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Halloween Party 2011… the lair of Ursa

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Home Forums Erotic Stories Halloween Party 2011… the lair of Ursa

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    “Miku, is everything ok?”

    *Standing in front her, my hands holding hers gently, my eyes pierce through the slots in my mask. As her pupils focus on me, suddenly I am washed over with a strange feeling of attraction, desire as her gaze penetrates my mind. The nerve ends embedded in my skin start tingling as I slowly slide lower into the depths of her eyes, a verdant sheen radiating from them.

    As I feel my will pressured, a still voice sounds in my head urging me to let go and dive in, release, surrender. The feminine sounds rings in my mind without forming real words, but every word is heared clearly and resonates in my head. A part of my mind seeks refuge high in the skies of my consciousness, detaching itself from my physical form. As I look down from high above, I see V moving in closer to Miku, his hands slowly sliding up her arms, around her shoulders and down to her back. As they reach her hips, his fingers stretched out over the smooth fabric of her short skirt and he pulls her gently into his cloak, her chest touching his body lightly.

    I watch in silence as I see myself tilt my head, lick my lips before pouting and moving in closer to Miku’s face. My mind races to comprehend what is happening, digging deep into all corners to find a sollution, an understanding. Losing control of mind and body that easily shocks me. Something happened to Miku as she entered the Keep, through the void. What devilish plan is unfolding to change this wonderful creature?

    I connect to myself with a thin thread of consciousness as my lips are almost bruhsing against Miku’s mouth. My eyes still gazing into hers. As a tiny thread is spun between my detached self and V, images of green eyes in a classic pale face strobe before my eyes. The face looks familiar, depicted thousands of times through ages and ages of time. I am so close to finding her identity but the unsettling attraction in Miku’s eyes prevents me from making the final link.

    My pulsating desire is pulling on the thread of consciousness that connects me to my body, trying hard to severe the connection. My lips now pressing against Miku’s, my body grinding into hers in slow, circular pushes, my hand sliding down her hip, down her thigh. I open my mouth, my tongue sliding out and licking her lips, probing them as I reach the corner of her mouth, my fingertips tracing along the inside of her thigh upwards, pushing her skirt up slightly. I close my eyes as our lips make full contact, a body reaction I never managed to control…

    As my lashes connect and intertwine, my eye lids shut and the connection with the hypnotising glaze in Miku’s eyes is cut, my floating self is yanked down hard, as I fuse with the physical V in a fast rush. I suddenly feel the desire building up in my body, return to dust in the blink of my eyes. I retreat my mouth, let go of her body and take a step back, blushing. I shrug my shoulders, blink my eyes and look at you, cheeks flushed with embarrassement.

    “Miku, something has happened. Your eyes… I am not sure what happened, but I was under the spell of something. Only just managed to keep control of myself. Are.. Are you ok?”


    I continue my tour and somehow it feels like I'm being followed, something dark looming in the corner of my eyesight and when I turn to catch a sight of it it vanishes. I come across the large mirror I had seen besides V earlier and I look at myself in it. For some reason everything around me seems to dull out, sounds becoming distant and everything but the mirror looks gray and boring.

    As I'm about to turn away from the mirror my reflections face suddenly breaks into an eerie smile and I feel a chill run down my back. My reflection then reaches for her left arm with her right and digs a nail deep into the skin, I flinch in disbelief as I can feel pain in my own arm. Her eyes opening wide in a mad way and she starts to drag the nail along her flesh splitting it and making it bleed. I look down at my own arm from sudden pain and notices to my horror that a small wound is opening in it and blood starts welling out.

    I turn around, trying to escape but I find myself on a quiet balcony high up on the keep… what the… turning again I run for the corridors intent on finding my way back to the party. As I run through the long dark corridors I hear wet feet running behind me but when I look over my shoulder I can see nothing.

    The footsteps seems to come closer and closer, cold chilling fingertips touching my back grabbing at me, I run as fast as I can with tears streaming down my face and calling out for help between my sobs.

    Suddenly I'm outside… in a garden of some sorts, a well in front of me and of course the Sadako from earlier slowly climbs up from it in a eerie way while I stand there held in place by invisible deathly hands that grabs a hold of me. I scream in terror as she closes in on me and then, with a jolt I am pulled into the well, down into the pitch black cold water, the hands pulling me down into the darkness… everything fading and…

    … I find myself standing by the bar, letting go of the straw after my first sip of the drink… what the hell? Somehow I feel I can almost hear a shriek of terror from the castle, I shudder, a chill running down my spine and the damn bartender chuckles soullessly behind me.


        Gazing into V's eyes with sincere regret over my bizarre behavior earlier, I attempt to contemplate a believable explanation that is both truthful and doesn't compromise my sanity,

        “It was an accident… I don't know what came over me. The glass… it just slipped from my fingers.  I think I was just… daydreaming or something. But I'm sure everything is fine now, V.”

