pants. With cheeks flushing beet red I gave him the money and hurried of to the party, feeling his eyes linger on my butt for quite a while before he drove off.

    I was almost too late but the cute guards by the gate stopped closing the gate when I sauntered over, I stopped briefly to thank them and for some reason my hand moved to rest on the chest of the guard holding the gate. “Thank you” I said in a far more breathy voice than intended and he answered “My pleasure mam”. I glanced down briefly and noticed that this guy had a growing tent in his pants as well… am I giving of really strong pheromones or something? Giggling a little “I can see that… impressive… but I better get going or I'll be late” and I gave him an amused wink before hurrying off, my hooves clicking on the stones and my hips rolling provocatively as I walked away. One of the guards let out a loud wolf whistle and I spanked my soft butt teasingly… wait… damn… I have to start controlling those reactions.

    I managed to get to the party before our host started to call everyone to enter the void, I hesitate a little before following the crowd through the dark portal, bodies pushing against each other as the thick darkness envelops us.

    I hear gasps of horror and looks around seeing a girl covered in green flames who seem to be licking all over her body. Then with a flash the flames spread around a great hall and I loose sight of the girl… must have been a trick. Now tables heavy with food and snacks appear in front of us, our host welcoming… and warning us, then ghostly servants appears and I try to see what trick is behind this but I'm unable to.

    As one of the ghostly servants slide by I take glass of champagne from him and sips a little on it. Our hosts claps his hands and I welcome the change of music, a smile creeping across my lips as I feel myself wanting to move to the beat and I head over to the dance floor.


    Standing on top of a hill, over looking the forest, two figures stand in darkness, only the moonlight and rain daring to touch them, thunder answering to the fire running threw her veins.  Tired and lil dizzy from her flash traveling to get to this point, she leans on her boss, who helped her travel so far and they both look down at the invitation she received.
    “hmmmm it seems we are late and the doors are locked.” 
    Her boss chuckles, “Like that would stop me or you my young apprentise.” 
    Rolling her eyes heavenware, last time I introduce him to good movies. Turning his head, hood hiding his face, but his eyes glows wickedly, “Come lets see how your climbling skills have improve.”
    “Seriously?  The things I do to see this woman.  She better be there.  Can't belive she slept that long.”
    We both run the rest of the way, out speed nothing but a blink of the eye and we are there standing infront of the great door.
    “I am actually a lil nervous.  Its been such long time since I have seen my friends and seen HER.” 
    Quick hard smack to back of my head, pushing the hood farther over my face,”Really I taught you better than that. Now start climbing.”
    I hear the music playing, laughter and I realize how close I am to her.  Want to finally hold her in my arms, dance her across the room, feel her arms wrap round me as she trust me to lead.  Finally feel her breath caress my lips as I brush mines across hers.  I scramble quickly up the sides, bit clumsy, blushing as my bosses eyes glow red.  Shrugging, “Sorry” blushing as I lean over the skylight to look down into the ballroom.  Pushing my locks out of my face, so I can get a better look.  “Damn Bear out did hiself this year.”  No matter how crowded the place my eyes seems to seek her out automatically. “There she is.”
    Holding his hand out to me, “Are you ready?”
    “Don't make me appear in front of her.  She knows how I like watching her.  That her every move is a tease to me.”  Pointing to a table and chair in a dark corner, “There, drop me there.”  Reach out placing my hand in his, quick nausea jerk, feeling of the world melting round me and I am sitting in the corner.  Wicked smile on my face as the shadows hide me and hooded cape hides my costume.

    Janine Dee

    There are the body's needs, and the body's wants.

    Early on I knew to conquer my body's needs. I assured that I would never fear injury or sickness, neither desert heat nor arctic cold, nor hunger, or of course age, I knew by conquering those needs I could give myself eternity.

    Yet I never sought to conquer the body's wants. As now I swirl the honey mead in it's fluted crystal glass merely inhaling it's scent… and even that has me wanting to moan.

    For why should one gain eternity if they are not able to enjoy it?

    It's always so much more intense upon awakening, my body literally as full of life as it can be, my senses so sharp, that even simply drinking the honey mead, first taking it on my tongue to savor it's taste before letting it roll down my throat dry near a century is a delight so keen as to almost be painful.

    Again I want to moan, but I control it in a long exhale. The night is young, and I have a whole new age to explore, and yet I feel a stab of anguish cut through me. The price of eternity, the loss of that what was known, what was loved.

    It is a price I thought I had learned to pay long ago, and yet her well loved face flashes before me, and I am thankful for concealing shadows in which to salve my anguish before I join the other revelers.


