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Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose

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Home Forums Polls Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose

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    Numbers?  Screw them.  One child being killed by a stupid ass selfish prick is 1 too many in my book.  A lil girl was killed by such a careless driver texting. Texting.  WTF.  One death is enough for me to want laws to make sure no more follow.  They have tech out there so you don't have to hold your phone or text.  Ppl need to get rid of this attitiude that nothing can happen to them.  It can and It does.
    I lost a nephew because his father's stupid, it can't happen to me attitude.  I'm untouchable.  Its really sad for all when ppl have to learn lesson the hard way.  Sad for everone.

    Because Ppl are in such a hurry:
    Here we had this grandmother who struck another grandmother walking her grandchild.  She knew she struck them but kept on going, she dragged the childs stroller more than a block before she stopped.  She stopped to pull out the stroller from under her car, throw it to the side of the rode and drove home.  The kid was dragged and feel out the stroller, he did not make it.  The car driver(who had grandkids herself)  claim that she did not see them and she did not know she struck anybody.  The Bitch is rottening in jail now.

    I myself have almost gotten hit when I was preggers and the drivers cuss me out.  You have cars that need to make a turn, see that your about to cross the street and speed up so they can beat you.  Then pissed off when they have screech to a halt, almost hitting you.  Then they have the nerve to honk at you, constantly.  One day I might be on the News because I did a Walking Tall move and took a baseball bat to someones car.


    can you believe that woman *THREW ACID IN HER OWN FACE?!?!?!?*
    how fucking insane is that!?!?!?!


    ???????  :-X :-[
    why would she do a stupid ass thing like that?


    15 minutes of fame?  :

    Janine Dee

    Okay am I missing a news story because I have yet to hear about a woman throwing acid in her own face?

    As far as the driving issues… it's the same mentality that has people driving drunk, and it's essentially the same problem. If they were to kill themselves off I wouldn't bat an eye or shed a tear, but they never do. It's always someone else who suffers for their selfishness.

    Oh sure they'll shed a tear, and if that guy HAD hit you Sinnnn he probably would have looked all remorseful when he told the judge you jumped out in front of his car… I don't even say it's my cynicism when I say I could have them put down without twitching… it's just making the rest of society safer.


    really???  you people haven't heard the story about the acid?  well…initially she told the police that another woman did it.  now, come to find out, it was all a hoax and she did it to herself.  it's been on the internet and on the news the past week…

    Janine Dee

    Oh, nope… here I've been keeping up with the MidEast and the results of the primaries. 


    Ummm we do live in other states and countries sweety.  Not all new is universal.  Ever heard the story where the judge denied this woman a protection order for her husband.  This is what the judge told her, “I want to be 6'01'' but you can't have everything you want.”

    Few days later her ex- husband went to her job, poured kero on her and set her on fire.  She survived but she is scarred for life.  Now there are times that I think judges should be held accountable for some of the decisions they make. 

    If he did hit me, he better hope I can't get up.  Cause I would have laid there hoping he would get close to me so I could grab his ass…..

    Janine Dee

    I once read about a judge that suggested a rape victim get over it by going on holiday. The cold bastards don't let themselves get “influenced” by the pain of the victim because that's not recognized jurisprudence.

    It's supposed to be such a noble profession, but at this point it's a fucking joke.


    I have read about this woman here in the boulevard press (yellow press). Another evidence, that people are able to do even the strangest actions.

    @ sinnnn and Janine: Sometimes it's so hard to understand when the judgement is spoken “on behalf of the people”. I remember Iran, a young woman got acid in her face (this time it was real done and not a fake – since she is blind). The judgement: She was allowed to inject acid to the face of the asshole, too. And she did it.


    What I can't stand is that the Judges will ask the criminal how much of a education he has had.  WTF.  My grandfather didn't finish middle school and he went to the navy, held a steady job for 40yrs and raised 6 kids.  Everyone knows right from wrg and I mean everyone.  If you hide your crime, its because you know its a crime.  I can't stand that they try to give ppl an excuse for what horrible crap they deliver on others.  Only way I can see someone not understanding, is if they was raised on a faraway island by monkies or fish.  Everyone has a choose, if you rather steal to get quick money instead of flipping burgers, then you suffer what you brought on yourself.  These judges these days are there just for the pay check(well the judges here anyway). 

    Now as for your judge Lover, I understand where he is coming from but I wouldn't have done that.  That can start vigilante justice and you do have some ppl that are really innocent of the crime they are accused of. And you do have victims that really think that innocent person has done them a terrible wrg.  One man here was in jail for 10yrs for a rape he didn't commit.  He missed out on his kids growing up, and his kids really don't see him as a father.  Now the woman did not lie, in her trama she picked out the guy that looked close to the one that raped her.  She told the family and the man that she was truly sorry.  They forgave her because they understood where she was coming from.  If you take that Do unto others/eye for an eye, then alot of ppl are going to get hurt.  Then they'll say , well the judge let that woman do it, why can't I.


    I don't say it's correct – I just posted it as its close to the other ones.

    What I wanted say, the judgements in Germany are spoken on behalf of the people. But very often it's not true. Of course, we have to make sure, do we want revenge, do we want deterrence or do we hope, we can change their mind.

    I admit, for some crime I want revenge; for most of the crimes I hope to change a mind.


    Judges should be held accountable for their decision,..we rely on them to make impartial and astute decisions in such matters.

    Sad part, as Janine Dee has mentioned before,  society has degenerated into into a mindless mass which assumes no responsibility for owning to an action. Take the new murder case in Kentucky as an example, where the defense is hanging its hat on caffine overdose as a defense. Voluntary drug abuse should never be allowed as a defense.


    Didn't say you agreed Lover.  lol.  just said as for you Judge, I understood where he was coming from but I didn't agree with it.


    ummm…sweety…it was a national story…didn't happen in my back yard.  it happened in washington.

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