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    Janine Dee

    As I noted in my mutual masturbation post in Fantasies and Fetishes, there are those who already knew of my kink. Adera was one of them, the only still on, and she and I have had some truly wonderful playtimes together. Talking about them again we thought it might be fun to start a thread version of one, which not only allows me to indulge my fetish  , but allows me to give a tangible example of how this works.

    As a special note here, with any new partner rules would be discussed if only to make sure that they were understood. This will be RP, so they will not actually be mentioned once in character.

    In the most basic form, we don't touch each other, we touch ourselves, and share in the enjoyment of doing so. A feast of the eyes, and a savoring of our own flesh.

    ***Here we go.***

    Schools today take great pains to secure their computers to adult material, to varying degrees of success. Between the sheer pervasiveness of the subject matter, the need to allow the computers to actually access the internet, and the technical skills of student who have grown up in the Digital Age they were left with an ongoing, and up hill battle.

    The printed page however had been forgotten by both students and staff alike. Titles like Nancy Friday's “My Secret Garden” likely bought thinking it was some sort of fairy tale, filed on a shelf, and forgotten.

    A title that I was reading to greater, and greater distraction. Miss Friday's garden was metaphor for women's desires, real desires, shared with her, and put to print.

    Printed pages that I was turning with my lone left hand as my right kept trying to defy my mind's orders to NOT touch stiffening nipples.

    It certainly wasn't helping that the rest of my body was bombarding my mind with ever greater distractions.

    A warmth rising to my skin that was so hot I was SURE it could be seen, either in reddened skin, or sweat I felt trying to form on my forehead.

    A much richer moisture pooling between my thighs, soaking into my panties so much I feared what would be left behind once I stood up, matched by a throbbing between my legs matching the pounding of my heart that was overriding the fear of that wetness being left behind, the commands NOT to touch my nipples, and even the sense of where I was as all this was happening.

    Yet once I stopped fighting it my brain became all too helpful. If I just leaned forward like I was sleeping my hot breasts could meet the cool surface of the table, and if I laid my left hand on top of my right there was no WAY someone could see that the bottom hand had slipped inside  the top of my skirt (my brain even suggesting it would be less conspicuous if I did it that way rather then hike my skirt up).

    My brain was also treacherous, overriding what little remained of my good sense by suggesting that no one ever came back here, that the printed page was truly dead, and no one would ever see.

    It swore that everything would be just fine. It even said that it would be better if I did something for my state back here where no one comes rather then walking out where other students might find me and see what a state that damn book had put me in.

    Part of me was trying to call all of that lies, but it couldn't he heard over the pulse in my chest, and the corresponding throbbing between my thighs.

    Thighs that were now carefully opening to my slowly moving hand, and questing fingers.

    My skirt felt a little binding near my wrist, but it kept my motions gentle as I slipped my hand under the waist of my panties, and my fingers into my own, damp heat.

    At first I was afraid I would make a sound, but I couldn't breathe at all, my whole body locking up as my fingers found that core of my arousal, first digging in, sliding between grasping muscles before slipping out and up to circle my erect little clit.

    My clit's response being to make stars swim in front of my eyes as I reminded myself to breathe, and let my fingers get to work.


    My rule is, I’m hetero so although I enjoy the pleasures of masturbation, we need to stay hidden I think.. maybe leave the feast of the eyes out …  unless you look like Bear      … but… I thought it would be fun to join in,… I hope you don’t mind.  :-*

    I thought I was alone in the library studying as I had been engrossed in my own book. I had finished studying some 30 minutes ago and now was reading my favourite subject about cowboys on a ranch. They had just finished a drove and were on the return journey to the ranch and had stopped to camp at a river, to bathe, shave and drink a few whiskeys before bed.

    Not particularly erotic in itself,  I found my dirty little mind picturing the wranglers in tight jeans , cowboy hats  😮 , stripped to the waist, wet chests and shoulders, hardened nipples from the icy cold and refreshing water. I was savouring the image and enjoying my body slowly stirring with feminine interest.

    A tingling shiver began from my scalp to my toes and I looked round tentatively. It was then I noticed someone else in the library, partly obscured by the board partitions.

    She probably wouldn’t see me. I found my nipples and breasts reacting to the images in my imagination, now quite vivid.

    The sprinkling of hair on their chests, toned from the skills learnt in the saddle. 
    I shut my eyes almost sitting at the riverside with them.

    I inched closer to the desk to hide what I needed to do.  My hand inched down my waist band but it was too uncomfortable. I would have to inch my skirt up and soothe the ache that had begun to build, another way. 