    I watch her dreamily sway, her delicate hand wrapped round her glass and close my eyes sighing to myself.  I consentrate, my power grows and send out a simple touch.  I see my hand skimming over her hand on holding the glass, following it over her wrist, down her arm and I shiver just thinking bout how her skin would really feel.  Smiling, I cup my hands to my mouth and whisper a few words, spreading them wide, the blue butterfly takes off, every person it passes by touching them, it leaves a sneaky feeling of pleasure til it finally lands on her shoulder.  I watch as she listens to what it says, (I hear a familiar laughter floating on the air and I turn for a sec and see Adera, her contagious smile brightening up the ballroom even more, I blow a special bubble her way and watch it pop on her cheek…a lil kiss…and her OH of surpise makes me smile). 
    Turning back to she who has hidden from me for so long, I snap my fingers and the song, our song begans to play..Te Amo and I wait to see “Dance for me love” the butterfly had whispered in her ear.


    I almost jump in surprise when I feel the little peck on my cheek, what was that? So many strange things have happened today and now I'm getting small kisses from nowhere.

    Shaking it off I head to the bar, better get a drink. I order a frozen strawberry daiquiri from the dark looming bartender… looks like its death himself who stands behind the bar tonight and I let out a nervous giggle under his looming gaze. The bartenders already intimidating looks seems to darken a bit more, the drink's not hard to make but takes some time so I plead to him “Pretty pleeeeease” and he begrudgingly gets to it “Yay! thanks” I say smiling at him.

    I turn around looking over the crowd while waiting for my drink, I move slightly to the beat wondering if I'm going to recognize any of my friends tonight… I have no idea what their costumes are.


    As I toast with Miku, my eyes lost in hers, the familiarity and comfortness of a previous engagement still lingering in my body, I savour the taste of the champagne. A good year, Dom Perignon. Though not the most exclusive wine, a very well chosen one, a pleasure to my taste buds, heightening the party feeling. As Miku crawls under my arm, feeling it slide around her shoulder as her slender hand lays on my hip, around my waist, we both start to look through the room. The crowd well dispersed, the dance floor filled, couches and nieches occupied. The party has taken off and is enjoyed, judging from the smiling faces around me. My eyes drift to the bar, finding a familiar figure that I can almost place. Digging deep in my mind, comparing looks, figure, colour of eyes, shape of the ears, I decide the succubus at the bar must be Adera. As I see her view drift to me, I catch her eyes with mine, being only able to make them wider, as a sign of recognition. The mask covers my whole face and though not intending to have it on the whole time, I am not ready to reveal my true identity yet.

    She waves at me, hesitantly, doubting wether she recognised me or not, when I hear a glass shattering near me. As I focus, I suddenly realise Miku has left my embrace and is slowly walking towards a man-high mirror, lined by black velvet drapes. Her hands dangling down, her arms along her side, stretched and her eyes fixated on her own reflection. She poses in front of the mirror, not able to take her eyes of herself.

    Slowly I walk up to her, approaching her from behind, I see her eyes slide over her own body, a glistening of desire starting to sparkle, her hands following her eyes, touching herself. She cups her breasts, caresses her stomach, lets them slide down her legs and pushes her fingers upwards along the insides of her thighs. I stop when my body is almost touching hers, the background of the image reflected turning dark with my tall figure, her body strangly glowing, a sharp profile, drawn into the mirror with a transluscent green.

    I slide my hand around her middle from behind, feeling her body jolt as she is pulled from her trance. As she turns in my arms, her hardening nipples brush against my chest, her cheeks are red and flustered, her chest is heaving. The sultry look in her eyes makes me shiver suddenly. It is as if she is undressing me at the spot, her mind and body driven by a new desire, something I have never seen in her before. I look deep into her eyes, place my fingers on her chin and cheek and tilt her head towards me. Almost automatically her lips pout and her eyes close, her tongue slides over her lips as she moistens them and I feel her push her body tight and seductively against me, preparing for a kiss..

