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    Northern Italy Earthquake

    I do hope Hentaiboy is fine after the earthquake in northern Italy… seems like it was quite a strong one.


    Thanks for your tough, Adera, but i’m fine….i don’t live near that area, but i had experienced something similar in 1997, when an earthquake hit my region, Umbria, and damaging the San Francesco abbey, killing 4 peoples who were doing an inspection after the first wave.

    I can’t forget this scene (look at 4 min on the video)…..they run to the exit and the roof collapsed over them….if they had run to the opposite side, they were safe…
    Terremoto Assisi 26 settembre 1997

    I’m a little worried for Medjai and i’ll hope he is fine……he live a little closed of me to that area….

    Anyway, this was a really tragic weekend in Italy….Saturday morning, a bomb explode in front of an high school, killing a young girl. another one is serious injured and 6 are wounded, but safe. It’s really a weekend to forget for us…..


    It's good to read you're fine HB. I also spoke with Medjai last night and was glad to find him in health too.
    Two good news on a bad day…


    His hometown is on the right of Milano…..mine isn't on the map, cause i leave in a region in the center of Italy.
    And thanks for the good news, Lover! Glad to hear he is safe too!


    That's good… though it's still too bad for the victims of the earthquake.


    A sad day for Italy. My heart goes out to the people that were killed and the ones they leave behind.

    I am glad to hear that Medjai and Hb are ok, I hope that goes for all the italian members of AChat


    It is…..7 victim……just a few, but even 1 is to much in this case.

    @Tight: i hope it too, Tight.


    My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of Italy.

    Glad to see Hentai and Medjai are ok. Big hug guys. Thank you for keeping us informed. Its like a family here and its good to know you are safe.

    Best & well wishes to all Italian Achat members and others visiting the Country at this sad time. I do hope you are OK and your country gets back on its feet soon.


    Brandy, thanks for your nice world…..and thanks to Tight and Adera too! thanks to all og you who had read this treadh, eve if you don't had add your feeling.

    And Brandy…..i agree whit you, i consider you all my good and precious friends. i had the chance to talk whit some of you (some more then other) and i'd like to have the chance to now all you better.


    I may … too, of course associate my sincere wishes of hope for wounded peoples to recover. For no peoples of the DreamWorld's Forum ( their friends, their knowes ) to be harmed during this terrible fate of nature, it is an hope and a good thing.

    I may … too, of course wish my condolences to the victims.

    But I only think that I may say stay so futile, toward pain felt in such situation to said it …

    I have no doubts Italy may get over the crisis.
    For Italian peoples I may know are not peoples who just fail at their courage.
    But it is such a tragedy … I feel myself futile and useless.
    As for every doom, it is horrible, no matter it was in europe or previously in other areas of the world.
    It is just horrible … so that none of my words may ease anything.


    Diamond Jubilee . Queen of England’s 60 year reign.


    I thought I would post my country’s celebrations of Our Queen’s 60 year reign over the UK and as Head of the Commonwealth Countries. You may see it on TV and wonder what it all may mean

    Well its a big event for us and if there is one thing the English like doing is showing the world our wonderful pageantry and it is worth seeing, even if you arnt into Monachies.

    Our Queen came to the throne on 6 Feb 1952 at the age of 25, following the death of her father, King George 6th. Her Coronation took place on 2 June 1953.
    She celebrated her Silver Jubilee ( 25 years ) in 1977 and her Golden Jubilee ( 50 years ) in 2002.

    She is not only Queen of England and the UK, but is recognised as Head of State of 15 Commonwealth Countries, known as Commonwealth Realms which include Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Jamaica. She is also Head of the Commonwealth itself, an association of 54 independent countries. Membership of this is purely voluntary and member governments can choose to leave at any time. Most are these countries were part of the British Empire.

    Queen Victoria is the longest reigning monarch, reigning over us for 63 years and 216 days.
    Our current Queen Elizabeth II is the second longest reigning monarch having reigned so far 60 years, 108 days and counting…

    Our Diamond Jubilee celebrations will centre around an extended weekend on 2, 3 , 4 and 5 June 2012. There will be events on TV and private parties all over the country. There will be a Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant on Sun 3 June, probably televised too, and thousands of beacons will be lit around the world to commemorate her 60 year reign.

    If any of you are in the UK during this time, or any member state celebrating, may I offer you a warm English welcome, a plate of hearty English food, a jug of finest Ale and a merry night of dancing and friviloity….

    God Save the Queen.


    Sounds like quite the event, I'm happy for your queen and England.

    These kinds how things are a huge thing in Sweden as well, there has been quite the commotion in the media and such when Crown Princess Victoria had her first child Princess Estelle in February this year.


    Congratulations on the birth of your Swedish princess, Estelle. A beautiful name.

    When Our Duke and Duchess produce an heir to the throne, we will celebrate that too.

    Adera , Please, tell me more about your Monachy, Id love to hear about them    and other countries too.

    PS.. Adera, Congratulations on Sweden winning the Eurovision Song Contest


    Congratulations with your Queen, Brandy and all other brits

    We have a monarchie as well, which originates from the 17th century. The 'common name' of the dutch family is 'of Orange', the reason why we wear orange for instance at football matches (soccer for usa).

    We are waitingg for our Queen to step soon, she's been on the thrown for almost 35 years now, and her sun is ready. he will be the first king since a century. Only daughters were born since 1900's. Recently there was an accident in the royal family, the second oldest prince (not the heir to the thrown) was caught in an avelanche and is since then in a coma. A sad time for the royal family.

    We hope to have a celebration soon, when the prince is fginally crowned King..


    Tight, Ty for posting about your monachy.  I'm sorry about your Prince .. my thoughts and prayers are with him.

    If something like that happened to our Prince Harry, we would be devastated too. He is the loveable rogue

    I have heard of Wiiliam of Orange … Is he of your Royal family?

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