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  • #25580

    Jeanona I love this suit,  your design looks velvet  & classy to me,  something that  I could wear instead of a ball gown for a night at the opera with my man in his Tux.

    But I think that the powers  have indeed changed it as Concerto has said …  The one in the shop now looks more like a leather texture and therefore the class has gone to the more fettish style. 

    I am disappointed, they have not left it in the wonderful style you created.   Is it just me or has your design been meddled with?

    Thanks Brandy ,
    I'm sorry that's not what you expect and you're right the texture doesn't look as it suppose to be … I will see with Tom why is that , now i'm thinking maybe it's my mistake  :
    I'm sending dev tem a few maps for high details but i can check effects only for height map . So I will see what we can do and I'll let you know.



    I have a good friend who has the same problem.


    Now i have to ask your forgives , cause i didn't expect this  :
    can't believe and i don't know why and how (how they didn't see this)… Be sure I'll check that with Tom ASAP and i'll let you know.


    I have tried removing all other clothing, relogging and still the same problem. However, I have now heard of another s for whom this problem does not occur.

    Oh and “hasty” is my middle name dear Jeanona, sorry

    ahhhh the problem is resolved by wearing any panties (the panties don't fill the gap, they cause the bodystocking to complete correctly). However, most of them are so large that they peek over the top.


    I have tried removing all other clothing, relogging and still the same problem. However, I have now heard of another s for whom this problem does not occur.

    Oh and “hasty” is my middle name dear Jeanona, sorry

    Okay Hasty will you then forgive me cause i didn't understand
    If some maps does not work completely for different sexes then should not be available if there is a possibility for such a  bug.
    I'm sorry Concerto , really indeed , so confusing ..


    oh sorry I added to my last post


    Hmmm i didnt see it yet , but on the pic in the shop , it looks like the pics in the forum

    About concerto's pic , to me its a bug or something like that . Clothes for females and shemales have always been the sames


    Ouch! so that outfit is made using a body stocking!? what a bad news!  :-[

    Btw……hope the “genitalia” problem can be solved soon cause it's really a shame!


    Dear Concerto, as  I promised
    here is the answer from the Tom:

    “Sorry, that is our fault, will be corrected.
    We have modified one thing, we have added a little bit more specular light in the texture , because we thought the whole cloth is a bit 'too black' without any details.”


    So I believe they will fix that in the next update 
    I'm glad this problem will be resolved soon. Thank you for your feedback Concerto  :-*


    And now here is the little bit “GOOD NEWS”, and I'm happy to share it with you.

    I asked Tom new UV maps, I'm glad that I can inform you that we will get some of the required maps
    and soon we will have following maps:

    1- Map for Female hat
    2 -Map for make up

    These two are for sure .

    For  others maps i asked (female hairstyles, map for male complete bodysuit , male gloves, female long dress, new male boots,female sandals)
    Tom promised they will see what they can do but it's needed further to explain him what we exactly want when it comes to these named maps.
    I've already started to elaborate it but I need your help, because I'm fighting for your wishes here and mine too 

    Soon I will introduce you to the UV maps we have available so that we knew exactly what we need from the new maps.
    Besides hope that will also help and get precise and  good information  about your idea of ​​what you would like to see/wear , given that the existing maps have certain limitations – Then we designers can better follow your wishes 


    Well, off the top of my head….

    Jewelry…i.e. earrings, rings, wrist and ankle bracelets and necklaces of the current uvws and additional uvws for things like nipple rings, facial piercings (perhaps you could do that with the makeup uvw), navel and vaginal jewelry. Oh and tattoos.

    Oh and as I alluded to earlier, an intersex model in tex would be nice.


    Okay then ,

    Concerto  gave first suggestions for the new UV maps, I'll update this list after you add your ideas and then we will gradually work to get maps for most .
    After, when we collect all I'll let you know about Tom's answers .


    – Earrings
    – Rings
    – Wrist and ankle bracelets
    – Necklaces
    – Nipple rings
    – Facial piercings
    – Navel and vaginal jewelry
    – Tattoos

    These are currently the UV maps that we have for men and the next will be for the girls/shemales.

    Note: All maps allow various cutting.

    UV map 1 , Top male – This map is mirrored ,can't  be no wider or longer or narrower. There is no possibility of working in the area around the neck. It's quite easy to work on but can be used only for ideas that are fully consistent with the specified

    UV map 2, Trousers male–  This map is mirrored ,can't  be no wider or longer or narrower but it can be shorter 

    UV map 3, Suit male–  The map is mirrored ,can't  be no wider or longer or narrower, nor buttoned.
    Can be shorter in length and the sleeves can also be shorter. It can be used only for ideas that are fully consistent with the specified.

    UV map 4, Singlet waistcost
    The map is mirrored ,can't  be no wider or longer or narrower, nor buttoned. Allows only to work on areas as shown on the model.
    Can be used only for ideas that are fully consistent with the specified.



    UV map 5 , Shirt male – The map is mirrored ,can't  be no wider or longer or narrower.
    It can be used only for ideas that are fully consistent with the specified.

    UV map 6 , Bodysuit  male – This is the only one map for male which is not mirrored.
    It allow much  more creativity and all that can be imagined in this area can be done.
    Too bad  no sleeves, it would be perfect for designing  with sleeves.
    It can be used for ideas that are fully consistent with the specified.

    UV map 7,Pants male – The map is mirrored ,can't be no wider or longer or narrower.Allows only to work on areas as shown on the model.

    color=beige]UV map 8,Socks male[/color] – The map is mirrored ,can't be no wider or longer or narrower.Allows only to work on areas as shown on the model.

    UV map 9 ,Tie male – The map is mirrored ,can't be no wider or longer.Allows only to work on areas as shown on the model.


    This is all we currently have when it comes to men clothes.


    Mmmm your page 13 is finally out

    Good girl!!

    p.s. and they have fixed the hole in my bodystocking, darling girl. thank you


    Yep……new release from Jeanona fashion shop! congratulation!  :-*

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