    I no longer, needed to read, my own imagination was adding what I needed to the story.

    My fingers reached the moist gusset of my panties and traced the lips hidden under the material. I tied to control by breathing as I found my magic little nub was swollen and sensitive. My finger circled the outline. I flooded,  and the images in my mind took on a life of their own ….


    I don't mind Brandy and I'm sure Janine doesn't either. I suggest sending a PM to Janine if anyone want to join in so that things are a bit organized.

    So, here's my first contribution.


    I'm slowly walking down the aisles of books in the library in search for the teaching material I need for the next few classes. Good thing this school has a very extensive library, the librarian has assured me that the books I'm looking for are here… I just have to get used to the shelving system here.

    I'm a pretty new teacher at the school, I've only been teaching for these first two months this semester. I was lucky enough to strike a teaching position here and get this exciting chance to work abroad as a teacher.

    I find the right aisle and when I walk down it I see the backside of a student crouched over a book reading very intently, oh wait isn't that Janine whom I teach in a subject, she's a very bright girl.

    I approach her to give her some encouragement, she sits kind hunched over the book, I wonder why?

    “Hi there Janine, I happy to find a student back here reading books with such fervour, have you found something interesting?”

    She straightens with a jolt and looks around at me with flushed cheeks and hands below the table as I walk around the table she is sitting by to stand in front of her.

    “Well?” I lean forward, she sits there looking like a cornered rabbit, I smile gently at her and I take a look at the book she's reading.

    I immediately recognize it and my eyebrows rises in surprise “Oh… My Secret Garden is it” I had come across it once but haven't taken the time to read it yet, though knowing what kind of book it is it's suddenly apparent in what kind of state she's in.

    I give her a knowing smile “so… it's that good of a book?” I ask of her not able to stop my tongue from moistening my lips. At a sudden naughty impulse I ask “Care to read some for me?” I say as I half seat myself on an adjacent table waiting for her reaction. Gosh, I know I'm really pressuring her but “I might even give you some extra credit” if you read it really good it think with a naughty smile.

    Janine Dee

    “No way!” Is about all my mind can manage, and even then it's just inside my head.

    I graduate up to “No fucking way!” When my mind moves from trying to deny the situation all together, to trying to deny what that same stupid part that got me into this mess was trying to say.

    Caught! Caught frigging myself in the fucking library by the newest teacher Miss Adera!

    “A teacher that hasn't freaked out. That isn't angry, or embarrassed…” Was supplied by that traitor inside my head.

    “A teacher that seems VERY interested in what you were reading… enough that she probably knows what you are reading…”

    I lick now dry lips in an unconscious approximation of Miss Adera, looking down at the now closed book laying on the table in front of me.

    “I… I lost my place.” I manage to cough out through dry throat.

    Her reply was nonchalant. “Well just reach up and…Oh!” The smile on her face grew. “I see you fund the book VERY inspirational”

    I bit my lip, looking down at the table, and trying to find a way to discreetly extricate my hands, even as I berated myself for thinking there was any discretion left at this point.

    Miss Adera's voice became calming, though there was still a definite touch of amusement. “Janine… it's okay. I mean everybody does it.”

    My brain shot back to “No fucking way!” Sure enough though she was smiling at me in a way that seemed to be encouraging. It was helped by the fact that she was encouraging my to finger myself, here, in the library, in front of her. The simple truth of the matter was at this point if anyone would be in trouble it would be her.

    All that was supplied by that traitor in my brain, and my stupid body had to start helping her out by having a fresh wave of wetness coat the hand in my panties as my muscles gripped the fingers inside me anew.

    Looking up she smiled, and nodded, and it seemed that traitorous bitch inside me had taken over because she nodded, actually going so far as to slide the chair back, angle it to face Miss Adera, and pulling my hands from my pussy only long enough to hike my skirt up, and pull my panties to the side before my left hand moved up to unbutton my blouse so I could play with my tits through my bra while my right slid my fingers back inside me while my right thumb found my clit.

    My jaw fell open at the sensation, the feelings doubling as I looked up into Miss Adera's eyes, still amused, growing aroused, but also a bit shocked at my sudden boldness.

    And I felt all the more bold as I started to fuck myself with my fingers. Yes it was school, yes it was the library, but it was an unused part of the school at a time of day when most everyone had already gone home.

    But even more then that I was realizing that the traitor wasn't between my ears, but between my legs as my slender fingers made long, even motions in and out of my pussy while my thumb stimulated my clit, as I watched the growing blush grow on Miss Adera's cheeks.