    My knees get weak, the muscles in my legs and buttocks tighten as I feel her push her body against me. Taken in by her hyponotic gaze, my body reacts immediatly, my desire ignited suddenly. Without hesitation, I grab my cloak and swirl it around us, covering us from view and as I drop a little smoke grenade on the floor, I quickly pull her towards one of the nieches, the entrance cloaked with heavy drapes, candles lighting the room. Larger as expected, a quick survey of the room shows a large sofa, a small table at the wall holding the candles and a large mirror on the ceiling. When my eyes are strangely diverted back into the gaze of Miku, a warm feeling of affection and desire fills my body, letting all sounds and movements outside the room disappear, leaving my mind and body filled with just thoughts of her…


        My dazzling verdant orbs, peering through a curtain of my cyan bangs, curiously observe the different extravagantly-dressed guests as they mingle and dance with each other. Drawing the rim of my champagne glass up to my lips and tilting it up slightly, I take a small sip of the sparkling, golden drink. My other hand fidgets with the hem of my skirt while my attention continues to be distracted by the large Victorian mirror in the wall. It felt like I was gazing into a window at a very cute, young girl. Nothing like the reflection I'm used to seeing look back at me all my life. There was something different about the girl staring back at me, and it wasn't just the costume. Her eyes were so captivating.

        I once again found myself enticed by the mirror, beckoning me to come closer. My small hips sway gracefully from side to side with each carefully placed step. Standing directly infront of the mirror, I am lost in the mesmerizing gaze of my reflection. I couldn't look away… no, I didn't want to look away. I've seen green eyes before but not like this. The iris appeared to be in constant motion. Like a vertigo ring of emerald fire, swirling around my pupil. I was hypnotized by the beauty of those eyes.

        Extending my hand to the mirror, I gently glide my fingertips down the cheek of my reflection. My cheeks blush a bright red and body began to tingle. A familiar warmth growing inside that I felt before. The very same sensation I experienced a while wreathed in emerald flame. Slowly my lips part as I begin to pant, breathing heavily. A portion of the mirror begins to fog from my hot breath but our eyes remain locked. Is this a dream? I've never found myself drawn to my eyes this way before. The longer I stare into them, the harder it is to look away. What was this extraordinary pleasure consuming me? Like poison, it spread from my head, down my arms and over my perky breasts, my nipples hard, pushing against the thin fabric of my smoke gray schoolgirl blouse. The venom of extacy radiates down my stomach and to my waist.

        The instant I sense it reach the center of my thighs, I gasp. Feeling the sharp prick of pleasure in my clit, the glass of champagne I was holding slips through my fingers and falls to the floor, shattering into a million pieces. The startling noise causing me to jump in surprise, breaking my concentration. Slowly stepping away from the mirror, I turn to face V as I feel him wrap his cloak around us. The adrenaline from my arousal settles back to normal.

        A sudden burst of smoke consumes us before I feel V carefully pick me up and carry me stealthily over to a dimly lit niche. Word fragments sputter from my lips as I try to explain what just happened but as V's gentle embrace steadies my shaken nerves, I begin to think more clearly. For fear of sounding completely crazy, I don't mention what happened infront of the mirror. To be honest, I'm not so sure myself. Lifting my head to meet his gaze, I force a small smile, “I'm sorry. I just… think there was something in the champagne that made me light headed and act strange. I… hope I didn't embarrass you.”

    Janine Dee

    I feel the familiar touch to already electrified skin, and my heart knows, my body knows. The logical part of my mind rebels, but I have learned to never listen to it too closely.

    It's her, the one who alternately ordered and then begged me to my bath once she knew that my life was ready to draw to a close with out it. The one for who I was ready to see my final years if I could see them with her.

    Even with my ages or wisdom I do not know how she made it to me, that woman was always able to take me by surprise, but all I care is that she is here.

    Joy does not describe it, exhilaration fails, as do even love or passion. Words are insufficient, so I will speak to her through her suggested expression of dance, and wait for her to reveal herself to me.

    Closing my eyes I let the rhythm through me, to me, and the memories of waltzes, dances, the playing of harpsichords, the pounding of drums the most ancient of rites welcomes my return as I begin to move.


    While standing at the bar I see someone dressed as V looking around and his gaze locks with mine for a while, I wonder if I know him. I hesitantly wave at him but he suddenly turns and it doesn't take long before he “kidnaps” a petite girl in a flashy escape.

    The deathly bartender places my drink beside me without a word and turns to serve someone else, gloomy guy that one… but he's doing a good death there. I take my drink and sips on it, ooh and nice drinks at that.

    With my drink in hand I start to mingle with the crowd again. A ghostly servant passes by and I reach out and to my surprise I find out I can't touch him… though my hand feels a little cooler while passing through him. Turning away from him I come face to face with someone dressed as Sadako, the atmosphere becomes cold, dark and really really scary… lucky me the girl walks past me in a weird manner as I stand there holding my breath with my heart beating. That… was very convincing!

    I take a long sip of my drink before continuing my tour of the party. More than once I try to control my actions as I unconsciously give the other guests inviting looks and walk very provocatively but its not that easy when there's desire burning inside. I pirate captain even gives me a pinch on my butt and his comment makes me blush hotly.

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