The forums › Contests › Idea: Bingo, lottery and more
- This topic has 64 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 9 months ago by stray.
January 30, 2013 at 2:37 pm #6180
We mods thought about some new ideas we want to implement during this year. Amongst other things we are planning bingo and perhaps a lottery. The bingo-idea is almost finished. But we can't do it as we wanted. We thought about a little fee, but the chance to win a much higher prize. Unfortunately it's not possible to make it.
We ask for your ideas and help. Which kind of fee is possible? Which could be the prize for the winner?
Also, if you have more ideas for games/events, feel free to add them here.
January 30, 2013 at 3:44 pm #79627Hiya's…
Interesting ideas you Mod's are cooking up. Some games here in the forum would be fun to do. I'll give this some thought and post any ideas that come to mind.
Satoire and I used to do a game with Covems. We called it B.U.N.N.Y. (Babes United Naughty Nymphomania Yearnings lol) and the goal of it was: Covems would sends us a PM here in the forum, requesting that a photo be taken. It consisted of a specific pose, in a specific room, and sometimes (the harder ones) with a specific object in the picture… something like the rose in the vase or something.
So independent of each other, Satoire and I, we would have to get this picture of ourselves and then send it to him for confirmation. It was quite fun and lead to some really interesting room experiences. We also made some new friends along the way. Upon completion of the “mission” we'd send our photos to Covems and he would send us a reward. It was quite fun.
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeJanuary 31, 2013 at 11:16 am #79628Your game seems funny Pafe…..and for sure, Covems will be really happy to receive your pics! :
I'm thinking about something, but first i have to talk about it with Bee and Lover and, more important, think how it can be done!More suggestion are welcome, from everyone!
January 31, 2013 at 1:14 pm #79629hmmm sounds like an ingame scavenger hunt of items and poses shots.
February 3, 2013 at 10:31 am #79630Yeppers… that's pretty much what it was. They would get something like this:
B.U.N.N.Y. HeadquartersB.U.N.N.Y. Mission: Find “Dastardly Devil”
Your mission, should you choose to accept, it is to get an over head picture in the….
“Dastardly Devil's” Room: “City Apartment”
Object: Champagne
Position: “Woman Controls”
“Dastardly Devil” has the “bat” tattoo on his back.
Both you and “Dastardly Devil” must be in the thros of an orgasm.
Remember ladies… no fair using friends or lovers or discussing the nature of the mission with whomever you take into the room. Your proof photo must consist of all the above elements. Over head in the Apartment with a view of the Champagne bottle with you and “Dastardly” in a passionate orgasm. Good Luck!
The AChat Mission Force will disavow any knowledge of this mission should you be apprehended.
This message will self destruct in six months.
Covems out.
The ladies would then send me a message containing the screenshot and a description of their mission. For example: How many attempts, how many contacts, etc…
Once I had receipt of the “photo”, I would send a small gift 50 – 100 A$ as their reward.Edit: I just remembered I still have a photo… it's not “Dastardly Devil”, but this is an example of what they would send.
February 3, 2013 at 10:37 am #79631LOL, cruel… so “Dastardly Devil” didn't know he is caught by Mata Hari
February 3, 2013 at 10:46 am #79632don't know why, but that bunny ears are so familiar to me…..
February 3, 2013 at 1:55 pm #79633I like this idea of a Topic ( Well done Lover ) to discuss and hammer out the rules of new games here and how they would work in the Forum Village and what is expected of the participants & the prizes etc….
Just a thought, perhaps once agreed and its viable , then the rules should be agreed, the name of the game decided and afforded its own topic and placed as a sticky in the appropriate section – very similar to the Erotic Story 4 Contest . See below :-
Forum Home Page / Organisations & Events / Contests / EROTIC STORY 4 CONTEST “ First Time” THE RULES,2196.0.html
One of the successes here, I feel is
Forum Home Page / Organisations & Events / Events / Secret Santa,2149.0.htmland
Forum Home Page / Organisations & Events / Events / Secret Valentine,2189.105.html
These ” Secret…. ” games should now have its own rule topic for easy reference and a topic rule slot for potential players to be directed to it without having to wade through all the discussions and conclusions.
I like the idea of Covems ” Mission Impossible.. Task ” … However, it will require adapting for F, M & S to take part, clear instructions on how to obtain the required image as proof, and the ” M” ( James Bond Boss LOL ) or adjudicator of the game to be identified .
If these & the rules can be hammered out, then a request to the Achat Gods can be presented to award A$ credits to the winner.
Same for the Bingo and Lottery games.
Seeing as we are discussing Covems game more – Shall we do his first, and then the Bingo and then the Lottery ideas and games. ? Then other ideas suggested.
