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Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose

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Home Forums Polls Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose

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    Hey man i am not “babe” i am a men as you probably

    Is he many? Lol


    I noticed that but I was trying to be nice.  lol. 
    He has to be something to get chics in achat with that “let me insult with no just cause” attitude.


    hmm,..rooming with Don Rickles there,…


    Cell phone and driving.  Sorry for those who do this that are here in achat but sista has to vent.

    The next person that has to hit the breaks, because they didn't see the redlight, and is about to hit me because they are on their cellphone with get my version of road rage.  You just do not know how many times I have lucked out and the idiots are always the ones on their cellphone.  Really, I do believe they created something called a bluetooth earpiece and also something called SPEAKER PHONE.  USE IT.  Also for those who think you can do your nails, or eat, or even drive with your knees while doing whatever,  explain that to the parents or family member of the person you hit. 

    Janine Dee

    It's not just in cars either. I've had times where I'm about to cross the street and then some a-hole nearly hits me, and more times then not they are chatting away on a cellphone.

    Personally texting while driving is worse, you don't have to look while talking, but texting WILL take your eyes off the road.


    I don't drive at all.  I'm a walker, so I do know what you mean.  :-X :-[  I had to cuss out a guy because I wasn't walking fast enough for him and He was the one that had speeded up to make the light, an turn where I was walking.  He missed the light, didn't care for the finger I gave him and decided to get out of his car.  Of course he had a cellphone.  I find some men funny at times, I bet he thought I was going to back down because he was a guy and he got out of his car.  LOL


    Hmm I find it funny that Sweden is the only country in EU that doesn't have a law against talking on your phone while driving, but then snuff (moist powder tobbaco) which is illegal in the rest of EU and surströmming (EU is thinking about forbidding it) is allowed too.



    Snuff is allowed to use (in car) in most of EU countries. I'm sure there are so less people using it, they simply “forget” it, when talking about alcohol, nicotin, mobile phones and drugs

    Janine Dee

    @Sinnnn What get's me is the people who park in the damn cross walk… like those three feet are going to make that much of a difference in getting you where you need to go! I think the law should be modified to allow people to walk right over their damn hoods. Maybe a few dozen foot shaped dents would remind them to respect pedestrians.

    @Adera You have people talking on their cell phones, doing snuff (and whatever the heck that other words is too) while driving? Remind me to cross the streets quickly if I ever visit your lovely homeland.


    LOL, maybe to walk over “their damn hoods” is creating a new individual style, a modern design “Look at my car, it has this new footmade style, now it's much more valuable!”

    And to the mobiles, it's forbidden in Germany (you must have a handsfree) but I very often notice people talking with the mobile in their hands. On the other hand, don't know the numbers, but I don't think there are many accidents made by this.
    There are more accidents made by drunken drivers (which I hate) and from truck driver who are overtired.


    Janine snuff is just tobacco that you put between your upper lip and the teeths, making the teeths yellow and corroding the flesh around the exposed teeth in you mouth *shuddering* its so disgusting. And some people kiss each other like that *bleh*

    Surströmming is fermented Baltic herring smells awful, people eating it outside makes the whole neighbourhood suffer from the smell. At least in my case as I don't like it.

    But crossing the streets here is no problem the law says that cars have to stop for pedestrians.


    Cars have to stop? Really? But only on small streets, or?

    You're talking about chewing tobacco. I agree, that's really icky. Snuff (in Germany) is tobacco, which you use inside your nose; it's almost with menthol and made to “free” your nose from dust e.g. Many people who are working in coal mines are using it and in Bayerb it's also used; there are championchips in taking it (the biggest dose and so on)


    Okay, I just looked up the english translation and thats what I got.

    They only have to stop at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, if there are lights then those are used.

    Janine Dee

    Snuff as I know it is what Lover described, so I had the image of people snorting the stuff while driving.

    As far as cell phone use… I don't know about Europe, but it's getting bad enough here in the states that there are campaigns to get people to stop, but then again I'm cynical enough to figure our elected officials need SOME way to justify their paychecks so they come up with things to rally against so they don't look quite so incompetent.


    Cell phone use while driving is my biggest peeve. My small community of 500 has lost two residents to cell phone use,…separate incidents when both were ran down in a crosswalk while the driver was too preoccupied to notice changes in speed limits and the surrounding. In this state hands free is required, still doesn't stop people.

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