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Idea – Interview of the week

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Home Forums Share your creative ideas Idea – Interview of the week

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    I'm sure we'll get enough people. There is no reason that someone will disagree – and if, it's ok.

    So my suggestion, let's start to collect questions. Always making sure, we use other questions then Norwich in his Tattler.


    what kind of interview will it be,, will it be about the game or other things. say we get a name of someone who just goes to the game, could we not just go and ask him/her if they like to be interview


    Lydia, the interview can be about everything, i presume.

    For sure, it's only for us in the forum, i don't think we can propose it to everyomne in the game……or am i wrong, guys!?


    i suppose its better to let peoples decide if they want be interviewed


    Rukya: yes i think that would be the right thing to do. I would like to know what kind of questions would be asked


    Of course everyone has to decide himself if he wants to be interviewed. No one has to answer if he/she doesn't want….
    Only people in forum will be interveiwed – I think so….


    here  are 2 questions for you; (1) If you dyer your hair, what color would  pick ?
    (2) If Heave exists what would you like to hear god say, when you arrive at the Pearly Gates ?


    1)  If  you were to be chosen to start a brand new world,  what 3 items would you take and why?.

    2) If you could change one thing to improve this real world, What would it be & why?

    3) What one thing annoys you in the real world & why? Maybe include a solution to resolve it too.

    4) If you could change one thing to improve Achat Dreamworld, What would it be & why ?

    5) What one thing annoys you in Achat Dreamworld & why ? Maybe include a solution to resolve it too.

    Trying to choose interesting questions that wont step on Norwich's toes in the Achat Tattler.


    here  are 2 questions for you; (1) If you dyer your hair, what color would  pick ?
    (2) If Heave exists what would you like to hear god say, when you arrive at the Pearly Gates ?

    what mean dyer ?


    here  are 2 questions for you; (1) If you dyer your hair, what color would  pick ?
    (2) If Heave exists what would you like to hear god say, when you arrive at the Pearly Gates ?

    what mean dyer ?

    sorry  should be dyed


    Love your ideas, guys!
    I'll be picking all the ideas and will be putting them together.
    I like the idea of having questions also not related with the game. 
    Hope to see more. I'll be posting my ideas aswell.


    Which three things would you take to a lonely island?

    Since when are you in AChat and how did you come to?


    if it left 2 peoples on earth , you and your opposite sexual orientation partner , will you have sex with him/her ?


    Here are a few more for you,

    (1) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal ?

    (2) Do you eat the stems of your Broccoli ?

    (3) Do you like to drive fast ?

    (4) Whats under your bed ?

    (5) Is the glass half full or half empty with you ?


    Here is a Question I have be asked a few times  on here.

    (1) Do you play this game for fun or to find a real man ?

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 81 total)
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