    I stare at Janine both amused and pretty surprised, her boldness wasn't something I expected. I watch her bold and unchained display unable to tear my eyes away, not noticing how my breath deepens as my body reacts to it.

    I move a hand to brush some hair from my face and it brushes right past an excited nipple and I gasp “Oh!” I try to save myself by saying “Well, aren't you an honest girl Janine” with a teasing smile.

    Now I'm however VERY aware of my body, my excited nipples and I can barely keep myself from letting my hands caress myself.

    Feeling flushed and hot I slowly unbutton the first button of my blouse and then the second, slowly all the while watching Janine and I teasingly say “So you don't want to read for you teacher, you're not interested in those extra credits are you?”.

    She doesn't give me much of a response other than the playful smile I see creeping onto her lips… oh, she definitely noticed my reaction.

    I feel a growing heat inside my panties and I'm a bit surprised at the reaction there, I never get any surprise reactions from there… it clearly tells just how excited I actually am getting.

    I cross my legs, shift a little so to sit on it and tries to pull my already short and tight skirt down a little… I really don't want to scare her with such a surprising thing. However sitting on it when it's growing like this really doesn't help in any way, it only makes it uncomfortable and shifting the way I am obviously gives the impression of someone quite excited.

    I know I'm excited, I know I would like to do something about it but at the same time I'm thoroughly enjoying giving Janine an amused image… though judging by the way she looks at me she isn't fooled at all, rather she seem pretty encouraged by the reactions she's getting out of me.

    A thought pops into my head from somewhere “She's definitely trying to get me going as well, so shouldn't I? Wouldn't it be fun to see her reaction by showing her?” and a sly smile creeps across my lips.

    “Mmm… I think I have to make myself a bit more comfortable here as well, I hope you don't mind that dear” and I unbutton the remaining buttons on my blouse, slowly takes it off and feels one of my warm breasts through my bra as I watch Janine play with hers.

    I slowly uncross my legs and opens them slightly, pulls my skirt up a little and I caress a stockinged leg as I let a hand slowly move close to my crotch. I then let the other hand slide inside my bra to feel myself better while the first massages over my panties.

    I let out a gasp, then a low moan and I can feel my eyes fluttering from the pleasure I'm causing myself.

    I look at her licking my lips and ask “So is there a situation like this in the book?”.

    Janine Dee

    I have to clear my throat before I'm able to speak. “I-I think so, but it usually isn't just one doing it in front of another.”

    I manage to pull away from my pussy long enough to take off my blouse like Miss Adera, and then I take it a step further and take off my bra. The feeling of the cool, but warming air on my now bare breasts, and the knowledge that it's here in the library arousing me to the point it's making stars dance in my vision.

    Knowing I was well past the point of caring about anything other then the sensations running through my body I threw out the last bit of caution, stood up, and bent over, deliberately facing Miss Adera as I did so, and removed my panties and skirt.

    Realizing I was just in shoes and socks as I sat back down didn't even count as naughty thrill. It was unnamed, but undeniable as I sat down and spread my legs.

    I could see I shocked Miss Adera earlier, but I could also see she was turned on as well, and as my left hand returned to tug at now bared nipples and my right slid my fingers back in dripping pussy I met her eyes again.

    I spoke, but I muffled a groan that mixed in with the words. “We're pretty mcuh past the point of propriety Ma'am. YOu can do it too… if you want. I… at this point I need to.”

    At which point my motions became even more intense. Where I had been lightly tugging my nipples I was now pinching and pulling, not quite enough to cause pain, but coming closer then I ever had when playing with myself before.

    And my pussy… dripping was also not quite enough to describe what was happening. I was so wet I could feel a small pool of my arousal collecting in my palm where it sort of cupped my pussy as the first two fingers penetrated while my thumb rubbed my increasingly aching clit.

    It was all increasing, the sensations, and my body's responses. My chest heaved, and my skin was so hot, I could feel enough sweat had formed between my breasts to cause a trickle to run between them and down my belly.

    I looked down to watch it do so, and then back up to meet Miss Adera's eyes, and I felt a change, something special, something warm. Yes there had been(and was still) a naughty thrill to the where this was happening, but I felt a bond, a tie to my willing, but maybe originally unwitting playmate.

    I wasn't exposing myself to her like some flasher, but sharing something personal, and … again words seemed to come up short, but looking at Miss Adera I thought she got it as she continued to watch me pleasure myself in front of her eyes.

    My eyes wanted to drift shut as the pleasure increased, but I forced them open, locked them to hers as my back started to arch and my hips rocked to my questing fingers. Fingers that needed a little more.