So I suggest we discuss and decide the following for each game :-
1 Name of the Game
2 Adjudicator / Referee & what is expected of him or her
3 Rules of the game for participants .
4 What is expected of the participants if they agree to partake. eg Posting their experience / proof of completion.
5 The prize(s) for the winner(s).
6 The forfeit(s) for the loser(s ) if any.
7 The forfeits, should they sign up to play and their participation in the game be imperative, they then, renege on their promise ( Eg standing a date up / not making a date if required to do so ) . If their participation is not imperative to the game, then it matters not if they partake and a forfeit need not be required.
Let the discussions begin …February 3, 2013 at 2:16 pm #79634Actually Miss Brandy, I thought of it more like “Covems' Angels”. Two undercover(s) NSPD officers out to nab evidence. And I'm not sure how it could be expanded to include everyone. So perhaps we should look into the other types of games. Bingo and the Lottery ones.
Holy Crap! I just noticed… as of this post, Lover and Hentaiboy have the exact same number of posts: 3876!February 3, 2013 at 2:18 pm #79635LOL.. I got HB Not possible
February 3, 2013 at 2:23 pm #79636Ups, I now have more
Covems' Angels… love the name and it fits to these wonderful ladies… I also see a problem in doing this. It will be well known soon and will be harder and harder to get victims…lol. It could be possible if we change it a bit:
– We make a riddle. Not saying there has to be a bottle of champaign, but describing it. People have to solve the riddle to lace the right object. Same with room. Instead of saying “the yacht” we say “the room has to be on water”No, silly I know… but just a little clue to the expected room.
Not sure if possbile and interesting, but I like the idea and think it's worth to think about.
I will make an own topic for the rules of all “Secret…” games. Hope to amke it today, if not I'll do when I'm back.
February 3, 2013 at 2:37 pm #79637LOL. That is spooky !! Well spotted Covems.
You can still have your Covems Angels of course ( Love that name btw ).
Are you saying you do not wish for your idea to be expanded and possibly amended into a game for Forum? It would be separate from your own game. This would be a discussion to see if it could be made viable and how.. of course if you wish to withdraw this idea.. that will be respected.
February 3, 2013 at 4:31 pm #79638Hiya's…
We haven't play that in months, but I can see what Covems is saying. The thing that made it so much fun was that it was secret. The other person “Dastardly Devil” had no idea what was transpiring. Only Satoire and I knew… and of course, Covems. And we, Sat and I were on the honor system for not disclosing what we were actually seeking. In other words, we weren't supposed to ask what room the guy had, or object, or even poses. Oh… and it wasn't always being with a male there were shemales and femlales involved, too. Once we had to do a three some.
That was my favorite one.
To expand it into the Village would “blow” the cover, so to speak, and keeping the details secret would be difficult. I was just putting it out here as an example of what we did, and how to have a “game”. Covems' idea of “mission photos” actually turned AChat into a “game” for us.
There was one “mission” I went in about 12 rooms until I managed to get the right person in the right room with the correct object. It was a lot of fun.
When Azrielle and I discussed the idea of an investigation, which the NSPD and the “Kissing Bandit” grew out of, my idea was to ask the dev-team to create a specific object that could be placed in the rooms. (They would probably be too busy for that) Then using clues from here in the Forum Village, solve the mystery. Something like “Clue” i.e. “Covems with the briefcase in the Cabin”. lol
We would then have to figure out, by means of questioning and exploring, what it was, who had it and where it was located.
I just had a thought… I'm wondering if one of those boxed, dinner mystery games would work here. I have a couple of those around the house somewhere. I'll research it and see if they're adaptable for us.
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeFebruary 3, 2013 at 7:00 pm #79639In fact the bingo idea is advanced. How to make is cleared – though of course, if we get better ideas then my current one, we'll take them. I just didn't post the details, as I wanted to give you all “free minds”.
What's really missing is the fee and the prizes. We had an idea and asked the A-Team, but we understand it's too close to gambling.
As we probably won't get the chance to “pay” (gifting system) male members, every idea including winning money is not possible.February 3, 2013 at 10:15 pm #79640Actually Miss Brandy, I thought of it more like “Covems' Angels”. Two undercover(s) NSPD officers out to nab evidence. And I'm not sure how it could be expanded to include everyone. So perhaps we should look into the other types of games. Bingo and the Lottery ones.
Holy Crap! I just noticed… as of this post, Lover and Hentaiboy have the exact same number of posts: 3876!Now, Lover have more then me! i had lost the first position, but i can handle it……Lover is one who had done so much for the forum!
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The forums › Contests › Idea: Bingo, lottery and more