The forums › Introduce yourself › Rukya. My Topic. More infos needed for Rukya.
- This topic has 217 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 3 months ago by Anonymous.
August 19, 2012 at 5:20 pm #59714
hmmm hope we will stay at 2 updates / week , or it will not be one pose upgrade a year we will have but one new pose a year lol
August 19, 2012 at 11:11 pm #59715Am i dreaming or there is a new pose for MF ?
if i trust what i saw in the achat tattler its the case , and iif its the case , it show how dev team make very small case of LGBT orientations .
August 19, 2012 at 11:44 pm #59716OK i werified on the shop and i must say , DEV TEAM MUST BE AGAINST LGBT
oups i forgot to say bye to all of you here before be banned cause of my previous post
August 20, 2012 at 2:22 am #59718Disappointment is understandable Ruyka…
August 20, 2012 at 6:40 am #59719No one will ban you or erase any posts Rukya.
Though I admit the new pose is great for MF I understand you're upset and disappointed. You know we also don't know the reason and the causes, all we can do is going on talking, asking and suggest what is needed.August 20, 2012 at 1:16 pm #59720AnonymousI understand Rukya and I agree there are so many MF poses and so few of others and I am amazed they even still manage to make new ones for MF.
Its really disappointing and sad to be honest
August 20, 2012 at 3:00 pm #59721of course it is for other orientation…..and it start to be a little (well, more then little!) frustrating! hope things gonna change soon!
August 20, 2012 at 5:11 pm #59722Actually we don't have the power to change it. All we can do is ask, suggest and go on with “Pantless Friday”. I ask you to join us and also to ask your firends/lovers/spouse to join the protest.
Imagine, 50% of online members would change their banner….August 20, 2012 at 7:54 pm #59723I dont think dev team is worryed about peoples not wearing pants . They know that even if you dont wear them , you bough them . And its only the money we give to them who interest them .
August 20, 2012 at 11:17 pm #59724I know its hard.. but dont give up. Were gonna fight for each gender and will be successfull in the end.
August 22, 2012 at 1:32 pm #59725I know that there has been alot said about the lack of foresight on the part of the development team in AChat. They are AT LEAST …. seemingly consistent.
Their consistency has nothing to do with the equity of all in AChat (my shoutouts to the LGBT community here). Rather, most of the decisions are based, for the most part, on the return value that they see in new developments. From a marketing perspective, they are simply playing the numbers game (which shows them that the MF audience is a larger community by societal survey). Therefore, unless the total number of LGBT community members increases beyond that of the heteos (both m/f), they will always have little incentive to develop for the LGBT community.
Upon joining AChat, I was initially impressed by the “Pantless Friday”'s protest. However, upon reflection, this form of protest means nothing to the dev. team nor the AChat investors. If you truly want to see change on this system, STOP BUYING As …. period.
The LGBT (and any other supporting members) community need to hit them where it really counts … THEIR BOTTOMLINE.
Rather than forming a protest in the system (which the devs may/may not view/have no real decisive powers to change things) … you need to organize a protest that effectively demands action … form a protest to stop buying As for a period of time.
And, of course, the most effective form of the protest, is to get as many members to join in this action … 0 profit
100% response pushed by those who profit from AChat and want to see their early retirements resume.
August 22, 2012 at 1:58 pm #59726HoratioNelsn, your point of you is absolutely correct: if we want our protest work, Pantless Friday must become more stronger and your suggestion is one of the strongest we can choose. but…..the problem is how many peoples gonna join us forum usres (to be honest, maybe we are 5% of all the community of AChat) and how to involve them.
Time to collect some excellent idea, pals!
August 22, 2012 at 2:20 pm #59727Personnaly , its more than one month that i buy nothing . Even if there is no real impact here , i save many A$ this way . And i will not give them to the dev team as long as they dont consider us as equal to heteros
the last FFF , i dont need it , its s..t
the clothes , we have too many , dont need it
August 22, 2012 at 2:40 pm #59728I'm in complete agreement with you. Your argument and the argument that by not spending As on AChat, you could risk the opposite effect … that the company goes out of business….. (very standard argument which, I'm quite sure, the AChat team/owners offer at some point). However, the period of time in which they observe their profits slide, quarter-by-quarter, will offer them the time to consider real action on the matter. All I have seen to this point is little interaction from the 'devs' …. but, in my opinion, they are only interacting in the forums to 'appear' to care about the users of the system. Moreover, they use this opportunity to 'appear' that the development of poses is such a tremendous effort that it takes sooo much time to produce more poses et al …… far from the truth. If the system was designed well enough (which, I'm quite sure occurred judging by the graphics work), they already have what they need to quickly develop new poses with ease. The only thing slowing down their progress is the decisions based solely on ROI. Trust me, they're making money hand over fist …. it's all a matter of their bottomline …. the less money they have to spend on graphics artists (for new clothing and such) and the less 100k/year graphics programmers they have to pay monthly (which is probably not the case, most likely paid in contracts) … the more money they see flowing into their coffers.
Unfortunately (and for obvious reason), AChat is currently designed so that no one user can hold an open discussion amongst all users in the system (yes, yes, yes, sure, you could say it was 'by design considering the graphics et al'' … but as a former programmer … no, I know that's not the real reason). The only solution to this problem is the traditional route of conveying this protest to non-forum users …. by Word of Mouth. The more people you tell, and the more people they tell, the more people will volunteer to take action. Just as it is in real life, it is the 5% that drive change and spread the word to others (and yes, it does seem like the old days before the telephone existed to do this). But, if I'm not mistaken, haven't we seen many protest actions in this world (i.e. Egypt et al) formulated into action by each person talking to 5-6 people they knew who spread it to 5-6 other people (and all via one-to-one text messaging devices I might add).
Each of us is an investor in this system in some way (I know, myself, that I'm still collecting poses in different areas) and would like to see this system continue to grow in both number of members and feature sets. Although, it appears that only 5% of the users may participate in the forums, there are alot of people who chose to read what's going on with AChat and offer no feedback in the forum … BUT, other users are reading this forum ….
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The forums › Introduce yourself › Rukya. My Topic. More infos needed for Rukya.