    I pulled my left from my breasts, and spread my legs as wide as they could get in the chair while put my now freed left hand to vigorously rub my clit while my right took up a similar intensity moving in and out, even as my inner muscles gripped, trying to keep them in.

    I didn't know if I was utterly beyond words, but I was content with the pants, and sighs of my increasing passion as I kept my gaze locked with my teacher's.


    As I watch Janine so full of passion, lost in her pleasure I also take off my bra pulling at my nipples and sighing deeply “Mmm I better contribute in earnest as well then, I just hope I wont surprise you too much” I say giving her a wink.

    I stand up on the floor, turn my back to her and lowers my skirt to the floor along with my panties though making sure to hide my penis by pressing my legs together.

    Now only in my heels and stockings I seat myself on the table again, hiding my nether parts with a massaging hand while the others teases a nipple. With a playful smile on my lips I slowly reveal what I've been trying to hide by letting it slip out between my fingers.

    It hurts a little letting it get fully erect but I'm far too hot and occupied with Janines reaction to really notice. She does look a bit taken aback for a brief moment but not particularly surprised nor does it look like it matters much in her state which is a relief.

    I find myself grasping it and slowly stroking myself while my other hand still plays with my nipples all the while watching Janine with my breath getting heavier and heavier.

    Knowing I have a habit of trying to keep myself clean… back there and well wanting to pleasure myself there I sit down in a chair beside the table facing Janine in a sinuous and sensuous move… mostly because it makes me feel sexy. Then placing foot on another chair I lick two fingers on one hand and slowly insert them into my bum comfortable with it since I know I'm fairly clean there.

    I can't stifle the moans escaping me as I rub my penis and finger myself watching Janine pleasure herself though glazing eyes.

    “Mmm… what if someone where to walk past right now?” Glancing around in the vicinity and feeling the cool air a bit more for a while “I wonder what they'd think”. The thought of someone hiding behind a corner getting off watching us does only make it more exciting however and I let out a pleasured moan.

    Janine Dee

    “That's unexpected.” Was what first came through my mind. There wasn't much more then that, but a stray thought wondering WHY there wasn't much more then that. Maybe it was the state I was in, maybe it was the fact we were now fully “partners in crime” in this endeavor, or maybe just because while I had come to terms with the fact I didn't have any desire for cock I didn't have any antagonism towards it, and as long as we were each able to enjoy ourselves I then why would it bother me?

    So once that initial shock passed my smile grew and my hands kept with those quick, steady motions.

    Where I had simply started smiling I found myself cracking a grin. Yes I might be totally accepting of my playmate having a cock I enjoyed one distinct advantage by not having one, multiple orgasms.

    I wouldn't say I ever NEEDED more then one, but it was a potential I never wasted, and as my hands kept moving faster and faster, and my breath started to hitch, and my back arched as my hips rocked into my hands I knew I would be taking advantage again today.

    Meeting Miss Adera's eyes my grin grew, and her expression seemed to indicate her realization why.

    The first two fingers on my right were a well lubricated piston as they slid in an out of my pink folds while my first three of my left kept a hard, fast circle on my clit.

    I wanted to keep my eyes locked with my instructors, but my head feel back and my eyes closed as stars exploded behind them as I created, and broke, and came.

    My body shook helplessly in what it told me was the most intense climax I've had so far, and I wanted to scream my release, but I realized that would probably be going a bit TOO far so I chocked it down to a silent scream as my body shook and bucked in the fury of my release until I was left loose, limp and boneless in my chair.

    At least until I smiled at Miss Adera, licked my fingers clean, and started to work on another orgasm.


    He  rose up from underneath the water,  it cascaded down the length of his body.  Droplets clung to his faint and well shaped chest hair. His pecs and traps glistened in the evening sun. He brushed his hair back with his hands, showing the fine contours of his biceps and triceps.

    He was an Adonis, oblivious to my eyes devouring every inch of him.  He was wet male perfection and surely naked beneath the rippling water.

    He rose up further and my breath caught  as the water line teased, revealing his flat tummy and six pack, and that delightful  little love line running from his naval to… to…  my mouth was dry..  to  … the water kept his secret and I craned my neck … 

    My eyes were shut, my lips were slightly open as I breathed and ran my tongue along my teeth. My fingers played in my folds, slick and wet now from my stimulation and naughty thoughts.

    I was breathing hard. My sex was on fire, gushing in my excited state. My fingers, parted and teased those inner lips. I stroked and circled and moved up and down my furrow. Finding and brushing my swollen clitoris, then extending my need by moving lower.

