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    Oh THIS needs a bump 


    Better look at Andrea's post though!




    This was inspired by Andrea …..

    My Army of ONE …..

    Unlike any other, any other I have seen
    they possess a power which hides unseen.
    Under the radar where they want to be
    this incredible power hides and is free.

    They guard their secret, they do it  so well
    hiding in plain site, with no clue, with no tell.
    Wielding there saber, with grace and laser accuracy
    capable of a caress, or with a thought, strike lethally.

    So humble, so quite this Army of One
    so lucky are we, that they are the one.
    For in the wrong hands, this power I fear
    would lay waste to our feelings, both real n near.

    This weapon I speak of, there is no safe place
    no borders, no doors can keep it from our space.
    Silent and quick it moves with the speed of fire
    this power can not be stopped, it infects our desire.

    But this wondrous being, my Army of One
    controls a gift more powerful than any gun.
    Faster than bullets, more explosive than bombs
    this power I speak of was mentioned in psalms.

    Not bound by race, religion, politics or time
    no security can detect it, few see it's crime.
    Whether seen or heard , it does not matter
    for we are all affected by it's guile n chatter.

    This power I speak of, it mirrors it's master
    dwelling deep in a mind, but surfacing faster.
    Only wisdom and resolve can harness such force
    anything less drifts towards a dark toxic course

    Only a special few who touch this power
    can transform it from a weapon into a flower
    turn it inside out and give it new perspective
    melt anger, judgment, hate into a calm collective

    Where is our Army? Our Army of One
    make right what is wrong, reverse what is done.
    Our world under siege by hate, greed and fear
    we need courage and hope, we need you near.

    What is this power, this force I speak of
    capable of opposing forces, hate and love
    Why it is one in the same, that is it's prowess
    it all depends on it's Master and it's harness.

    This wondrous gift, this power they protect
    is the magic over “words” and all their effects.
    With thought and passion they bring them to life
    capable of any bidding, of  touching any life.

    How do I know, who is an Army of One?
    ahh, that is the trick, it is not easily done.
    They are calm n quite, hiding in place
    wielding such power takes empathy n grace.

    How do I know, if I have what it takes
    to be this Army of One, to fix our mistakes?
    Ahh, that is quite easy, a special mirror you need
    look deep inside and truthfully tell what you bleed.

    – Me

    There is no greater weapon in our world than a spoken “WORD”.
    There is no other weapon less understood or more abused.
    Once spoken they can NEVER be taken back, their effects long gone.
    I pray we all learn to respect this weapon and the power it wields.

    Thank you for reading, *hugs* Kaitlyn


    Wonderful and well said Kaitlyn!!!









    “Be so full of love, it overflows from you like rain.
    You never know who is living in a desert and is in need of water.”
    – a.k.



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