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Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose

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Home Forums Polls Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose

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    You know why Clerks is my one of my favorite movie. Its because they hit the nail on the head when it comes to customers. They ask stupid questions or do really stupid things that it makes you want to scream.

    I use to work at a retail store. This lady was looking for ties for her son. She would pick up a tie and then drop it onto the floor. Pick up another one and then drop it on the floor. I watched this annoying ass chic, just waiting for her to walk away from her mess. I was at the age where I just don’t if i get fired or not. Of course she tried to walk away from the mess she made. I taught her how to pick things up.



    Indeed sinnnn, rule no 1 in marketing, sales, support etc.: customers are always more stupid than you think.

    I used to have a job next to my graduate studies (hope that's the correct term) on a helpdesk for mobile phones. I once spoke to a customer who needed to enter a combination (probably for unlocking or transferring or something like that) that started with *11*. So I asked her – yes, it was a woman *sigh* – to press “star – eleven – star” etc. After that a long silence followed at the other end of the line, so I asked “Madam, are you still there?”. On which she replied “Yes dear, but I can't find the “eleven” on my phone”


    I think I will have perdestrian rage.  Then next person that almost hit me with their car because they are to busy talking on the cell and drives over the line with get totally cussed out.  Really they have it in the store now where you can have your phone on a stand and you can use your speaker phone. 


    Well if it is gripe time, then I can certainly vent. I live in what I call a “destination” location,  a place where folks from the city flock to for recreatio. Mind you most of them are nice people, but after a weekend like this the jerks that parade around like it's their privilege right to be drunk and obnoxious tires one. When I first moved here, I wasn't certain where to launch my boat, ended up asking a local for directions, which seemed fairly clear…”Head down the street and make aright at Woolworth's”

    Seemed fairly simple, though a Woolworth (an old drug store chain) being around seemed odd,…well I drove,…and drove, until it I knew I had well past any possibility of the directions accuracy. Ended up backtracking and eventually found the launch site after an hour.

    Five years later while driving thru town, one of the buildings was being renovated, the current facade had been removed , and low and hold there was the Woolworth sign beneath. , right at the corner to turn to the launch site. Ended up mentioning the fact to the fellow who had given me the directions, (we had since become friends) about it, he grinned and told me, that I had rubbed him wrong with the way I worded the question, and he gave me good directions, for a time period of 20 years in the past. Had to laugh at it.

    Was talking to a friend at the market on the 4th, a fellow drives up in a tricked out Hummed towing a beautiful ski boat, yells at me for directions to the launch. Not ask,… yells at me interrupting my conversation. then pressed the issue again,…before I knew, the words were slipping through my mouth

    “yeah, just follow the street down to Woolwroth's….”


    My new mobile phone has to be repaired. When I talke to the woman of the service, she asked for a mobil phone number. They want to send me messages. I said “You can't send me messages if you have my mobile phone and do not give me another one.” “But I need your number, maybe we have to call you back.” “You can't call me back if you have my mobile.” “Imust have a number, I can't go on with the standard procedure in this form.” “Ah, ok, 1234567” “Oh, this is a funny number.” I said “Yes, now as you say it, I also have to laugh.”


    Need someone opinion. 

    Would you still tip if the service you receive from your waiter/waitress was horrible?  

    Do you think a restaurant has the right to already add your tip to your bill without your say so?

    Janine Dee

    Thank you Sinnnn! I agree 100000% percent…. I HATE the idea that tips have become mandatory. I DO grade on a curve if say a restaurant is busy, BUT it REALLY pisses me off that someone can do a crappy job and EXPECT you to give them extra for it! When I get good service I tip quite generously, but I'm not going to tip you just for doing what you are already being paid for.


    In Germany it's not allowed to add a tip to the bill.

    I like to tip if I feel well. A friendly service always will get a generously tip. But an uninterested, unfirendly service doesn't get anything. If I am not satisfied with the food I get, I also tell this (though this doesn't mean I don't tip the waiter/waitress).
    Good luck, I almost get a good service and good food.


    But I will say this.  Never piss of anyone that is handling your food.  I don't care if you have to mediatate, find God all over again.  You find that inner peace somehow.  I use to work in the food industry and all the horror stories are true.  You piss someone off and your hamburger patty is going to be used as a hockey puck before it gets to you.


    I am talking about the standard question after you finished: “Was it good? Are you satisfied?” I know many people, saying “Oh yes!!!!!” then go out, saying “it was bad.” And it's always the sound that makes the music (a German saying which means even bad news can be told in a nice way ).


    ty for you tipping input.  I was having a major debate because I had picked up the tip from the table and I dropped a penny down.  The waitress ignored the hell out of us half the time. 

    I know what you mean about that Lover.  One of my friends does that,  its the one that likes to leave tips even when the service sucks. 

    But I was trying to say that sometimes you get bad service because some ppl tend to be bad customers.  When it comes to someone handling your food, you shouldn't be a bad customer. :


    OK, sinnnn, I take your advice; probably this is the reason I almost am friendly
    I also have to say there are more bad customers then bad waiter/waitress; and everyone is allowed to have a bad day.


    True bout the bad days.  I do try to contoll that, because my day sucked doesn't mean I have to follow the old saying by heart.” Misery loves company”.  One day this girl and her boyfriend came in my store, I had waited on them.  After they left my employee told me that I was coming off with an atitude with them.  I was surprised when she told me that, so I called up the young lady and said sorry.  The young lady blue me off and when I told my employee, she promised to keep her mouth shut next time.  Cause maybe the chic deserved my atitude.  LOL

    I have held alot of different jobs, so I treat every employee I meet with the utmost respect.  Hell I have ended up having personal conversations with my service providers.  But if I'm treating you with mad respect and you treat me like something on your shoe, bad day or not your going to find a penny on your table.

    Janine Dee

    That kind of gets to that curve I'll grade on. For me it's the persons attitude… you can be having a bad day as long as you are still trying.


    Well,  2 cents on the matter, if the service is needlessly and unexplainable  bad, I don't tip or scale it back.  Nor do I remain quiet if the food itself is bad, I am paying for a product and if it fails to meet expectation, should hear about it, especially if the establishment adds the tip into the bill. I am self employed and have had to justifiably bite the bullet on my fees when things went sideways or wrong, I expect no different from others.

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