    I heard excited breathing  and am aware I am not alone, but I couldn’t care less, lost in my own little Adonis world.

    His sexy lips were meant for kissing,  his shoulders were meant for my exploring hands,  his golden outdoor tan  were meant for my eyes and  his manly rough hands made for a woman’s needs.
    I wanted to lick the droplets, taste him, enjoy him…

    He dived again into the water..  his body outstretched as he descended and his delightfully toned buttocks just broke the surface.  That glimpse of his cheeks teased my senses.

    I moved my other hand to circle my clitoris whilst I plunged my other fingers into my tight and wet cavity. My sodden panties were far too restricting and I impatiently moved them down to my knees, before touching again , almost immediately,  in my frenzied state.

    I writhed in the chair,  working my body to fuck and grind on those magic hands… I groan as my mind plays those erotic pictures in my mind.

    I wanted to join him,  I wanted him to be real, I wanted him to choose me,  I wanted his focused attention…. 


    In the library the night man moves quietly through the back shelves. His shift doesn’t start for hours yet but he comes here to sit and meditate. Life for him has been hard at times, what with losing his wife and all. He comes to his sanctuary, far in a back corner where he has placed a seldom used chair and sits down. Leaning back he stretches his legs out and takes a deep breath to relax. Soon his eyes close and he drifts off into a peaceful sleep.

    Refreshed after his nap, the watchman sits and thinks, Thinks of all the things in his life that could have gone differently.  Presently he hears faint voices. He often does sitting here. The acoustics are perfect here. It is a student and a teacher. They are enjoying the pleasure of each other’s company. Not an unusual occurrence here at the college. But this is different. They are not having sex. No I believe they are pleasuring themselves.

    Soon the smell of sex makes its way to his nostrils. This awakens thoughts of his late wife. The way they smelled after making love. The smell he tried to carry with him after. To remind him of the great joy they had together. But no more. No more.

    Does he dare move, is his thought. Dare move and risk being discovered. No he does not. He sits there and takes what little life will give him and is content. He sits, his mind reliving some of the times when he made such sweet love to his wife. There is a stirring in his loins that he knows well. Age has not taken that from him yet.

    Suddenly he remembers a mirror placed high in a corner to allow him to check the aisles without walking every one. He cannot see it now so they cannot see him. Thank god for that. The last thing he needs is a complaint about him being here now.


    I feel my cheeks flush and my body temperature rise in its heightened sexual state. My breathing is excited little pants and my eyes are shut.  My mind  vividly plays out my exciting little fantasy enhanced in the moment, by the naughtiness of touching myself in forbidden territory.

    A public student library would indeed be embarrassing if caught. I think I hear movement in the aisles of books and listen , on alert.  Nothing more so I continue.  I hear the breathing of the couple further away and feint chat but no danger there..

    My fingers touch the outline of my wet vagina, spreading the outer lips to dip and tease. I spread my sexy produce, stimulating my lips and work to my swollen clitoris, peaking out from its protective hood.
    I spread my legs a little more, stretching my wet panties resting at my knees. The cooler air whispers against my heated moistness and I groan more.

    It feels good and my excitement builds.
    My other hand moves up to squeeze my breasts over my outer clothing….. 

    The cowboy senses someone maybe watching and looks over to a large boulder. Somehow he knows I am there, knows the primitive calling of a female in heat and his interest is peaked.
    He swims towards the shoreline in front of my hiding place. My heart beat rockets and I try and silence the give a way pants of my breathing.  I crouch and turn my back against the hard rocky surface, trying to flatten myself. 

    “ Oh God, had he seen me, admiring his physique?  Would he sense I was drawn to his stunning nudity? “

    I turn and peak at him again. He had reached the shoreline and was rising from the water like a magnificent God.  The water cascades down his wet body. He is stunningly handsome. I am spellbound as he rises higher revealing  all. Mmmm.

    I gasp at him in wonder.  The water clings to his hair as he brushes it back, droplets bead on his toned body. The smattering of chest hair is darkened by the water on his tanned skin.  I notice there is a whiter part where the sun hasn’t  weathered him, so sexy and hot !

    My heart thuds as he moves closer. He stands naked , proud,  wonderful, on the dusty floor and listens. He cocks his head… I hold my breath willing him to move on and not discover my carnal interest in his bathing…

    I flood more and my hand starts a rhythmic rub. I am excited now and there is no going back. My body is frenzied with excitement with the need of my  virtual wet cowboy catching me…..

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