        A reassuring smile builds over my lips, however my confidence of the situation slowly fades to confusion as V continues to stare back at me with a steadfast desire in his eyes after removing his mask. I narrow the gaze of my dazzling emerald orbs in attempt to analyze the mystery of his intentions as he wraps me in his cloak. 

        “…V, why… why are you looking at me like that?”

        Ignorant to the captivating power of my own eyes, I curiously watch the play of passionate emotions play over V's face while his strong hands slide over my shoulders and down my slender arms. I started to suspect V was not himself, although I don't try to pull away or resist in any way. His hands slip over my hips, fingers spread over the descending curve of my firm, little butt.

        V's strong dedication to his self control over temptation has always been a trait I've admired. It was strange to me how his defenses were crumbling so easily before my eyes. Still I trusted him completely. His soft lips mesh with mine in a deep, passionate kiss. My eyes begin to close slowly with V's.

        It was at that moment I felt his lips retreat from mine suddenly, leaving me in a provocative stance. My cheeks blush as brightly as his, hands flee to my back, clasping together while my eyes look down at the floor shyly, so embarrassed that I ramble nervously,

        “I'm sorry, I don't know what I was- it was the room I think- the curtain and the candles made me feel sort of- I was just lost in the moment I guess… oh, oh I'm ok, just umm…”

        I realize my incoherent babble wasn't making any sense so I stop talking. An awkward silence fills the air with a stale discomfort for the both of us. I trace the pattern of the floor tile with the tip of my shoe before my attention turns to the crowd of costumed guests out on the dance floor and by the bar. I squint, straining to make out the figure by the bar dressed as a Succubus. Her face seems familiar but her costume is so very elaborate, I am struggling to discover her identity.


    Watching her began to move has me sitting up straighter in my chair, I gulp my drink down as I break out in a sweat.  Damn she can move, I almost forgot how graceful she is, how beautiful her skin is as the light caresses her flesh.  The revelers move out of her way, making a opening for her as she moves in middle of the dance floor.  Not caring that she is dominating the dance for, not caring who is watching her, not caring how she is inticing the crowd, working them up.  She dips, she sways, and in one move she tosses her hat, its skidding across the floor to brush up against my shoe.  The scent of  her rising from her hat and somehow I find myself on the dance floor, my front to her back, arm round her waist, other over her chest, my cape wrapping us in our own little world.  I don't even remember flashing to her side, or what the new song was that started playing, but we started moving as one, all sound downed out by her sweet laughter.  I kiss her neck, tongue peaking out for a quick taste, and we dance.  Each movement a tease, a welcome, and I can't help but send out a mental “THANK YOU” to Bear for the invite. 
    Whispering in her ear, “Don't sleep so long next time.  I missed you so much”.

    Janine Dee

    My hands are on her's pulling her arms tighter around me, puling her body close to mine. Inhaling her scent, feeling her warmth, remembering it all I lean back even as I pull her forward. I guide her hands to rest between the bottom of my top and the top of my skirt, wanting to feel her touch on my skin even as I feel her breath on my ear.

    My skin already so alive after waking it only grows as my body remembers her touch, remembers the fire it leaves in it's wake. My chest heaves and my nipples strain. As she kisses my neck my head swims in a state almost akin to the precipice before release.

    As she speaks I feel a joyful tear slip from my eye and roll down my cheek. “I missed you too. Even as I slept my dreams were of you, of us.”


    Not with a little suspicion I take another sip of my drink but nothing happens this time… I think. Looking around I wonder where V and the girl might have gone off too, would like to see if I know any of them… oh well I might come across them later.

    I look up at the dais, I wonder what would happen if the two girls up there where released amongst the guest? I smile to myself… probably naughty things considering the the sexual aura they're emanating.

    Finishing the drink I saunter over to the dance floor, I see a couple in the middle of the floor wrapped together in a cloak and lost to the world… are they going to disappear in a smoke screen as well? Probably something like that and I can't hold back a small giggle.

    The party is in full swing right now, lots of people on the dance floor so I walk onto it and starts to move to the beat. The drink makes my foreign succubus nature step forth more unhindered and I can't seem to hold back the looks I give the people around me. A dashing man in a striking costume dances up to me and I invite him to dance with me with a smile, it doesn't take long before the dance starts to get a bit more heated. The dancers around us also heating up, getting quite nasty… maybe I'm affecting people around me? After a while I give him a naughty look, turn around and starts to grind my butt against him.


    You spin my head right round right round… oops… kinda drunk now.


