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SnowBunny78. Hey Y’all

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Home Forums Introduce yourself SnowBunny78. Hey Y’all

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  • #6390

    Now that I am here lets get the party started… *giggles*

    Hey y’all my name is Jamie…
    I am a 34 yr old plain country gurl from the south.
    I have been a part of Achat for awhile, about 7 months now.
    I enjoy talking to ppl and getting know ppl. Hell sometimes I think I have written on my banner NEWBIES come to me I WILL help…hahaha.
    I don’t mind having fun and getting my hands dirty. I am pretty straight foward… ppl seem to come to me for advice… haha. But its all good.
    I was told to join the forums so here I am…
    guess going to take it to the next level. SO let the party begin haha


    Hey Jamie, welcome.. the party already has started
    Take on your furry costume and join the AChat Bar & Grill,1760.msg52172.html#new

    Look around, there are some funny games starting soon (Blind Date, bingo and some more), add your thoughts & wishes to our polls and if you like to get birthday greetings send me a pm with your day and month.

    Thanks for joining our growing village – here you will find more crazy places beside our bar as we're having a zoo now…lol

    Most of all have fun


    A massive Welcome to Forum. I'm glad you finally found your way here. There's lots to check out, games, puzzles, stories as well as the fashion houses and galleries.

    If you have any views & ideas , please post in the topic of interest. We always like to hear from fresh blood, hehe

    Need any help, just ask, I'm sure you will meet lots of volunteers.

    In the mean time, Please check out the erotic story contest & vote for your favourite. Deadline is the end of May.

    Forum  Home Page / Organisations & Events / Contests /  “ FIRST TIME”  THE STORIES, EROTIC CONTEST 4.,2376.0.html

    and if you are game for a laugh, sign up for blind date.  Dead line for joining  is tomorrow.

    Forum Home Page / Organizations & Events / Events  /  New Game Blind Date,2408.0.html

    Enjoy and have fun


    mmmmmm, new face new face! 

    Everyne is welcome here and you are too Jamie! no more to add to what my friends up here add said….just enjoy your tour of our city!


    Welcome from the hottie of the village!

    Check out the Facialized World Coup and join the competition,2487.0.html


    Welcome Jamie it's nice to see you on forum….take a look around and enjoy it and you'll see there is a lot of nice people here


    Welcome Jamie  Have fun here in the mad world that is the achat village look around and join in the fun and game here


    Thank you for all the warm welcomes…. I am sure i will fit right in… just starting to get my feet wet in the forums 


    Welcome aboard and hope to read more of your opinions and creativity here in the community!


    Welcome to the village Jamie, and we do love helpfull people to join us

    Have fun and stick around!


    Welcome to the forum village Jamie, good to see you made that step, now come and join the party


    Howdy Jamie…

    Welcome to this locality
    Have a heaping helping of our hospitality.
    There's a bunch of nice folks here
    Post away, 'cause there's nothing to fear.

    Welcome… take your shoes off and set a spell.


    Welcome Jamie.
    Have watched you in the game with great interest.
    Seems like never a dull moment.
    The forum is great fun to read and post some too.
    Hope you will be here having fun too.


    Thanks again everyone    LoL well I never try to have a dull moment…*giggles*  We only get one shot at this thing called life should enjoy it and live it the fullest  :-*


    Hey y’all did miss me??

    You know after my dad died I had to take a break from everything for a while. It was hard for me to deal with, and its now been 4 months.
    I am sad that he is gone, but I know he would still want me to be happy. I have thought about y’all while I was gone.
    I hope all of you are doing well, guess I will need to head on over to the bar eventually and see what is new!!
    Hope to see most of y’all there.


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