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clyde64112. Howdy from Kansas City

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Home Forums Introduce yourself clyde64112. Howdy from Kansas City

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    Ken from Kansas City.  I am a bi-male.  I have many interests like fishing and golfing.  I enjoy my time here in Achat meeting new people.  I do enjoy the games and the topics in the forum.


    Hi ya  clyde64112.

    Massive big welcome to our Forum Village.  This is actually the friendlier  side of Achat

    Thanks for joining the Indy500 sweep stake.  Tell your friends – there's still some slots to fill.   

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > INDY 500 SWEEPSTAKES 2014,3171.0.html

    Here's some topics worth reading to bring yourself up to speed with Forum   

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Posting rules  > New Members. Info and Tips on Forum.,2788.0.html

    We also have a fantasy  RP bar which is good fun.  Here's a bit about it.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Introduce yourself > Old_Joe,2810.0.html

    Please read  and hopefully join in our Erotic Story Contest.   It shows support for  our little contest and if you are not a writer, perhaps read and vote for your favourite story when the time comes along.

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News  > Erotic Story Contest 7 – Journey. OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS TILL MON 30 JUNE 2014.,3121.0.html
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests  > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html

    We also have a village square, where you can meet new friends too.  😮

    Forum Homepage > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Please have a look around our Forum village and post any ideas or views you may have. 

    But most of all, have fun and enjoy your time here.


    Been getting more fellow Americans here lately. All I can say is U.S.A!

    Hope you enjoy your time here!


    lol, Hukk……trust me, we got many people fro US here….aaaanyway!

    Welcome to the forum village, Ken! glad you like the AChat experience and hope you want to help us to make it better!


    Welcome to the forum. Enjoy the free cookies and silliness.



    Howdy    clyde

    nice to have you with  us  and welcome to the  Forum  great  you
    are having a great  time  here    nice  having you  here  and it
    nice to have some  one that  enjoys  fishing to  give us some tips 


    Welcome Ken!

    Hope you have plenty of fun here, as you already areenjoying the forum. Post and share your ideas and I hope you find your barbie soon  (im sure you really never heard this bad joke before )

    Have fun

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