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Increase Membership In AChat

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    well maybe they'll listen if i post a thread about how much i hate hookers every day


    I thank all of you in responding to this topic.  There are a lot of comments that I hadn't thought of. Maybe it should be that all free users could only invite each other. Prems could invite anyone. That would greatly cut down on the cold invites.  I realize that there will always be assholes on here, but I feel that the good users greatly out weigh the bad ones, they just stand out more.

    You are right about 1 thing there are too many charging on here to even talk to them. If they want to be hookers, there should be a orientation for Hookers as already suggested.  And if you get tired of the cold invites, there is always the ignore button.

    Janine Dee

    I LIKE the frees only being able to invite other frees.


    mmm, this one is a little extreme solution, but i can understand the reason there are behind it. as i said before, i see cold invite by premium too, so be free or not isn't the reason they send them.

    Janine Dee

    Agreed Hentai, this is more to thin the amounts of Cold Invites.


    Well I happen to be on last night and in a “cold ” spell…was looking at some of the male banners and found a couple of  males with pages of lovers and friends. So free male users having successful free can be found. There are a few others I know of who have been here for quite a while. So honestly, if you are going to do play with the freebies, please too take note at some point they are not supporting the site, and are more of a burden to the others.

    Support those who are willing to financially support this site, not the long term moochers.


    For me if the people have a wonderful conversation and I feel like hey I would have fun with this person in the room I would. If it is just showing the new people around, well that depends on my mood. Sometimes i don't mind helping out but there are also times that people who pop up saying i'm new can you show me around i tend to get annoyed. whenever i do any type of game, i always try to figure things out for myself and if i can't, then i would go to ask somebody hey how is this done or how does this work. As for the getting $A i figure if someone wants to that should be up to them for it is their money to spend and should be spent the way they see fit. yes it is nice getting the gifts now and then but i would rather just have fun and the other has fun as well. For the gals though if they want to do it with another gal, the way the game is set up they have to do it with a prem or let me put it this way a prem with the poses. otherwise all they can do is just stand around which in my opinion is boring if you went in the room wanting to use poses. I'm not sure about the shems but if we are trying to promote more poses for FF why can't we have one free pose added so the females can actually do some action and the shems as well if they don't have that free pose to do any action. I know for me i'm open to most anything and have done a little bit with FF but if a non prem approaches me for being a girl i would have no desire to help cause i don't have the poses for that. anyway those are my ramblings lol


    Please forgive the question if everyone already knows this, but is it possible to “term limit” free users? The overall discussion appears to revolve around growing AChat by encouraging “free” users” to become “premium”. At the same time, several people point out the value of not subsidizing “moochers”, who consume resources without contributing.

    Therefore, is it possible to limit “free” membership to a reasonable timeframe, i.e. one month, then an automatic cancel if people don't convert to paying customers. In order to screen abuse of multiple sign-ups under different names, could the dev team track these by computer I.P. number and cancel chronic abusers?

    Since I am not a computer “geek” I don't know if these things can be implemented. However, I am looking for a compromise that provides marketing draw for “free” recruits, which at the same time preserves distribution of resources to players who invest in the game.


    Tracing IP can be done but dunno how if there is a real need in doing this from dev-team. plus, thinking about the internet provider, in italy all the users of one provider have the same IP, so this will mean blocked a big amount of aChat users. so, basically this is a no good option!


    Well neither am I a computer geek, but I thought there were cookied trackers which could be used to monitor accounts.


    Sounds better that it may turn out, i know of at least one Premium on here who I think has 3 Frees under other names. No names as there are other people I would love to start topics on.
    Is it possible to have a private chat to a mdoerator about things that disturb one, but may possibly be misconstruing?


    Sounds better that it may turn out, i know of at least one Premium on here who I think has 3 Frees under other names. No names as there are other people I would love to start topics on.
    Is it possible to have a private chat to a mdoerator about things that disturb one, but may possibly be misconstruing?

    Sounds like a good idea for providing forthright criticism without publicly “airing dirty laundry” or being labeled negative.


    I think its subjective whether we have an obligation or not to help the free users.

    Most free users that I have encountered either send one message and invite or cold invite. Both of which is annoying. However, those that genuinely ask for help as a first contact I am more inclined to give help.

    To be clear with what Apollo said it is true many women on here charge for $A … however I am one of the ones that don't .. fun is mutual its not an invitation to solicit for pay of some kind. When it comes to gifts on offer I tend to have a question of why they sent it to me.

    Janine Dee

    As far as limiting terms of Frees. I don't think it will happen, because when it comes to Free versus Premium the carrot seems preferred over the stick. I think you'll see more options for Premiums like cumming versus not since the idea seems to be that Frees still register as users, which will hopefully pull in more users, and not all Frees are moochers, so they probably hope those people will eventually sign up.


    imo there is no obligation to be with ppl you … just do not like.
    So if you cannot have a good chat, good time, common interest, new or premium does not matter, i prefer to avoid.
    Obviously, as already posted, i refuse to pay for fun, so those are also excluded. Is that not irrelevant to help a new comer and have to pay her on top ?
    But anyone nice, funny, chatty, interesting, i am more than happy to help and advise.

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