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How to… do things…

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Home Forums Everything about sex and love How to… do things…

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  • #7949

    Hi All the Forum People out there……….

    I was thinking the other day ( Yes it did hurt a little ), but in any case……… is not a How to page?

    So let me put it out there………

    This is the New and Advance How to Page 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Anything you need to ask will be here, either in relationship, feelings, hate even How to chat up Women/men….

    I always wanted to Know how to…….kiss a girl?

    Is to much tongue going to be enough, or to little……
    Must the first kiss be with tongue or not…..
    Where do I put my hands while we kiss……
    Do I lean in…….
    Do we Joke about it afterwards if it wasn’t good…………

    Now we need answers and i think with everyone opinion we could be our own little Dr Phill ;D

    What do you guys think 🙂 🙂 🙂


    ► 1-I always wanted to Know how to…….kiss a girl?

    ► 2-Is to much tongue going to be enough, or to little……
    ► 3-Must the first kiss be with tongue or not…..
    ► 4-Where do I put my hands while we kiss……
    ► 5-Do I lean in…….
    ► 6-Do we Joke about it afterwards if it wasn't good…………

    giggels but understands the ?? well well let me put my thoughts in

    °1 You are not alone with that Question

    °2 Hun there is no HANDBOOK (if you all woudl be greatest lovers ((or NOT cuz MEN never READ HANDBOOKS ))
      take the time- explore-first a tip -open up the lips and feel if you wellcome-than she will answer–( how you eat a NEW FOOD ? NOT a big bite you try out little bite first

    °3 The very first kiss is like a Butterfly on a Flower landing – exploring if you are wellcome there- gently soft and closed Lipps NO one wants to feel a slapy wet Tounge drilling into the privacy when just first meet   ( I dont )

    °4 Hands–hold her nicely close but not to close ( we talking about first time kiss ) so you feel if she likes it or she will withdraw let her choose
      Hands can be arround the waist-one Waistline other holding head very gently

    °5 You will lean in as soon you feel she accept you- that shows her you want more

    °6 NO jokes – when a kiss wasnt good you smile say thanks for the kiss and pick another Theme. Dont make it worst

    SO that was my 2 Cents




    Thanks Cougar

    Now we know how you would like to be kiss the first time xxx

    Hugs and Kisses (without tongue) 😛


    A tongue is no facecloth 😉 and who says it has to start lips on lips?



    mmmmmmmmm Luckily know one will ever know about that Kisses Lover 😛


    Next one:

    How to get a girls attention without making a fool of yourself…


    deff NOT with a COLD INVITE

    hm try to be nice –  and still beware some kind of manners

    Unless she postet clear she dont wanted to be treadet with respect


    Just be yourself and act naturally – unless you are a fool, than act like somebody else

    In my opinion, many guys are more afraid to be a fool or are afraid to get a “no” than necessary. Why do we think about for hours what (bad) could happen? Think positive, just say something nice or funny to get attention. There is nothing to lose.


    Here is another How to………..

    How to……:

    Play Achat ???

    Do you decide before hand what your intentions are on the game……
    Do you want more out of the game that you really can handle…..
    Are you emotionally ready for what is about to happen to you…..
    Do you take other peoples feelings inconsideration……..

    P.S: Before you answer the question just think of what and who we lost in the game because they didn't expect what's the game really about…..


    Here is another How to………..

    How to……:

    Play Achat ???

    Do you decide before hand what your intentions are on the game……
    Do you want more out of the game that you really can handle…..
    Are you emotionally ready for what is about to happen to you…..
    Do you take other peoples feelings inconsideration……..

    P.S: Before you answer the question just think of what and who we lost in the game because they didn't expect what's the game really about…..

    hm its a interesting theme. I try to give my 2cents in from my point of view

    NO -I havent decidet anything I was just plain nosy how the game works Virtually
    MORE out of the game?Nothing is planed anything can happend-we deal with Humans on the other end.
    Emotions-Honestly NO one will ever be ready for that what can happend in internet-you can handle some things , but it depends what,
    you will be caught off guard when a asult or feeling in the direction of love will hit you. If Humans can controll there feelings…..well some cant
    Yes ME indevidual take feelings of another person very serious. Thats why I dont lie when it comes to clother talkes .
    What is the GAME realy about ???
    that what every one is making out of it for him self. ! DONT blame the GAME or other Ppl who JUST PLAY.
    It is a 3D fantasy world, If you join in here its for one reason ……you like to play with avatar SEX ! See how it works
    Than if you come across someone who got the right words and get you in a weak Moment,you might develop feelings.
    You should make sure if the other Person wonts them.

    Stay realistic– we all got our own personal reason to be ONLINE chatting so stay a bit in real world and dont start living in here
    Show respect– dont come to public place and just HIT colds and if some say NO dont be a arse
    Dont goship – what happend in a room stays in the room
    Ask if your play if your partner seak for REAL if you want to go further– than the options are open If your Partner say NO NO REAL I got obligation leave it alone  stay virtuell
    Accept a NO  A NO is a NO one cold imvite and a NO shoudl be good DONT be a pest and keep inviting
    Be honest to yourself and others ( the one you care about ) Being honest in internet…..its easy treat PPL who youself like get treated.! But let them know if it is ONLY a GAME or you try to find friends behind the Avatar.

    its just a GAME
    to stay anonym
    to leave any time
    to have weird sex( you maybe never will have in real due to some reason )


    have i left some out ?

    that was my side of view to how to play achat
    Love you all  ( with some exceptional case   )

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