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HB Arts Lair – CLOSED!

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  • #64157

    scrap…..i wrote bear and not beer! edited!


    Sooooo…..time is running and with it new idea come in my mind….

    Yesterday afternoon, i had start to think at a project i can try to realize and it can have a multiple use, so i sketched up it a little and at last the “Land of the ancient winged” is born.


    Basically is a group of floating lands where an advanced old civilization had create they realm and study the floating land to build flying ship (you can see some in the sketch). Now….i think about realizing a small model of it (did you remember the fountain!? well, this will be more complex!) and use it for my stories, the interactive one or/and the Lady Dragon, a place who can use with Libidinis as background.

    Oh, i forget….the thing on the right is a waterfall!

    And to refresh all about Libidinis, the maps i made lot of time ago!


    I forget……if someone of you is interessed, i would like to have your idea about this land: background of the race, they interaction with the others nation (or realm)….any idea is welcome!


    HB, your talent amazes me… Beautiful work and great imagination! 


    Thank you Marilyn, but have to admit this is not a real “new” thing cause floating lands are used in many different things i had seen in movies or anime/cartoon.

    and, if someone remember it, i had use them in another story i post……”Project Genesis: chronicle of the new world”,1960.0.html

    i wonder if i can find the time to continue it and the interactive one…….seriously thinking of just continuing with collaboration for the story contest, as i do this time! Maybe it can give me the chance to have more time for old project like this two! mah, let's see!


    I have add some detail to the floating land and a second waterfall. More detail, later!


    Its looking great my Love MMMWAAHHHH can't wait to see it when its all finished

    your Number 1 fan  :-* 


    As promise, even if later then how i want it, some explanation about the land….

    The biggest piece, around 820ft 233⁄64in of diameter within the walls, is the main one, where the population live. Here, on the right, there is a lake and park to relax and the lake's water form  waterfall who fall to the down piece, a farm land, connected by the main one from a woode bridge.
    Under the city, there is the dock for flying ship: it's linked to it by an elevator (the block on the front side of the city) who grant no one can easily move from the dock to the city without any controll. It's used as passage to reach the farm land too, of course!
    On the rear of the city, there is the temple, the spiitual center of the city, but also a place with excellent healer.
    The two small lands are guarding tower, who float around the main land. At last, there will be four of them all around.

    And at last the ship……

    The one on the left is built from humans who live outside the floating land to reach it. It float thanks to a balloon and under the desk, there is the engine to product warm hair to fill the balloon.
    The others two, are from the floating land: the small one is used for moving to a block from another for small amount of people or forniture, the biggest one is part of the land army defence, or use for long travel (meeting with other nation kings or for reaching markets). They can fly thanks to smalls fragment of the floating land

    Here we are…….a short explanation of the this amazing place! planning to add four of this place in an ipotetic fantasy's world


    How about this two air ship my Pet


    Infact, i had found this one before doing the sketch

    and it's good, but not perfect. this one suit my idea more


    This is my air ship the good ship Tango

    and there will be lots of Frigging in the Rigging


    needs more kitty cat


    At this point…..MIAAAAOOOOO!


    i Love the idea HB, keep up the good work. Maybe one day your airship will fly.

    Only airship i have seen a lot some years ago are these ones, maybe you remember them ?


    Should I continue with the story of Talon in Libidous HB? That is a story thread long dead…

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