    Music still playing, we bagan to move to our own beat.  Hand playing over her flesh, so soft, so smooth, just like I remembered.  Teeth bite down on her earlobe and my other hand cups her breast.  Tumb teasing a nipple threw her top.  Her head falls back, her hair loosening and cascading down my back, silky waterfall.  Hearing her sigh, my hand on her stomach travels lower, slipping under top of her skirt, lower still as I watch her chest rise and fall. 
    Some drunk bumps me on the dance floor, causing my hood to fall back, my cloak to flare open just enough to glimpse my boots.  My eye piece glinters in the light as I quickly move us into shadow(succubi, can never hold their drinks).  Quickly turn her in my arms, stilling pressing her into the shadows, my mouth on hers, our tongues teasing along each others til her back touches the wall.

    Janine Dee

    I do not know how she got here, how she found me, what path she must have walked, but I know she has not forgotten me either. Her hands moving with skill so practiced to be reflex, to know my flesh as well as one external to it can.

    When we finally kiss I would like to say I moaned, but whimper is the more accurate description.

    I pull her closer, I press myself into her, my left leg sliding up over her hip to press even more of my body to her.

    Even as our kiss breaks I find myself torn. My eyes wish to have their own adoring of her well remembered face, but still my skin hungers and my cheek brushes against hers for greater contact.

    Then my senses agree that what I want most of all is to taste her. The more intimate notion makes my head swim, but for now I keep to kissing her lips, licking along her neck and chin, and up to her ear.


    I shrug my shoulders and follow Miku´s look into the great hall, a moment of awkwardness quickly disappearing as remnants of the enchantment leave my body. The thumping bass of the fast techno beat, is making the floor tremor slightly. The vibrations seep through my boots and into my feet, unconsciously starting to tap. Slowly the tremorrs move upwards, through my calves, my knees and my thighs until they reach my hips, making the gently move. As I let the beat slowly take control of my body, I take Miku´s hand in mine and make a galant bow.

    “My dear lady, would you like to dance with me?”

    With a wide gesture of my arm, my fingers quickly releasing the buckle on my neck, I swirve my cloak onto a chair. I take Miku’s hand in mine and slowly weave through the crowd until we reach an open spot on the dancefloor. I bow again and as I move up, I bring her hand to my mouth and brush my lips over her wrist, looking deep into her eyes, feeling a slight tingle as my eyes are caught by the glimmer of green in hers.

    Slowly I pull her in closer to me, sliding one arm around her waist, bringing her hand up with the other. With a quick pull on her hips, holding her hand over her head, I swirl Miku around and catch her as she lets her body fall backwards, pushing her chest upwards and extending her long neck. The softness of her neck, her light skin shimmering against the lighting of the hall, veins pulsating just beneath her skin, A vampire’s pitfall.

    I find myself unable to resist her unintended invitation and softly I lean in, letting my lips slide along her neck, to just below her earlobe. Arrived there, I kiss her softly, before looking her into her eyes again. Clinging to my body, defenseless in my arms, she lets me put her back on her feet and grab both her hands in mine. I start moving, looking at Miku as I let the music fill my ears, my body and my mind. Soon nothing else exists except the supple movements of my body and Miku’s beautiful figure in front of me. Her uniform twirling around her body, her buttocks exposed as the skirt slides up, her teal hair swinging around her face. Her fluent moves, her elegant and arousing dancing turn me on, my heartbeat starting to accelerate, matching the beat of the music.

    We dance around eachother and as she turns her back to me in a half-finished pirouette, I slide my arms around her waist from behind, pulling her into me. My lips brushing against her cheek and neck, teasingly close to leaving more kisses on her soft skin, We turn and sway, twist and grind, connected and in sync with eachothers body. Teasingly I bump into her, feeling her slender body pushed against mine, her buttocks firm and round, genty rubbing against my groin. But before our dancing becomes too intimate, I am suddenly tapped on my shoulder.

    “May I cut in?”


    well hello there Bobbler, glad to see you're still with us. Though more in spirit as in writing lately.. nice to see you back!


    Oh, hi bobbler. :-*


    I shiver, feeling a evil chill run down my spine(bobbler ), but her warm hands on my back makes the feeling fade.  Pulling away, I pull from my pounch her gift, wrapped in orange with a black bow.  She smiles, opens it and frowns looking at the skeleton key.  “What does it go to?”
    Leaning down I press my lips to her plump cleavage, kiss first then the other, “Guess?”  Hands on her hips, pull her closer, my tongue delving playfully.

    Janine Dee

    My fingers tangle in her hair, my tongue first exploring her mouth, then when we part for breath running along her neck and jaw, up to her ears. Resting my forehead to her I'm panting with desire, my face flush, my pupils dilated.

    “Darling, let's find someplace private… or we will start right here and now…” I grin. “Being Bear's party it might not matter much.”

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